
Flames of redemption

"You're such a bastard!" "I am a bastard," he agreed, leaning even closer to her, "but I'm your bastard, kitten." Someone who's not average, not ordinary, not trying to fit in, not....'normal', as defined by society. And deep inside, she felt the weight of eyes upon her, watching her every move. Questions lingered and haunted her mind: Who was the observer? And what motives laid behind those captivating gazes?

Izabel_Gamer · Fantasie
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106 Chs


"Well, well, well, who do we have here? The fiery princess with a sword and her mother? I must say, I didn't expect that. Now, I'll have to end you both." The sorcerer's voice was deep and menacing, sending chills down Regan's spine.Her mother looked terrified, but Regan tried to remain steady. She gripped her mom's hand tightly and her face turned into a scowl."Get out of our way, you bastard!" she snarled, "You piece of....What are you doing here?" Regan's anger was boiling hot inside her. She couldn't even breathe in sight of him. "You ruined our lives! You made us suffer! What else do you want?!""I want what I've always wanted. And you're both obstacles in my reign. I won't let you shatter what I've planned for so long, Regan. And I won't let you get away from me again," he stated, calmly. Octavia was shocked at first, as if proceeding who had crossed their way. But then, she suddenly spoke."You're him, aren't you?" she asked, her voice hoarse but hateful.Sirius chuckled, rolling his eyes, "Of course I'm him, my queen. Who else would I be?""You-you're the reason of all this! What the hell are you doing here? How dare you show your face after all these years?!" she exclaimed."For what do you accuse me?" Sirius asked, tilting his head. "For not imprisoning you? Or letting your daughter live?""We don't have time for your stupid riddles. Come on, mom. Let's go." Regan said as she took her mom's hand and started to move forward. She passed him but he didn't seem to stop her. For a moment, she wondered why."You have nowhere to go, Regan. I've closed all of the portals out of this forgotten place." He suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking their way.Regan's anger flared, "Get. Out. Of. My. Way! I don't need a damn portal to leave! I'll find some other way!" she yelled so loud that her own ears hurt. But he was undeterred, chuckling in response."Oh, Regan, you've always been the firefly. You know no border or limit," he shook his head. "Will you ever understand your struggle is pointless? Why don't you come with me and get out of this hellhole? With your mother as well, of course."Regan's eyes narrowed. She knew he was selling a lie and then planning to throw them both to hell. And now that she had found her mother, he had another reason to fight. After all, her mother held the same power as they both did.And the worst, was that he was going to threaten her with her mother now."I'd rather die than be your slave!" she spat, the words shrouded in hatred and disdain."I'm not saying for you to be my slave," he countered as he stepped closer to her, his voice dripping with frustration, "I don't even want a slave. They're high in number. But if you want to get out of here, you have to follow me.""We're not following you anywhere! Leave us alone!" Her mother hissed back at him.Sirius rolled his eyes, clearly undeterred, "Look, I'm not forcing you. In fact, I have it better if you both root in this hell. But I'm feeling generous and I decided to give you another chance, Princess," he said as he looked at Regan."I've had enough of your generosity. And I've had enough of these chances. I want no chances. I don't want anything from you!" she yelled, glaring at him, holding her mother close. Octavia was glaring at him as well, but she felt kind of tired to backfire on him."You won't lay a finger on my mother!" she threatened, raising her sword at him, holding it straightly, "you won't touch her.""Ah, Regan. Always prone to exaggerate and dramatize," he drawled, a smirk tugging at his lips, "But do you realize you're the biggest thorn in my side? Your mother might hate me as much as you do, but she'd follow your lead without question. So now, my beautiful princess, you should come with me."Regan's cheeks flushed in embarrassment. He hadn't ever called her beautiful before. She had been called names by literally everyone. But strangely, she felt a warmth through her veins as he said that.She clenched her fists, taking a deep breath, hating herself for the effect he had on her. "I won't go with you. I'd rather die here than go with you.""And what about her?" He gestured to Octavia. "You want to lose your mother as well?" He asked, his voice almost gentle."It's my own choice," Regan growled, "I don't need lessons from you. You were raised by a woman as well and then you threw her in jail. You're no example for me."Sirius's expression took a dark turn as he processed her words, "You don't know what you're talking about. The woman who you're talking about was a witch who used my power for her own selfish gain. And when I grew up, guess what I found out, my dear Reggie?"Regan felt as if throwing up at the nickname. Only Vesper called her that way and she hated it."What the hell did you find out?" she spat.Sirius smirked, "I found out she was the mistress of your father.""What?!" Regan screeched, her face going pale. Her hands tightened on the sword, her knuckles turning white. Octavia stayed quiet, looking back and forth."Yes. It's true. And when I found out, I cut all ties with her. I wasn't going to help a witch out of the prison, when she used my whole childhood for her own needs and had an affair with my enemy. She was mad that he wasn't willing to give up on his marriage, so she wanted revenge on the throne. She wanted to use my power to overthrow him. She was a selfish witch, and I was glad to get rid of her. So, don't you dare mention her ever again."His words hit Regan like a punch on the gut. Her mind reeled as she tried to process everything he'd just said. Agnes, her father, whatever happened between them... She looked at her mom, who wasn't that shocked. Maybe she had known all along?"Well, you wanted to destroy my kingdom as well as her. You were power hungry then and you still are. You're no better than her," Regan spat at him. "And as for my mother, I'll protect her with my life. She didn't do anything wrong."Sirius chuckled, "Well, that's sweet. But who'll protect you?""I'll do," Octavia answered, her eyes flashing with determination, as she stepped forward. "I'll protect her, Sirius. You may have taken my kingdom but you won't take her from me. I'll fight you to the death if I have to." Her voice was low, but full of fury."Oh, Octavia, you are both the same. So full of fire. But know what? I'm full of fire as well. And I've had enough of this game. I'm done playing."With a swish of his wand, chains appeared from nowhere and wrapped themselves around Octavia's wrists and the ground, making gasp and struggle in surprise. The chains were unbreakable and it was useless for her to struggle against them.Regan yelled as she tried to free her mother."Don't you dare," Sirius growled at her."Free her. Now," Regan demanded through gritted teeth, the tip of her sword pressing against Sirius's chest. Octavia's struggles subsided as she glanced from her daughter to Sirius, her eyes wide with fear and determination.He gripped the sword's blade and shoved it away from his chest. Regan's stomach twisted when she saw his hand dripping blood. Then, he stepped awfully close to Regan, his gaze falling on the sword she was still holding. "Or what? You'll kill me? You think you can do that?" he sneered, amused by her bravado. "Go ahead, Princess. Try it."Regan tightened her grip on the sword but she couldn't bring herself to even tear his robe, let alone kill him. Sirius chuckled, clearly amused by her inability to go through with it."So?" he taunted, "Where did you courage go?""Do you have a sword?" she suddenly asked, her voice steady despite the beating of her heart.Sirius raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by the question. "What?""A sword. Do you have one?" she repeated, her gaze unwavering. "Do you know how to fight?"His expression darkened, "Of course I have a sword. I'm the most powerful sorcerer in the realms. I'd be a fool not to know how to fight.""Then let's see it," Regan challenged, her voice steady. She stepped back and held out her hand, the sword still pointed at Sirius. "Let's fight.""You must've gone insane. You don't even know how to hold a sword, let alone fight," Sirius scoffed, still finding this amusing. But something in Regan's eyes made him pause. Something that told him maybe she was serious.He sighed, rolling his eyes. "Fine. It's my pleasure anyway." He reached into his robe, pulling out a long, shining sword. The blade was sharp, the hilt carved with intricate designs. Regan's heart skipped a beat as she saw it. She hadn't really known he carried swords, his robes were always concealing it."Regan, stop it," Octavia intervened, her voice filled with concern, "I don't want to lose you.""You won't," Regan assured her. But deep down, she was terrified as well. She didn't want to die. And she didn't even know how to use a sword good. Yes, she had fought the lion-men, but that was different. This was Sirius."But let's set a rule," he suddenly spoke, "no magic or spell used. This is going to be a fair fight. Just you and me, sword to sword." His voice was cold, his eyes calculating."Fine." Regan nodded, steeling herself. She was shaking with fear and adrenaline, but she couldn't back down now. She would fight him. For her mother, for everything he had taken from them."But what if you lie and use your magic?" she asked, not taking her eyes off him.Sirius laughed. "Trust me, I wouldn't lie about this. Now, are you ready?"She nodded, taking a deep breath. She rose her sword, feeling its weight and balance in her hand. She hadn't really worried about it when she had fought the guardians of the fortress but now it felt awkward and she felt his gaze piercing through her in its mockery tone. She took a step forward, readying herself for his attack.Sirius did the same, his sword held at the ready. For a moment, neither of them moved. They circled each other, sizing each other up, searching for an opening. Regan's heart was racing, her breath coming in quick, shallow gasps. She felt like she was in a nightmare. She knew she was probably going to die and the thought made her want to scream and cry, and run away. But she couldn't. She had to stay and fight.Suddenly, Sirius lunged forward, his sword aiming to her. Regan barely managed to block the strike, the force of it sending her stumbling back a step. She winced as the blade clashed against her sword, the sound echoing through the clearing. Sirius grinned, his breath hot on her face."Not bad, Princess," he said, "but you're still no match for me." He feigned a lunge to the left, then went right, his sword dancing through the air with deadly precision. Regan struggled to keep up, her arms aching from the effort of holding the sword steady. She parried another strike, feeling the weight of the blade threatening to pull her off balance."You're strong," Sirius remarked "But you're still too slow. And your form is all wrong."He came at her again, this time faster and harder than before. Regan felt herself starting to panic, her mind spinning as she tried to keep up with his movements. She could feel the sweat trickling down her forehead.Just as she thought she couldn't take another strike, as she felt the hopelessness wash over her, something inside her snapped. She saw a tiny opening, a fraction of a second where Sirius' sword was slightly off balance.She lunged forward, her sword slashing through the air with all her strength. There was a sharp metallic clang as their blades connected, and Regan felt a surge of adrenaline course through her veins.Sirius stumbled back, his sword arm shaking with the force of the blow. For a moment, Regan thought she might have won. But Sirius recovered quickly, his eyes narrowing as he studied her. He lunged forward again, this time with a newfound ferocity that took her by surprise.His sword slashed through the air, forcing her to retreat, step by agonizing step. She felt the ground beneath her feet giving way, her sword arm growing tired and heavy. She could hear her mother's voice in her head, screaming her name in terror as she fought for her life.But then, something snapped inside her. She felt a surge of anger and determination rise up within her, drowning out all other thoughts and feelings. She blocked Sirius' strike with a loud clash of steel, and then counterattacked with a fury that even surprised herself. Her sword moved like an extension of her arm, a blur of silver and black as she danced around Sirius, her feet barely seeming to touch the ground.Sirius struggled to keep up with her, his face twisted in anger and frustration. But it was no use. He knew he couldn't go that far to hurt her. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she snapped at his sword and sent it flying from his grasp. It clattered to the ground several feet away, the tip of the blade quivering in the dirt.Sirius glared at her, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "You cheated," he sneered. "You didn't really win.""I'm not the one who lost their sword," Regan retorted, her chest heavy from the exertion. "And I don't think anyone's going to argue with me about who won that fight."She turned away from Sirius, unable to look at him any longer. Her body ached and she walked to her mother, trying to free the chains. Octavia's face was in tears but she managed a smile as Regan managed to free her. But the girl didn't know he was behind her until she felt the cold metal press against her neck."You see now, you didn't really win, Princess. I'm still the one who holds your mother's life in my hands." Sirius's voice was cold and unyielding as he leaned even closer to Regan's ear. "I let you win that battle. I could have killed you, but I didn't.""Why didn't you?" Regan said, swiftly turning to face him, feeling the sword's blade on her neck, "Why haven't you killed me already?"Sirius smiled, his eyes piercing through hers, "Because I have other plans for you, my dear. Where would be the fun to kill you? All that beauty, all that strength... it would be a waste to simply end it." He drew the sword away from Regan's neck, stepping back as he admired her."Now, Princess, you are going to do exactly as I say. You're going to follow me and then I decide what happens to you both. But if you don't follow me, I'll take your mother and kill her, understand?" Sirius's voice was cold, and menacing and Regan felt the urge to slap him hard across his face. But she knew that wouldn't help anyone."Very well," she spat, her voice dripping with irony, "free my mom, and we'll follow you."Sirius chuckled and called a spell that made Octavia's chains disappear. "Good, now let's go."Regan hugged her mother tightly and helped her stand up. They began to walk through the dull, grey mist. Regan couldn't help but feel the urge to go and kill him just then and there. But she knew she couldn't do it. Not with her mother's life hanging in the balance.The further they went, the closer she held to her mom. Octavia's expression was a mix of reluctance and anger."Mom, I know this is bad. Really really bad. But I won't let you die," Regan whispered, her voice trembling. Octavia tightened her grip on her daughter, tears streaming down her face. They continued walking, deeper into the forest, with Sirius bringing up the rear. He seemed to be lost in thought, occasionally shooting glances back at them."I don't understand why he let you win," Octavia confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "What other plans does he have?"Regan felt a shiver run down her spine. She was terrified of his plans. The only thing she didn't want was for him to use her as a concubine, or worse, a slave. She couldn't bear the thought of serving him in that way. She'd rather be his prisoner, at least he hadn't treated her really badly so far. But she had to keep her mother out of this."I don't know, mom," she admitted, shaking her head. "But I won't let him hurt you. Even if he threatens me, I won't let him hurt you." Octavia kissed her daughter's hand, a small smile on her lips."What are you talking about?" He suddenly asked, whirling around to face them. Regan and Octavia jumped, startled by his sudden question."What is it to you, Sirius?" Regan retorted, her anger flaring up. "What do you want now? Now that we're coming with you, shut you fucking mouth and just lead the way!"Sirius's face contorted into a sneer, and for a moment Regan thought he might attack her. But then his expression softened, and he let out an amused laugh. "Oh, you're so fiery, my dear. I admire that. It's just that I'm curious." He paused, taking a step closer to her."Stay away from us, you monster!" Octavia shouted, her voice trembling with anger, "I know very what your plans with my daughter are!"Sirius stopped in his tracks, a surprised expression on his face. "Oh, really?" He said slowly. "And what do you think I plan to do with her, my dear?" He turned to Regan, a smirk across his face.Regan tightened her grip on her cloak, feeling a shiver run down her spine. Octavia on the other hand was glaring at him with fierce determination. "You want to make her your pet, your slave! You want to make her yours! I won't let you do that to my daughter! I won't let you ruin her life!"Sirius's smirk widened into a smile as he listened to Octavia. "Ah, such a protective mother," he mused. "Very touching. But let me tell you, Princess," he said as he turned to Regan, "I don't intend to make you my slave or my pet. I have a collection of these and I have no desire to add another one to it. No, I have something much more... special in mind for her." He looked at Regan, her expression unreadable."Keep your plans for yourself. I'm not part of them, and I won't let you hurt any of us." Regan hissed, clenching her cloak.Sirius laughed, a genuine sound of amusement. "Oh, Regan. You really know how to twist things, don't you?" He took another step closer, his voice dropping to a whisper, "I see myself in you, you know. We're not so different, you and I."Octavia shoved him roughly away from her daughter, her anger flaring. "Now, you listen here, you fool! You stay away from Regan! You keep your hands to yourself! You don't get to decide what happens to her! Not after what you've done to us!"Sirius raised his hands in a placating gesture, a small smile playing on his lips. "My, my, my. Calm down, Octavia. I meant no harm. I only wanted to explain myself." He turned back to Regan, his expression softening. "You see, Regan, you're a beautiful, passionate girl. And you're also intelligent and resourceful. I won't let that go to waste. I won't let you go away from me again."Regan's anger flared, her veins burning with the need to defend herself and her mother, but also with the fact she felt her heart flutter at his words, filling up with a sense of warmth, "You don't get to decide what I am!" she spat at him, "you better stay the fuck away from me and my mother!" She took a step back, but Sirius's hand shot out and grabbed her wrist, yanking her close."Listen here, Princess," Sirius hissed, lowering his head down to her, "I've had enough with these cat and mouse games. I've had enough with these useless chases. You're coming with me, whether you like it or not. And your mother will also come wherever you go, because I have no intention of separating the two of you." His voice softened, and he released her wrist, taking a step back. "Now, let's go. There's no point in fighting it any longer."Regan's heart raced both in confusion and anger. She glanced at her mother, whose expression was a mixture of determination and desperation, and Regan could feel the strength in her mother's stare.Sirius led the way, not bothering to hide his smirk of satisfaction. He knew he wasn't going to let her go. Even if she hated him to death he would never give up on her.Octavia kept her suspicious gaze on his back, her teeth gritting in anger. Regan could see her mother's anger, mirroring her own. She hated the situation they were in and it was exhausting. It was always the same, she escaped, he found her again. She didn't know if there was an end to this."Where are you taking us?" she asked. She knew too well where he was taking them but she couldn't help herself.Sirius glanced over his shoulder at her, a half-smile playing on his lips. "To hell," he scoffed.Regan was going to snap back but her mother held her by shoulder, her grip tight. "Don't," Octavia whispered, "don't give him the satisfaction."They walked in silence for a while, the heavy gas smell making Regan throw up. But she hadn't eaten for days so she didn't have to throw up. Her mother was shivering, her knees nearly giving in. He would throw words on their way, demanding a response from Regan, but she kept her silence, refusing to give him the satisfaction. It was obvious that he was enjoying himself. He had always enjoyed her reactions.