
Flames of the Phoenix by Pastelwolfi_xX

'Is she human or something else' Ava Johnson, a girl in her late teens is a silent girl, people know nothing but her name...... and that she has the tattoo of a red fire on her arm.... Warning: mention of depression, slight blood

Pastelwolfiie_xX · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Friends and tattoos

Ava's POV

Me and Keira became close friends she told me her secrets and that she had a crush on this boy called Liam, I actually felt comfortable speaking with her but my secrets are still what they are... secrets, no one was going to know about it... not even Keira. I had a job to do and I will do whatever it takes to finish it, no doubt on that.

P.E. Class

I walked into the girls locker room and changed into my P.E. clothes, then I walked onto the ground "5 rounds" the coach yelled and we took of, five rounds passed but the coach kept asking us to do more rounds, soon the only people running were me and some other boy "keep going!" The coach said "I can't" the boy said giving up as he collapsed on the floor "Wow, no one has ever bet Liam before, especially a girl" The coach said i then looked at... wait.... did he say LIAM!!! He is the one Keira keeps talking about her crush and all... I had to say though he was handsome he had dark black hair and gorgeous blue eyes... 'No, no, no he is your best friends crush... snap out of it' I kept telling myself, I looked at him closely, he reminded me of the girl I bumped into.... what was her name.... yea.. Olivia... wait OLIVIA!!! Oh god I am realizing all this now, I mentally face palmed myself, how stupid can I be. "No one ever beat my brother before... you must be good" I heard a familiar voice say, I turned around and saw Olivia "Wait.... your that girl I bumped into on my first day!!!" She said realizing "Yup.. that's me" I said "Ava" she said remembering my name, "Excuse me for interrupting but you know, we have a class going on" The coach said "oh, sorry" Olivia said, then we continued jogging.

At the dorms

After class I went inside my dorms only to hear sobs coming from Keira's room "Hey, Keira?" I asked, concerned about my friend "Leave me alone!!" I heard her yell, that was enough to let me know something was seriously wrong "Keira, open the door you never throw me out like that" I said in a serious tone "GO AWAY!!!!" she yelled, I sighed this was my only hope cover blown, I don't care she is my first friend and I will do anything for her. I pulled up my sleeves to reveal a tattoo of a red burning Phoenix, I stared intensely at it and the tattoo started to move the The Phoenix tattoo was literally burning the flames of fire on it's wings moving in sync, then real fire flames erupted from the tattoo swirling around my arm as it reached my wrist I clenched my fist 🤜🏻 and let the fire erupt from my fist, burning the door down.

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