
Flames of redemption

"You're such a bastard!" "I am a bastard," he agreed, leaning even closer to her, "but I'm your bastard, kitten." Someone who's not average, not ordinary, not trying to fit in, not....'normal', as defined by society. And deep inside, she felt the weight of eyes upon her, watching her every move. Questions lingered and haunted her mind: Who was the observer? And what motives laid behind those captivating gazes?

Izabel_Gamer · Fantasie
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106 Chs


Regan stayed on the floor, her head on her knees. The chamber was different from the one before. The walls were adorned with red and black tapestries. The windows were three and were covered with long, red velvet curtains. They had gold lines, creating flower patterns.On the right side, there was a queen sized bed, its blanket and pillows red with gold lines as well. The bed was luring her to sleep, but she quickly hated herself for it. In front of the bed was a tall golden with red lines wardrobe. She hated Sirius even more for shoving her inside a room similar to his.Regan stood up slowly, noticed the wardrobe had a mirror. She didn't want to look at herself but she couldn't help it. But as soon as she reached her reflection, heat crept up on her cheeks when she realized whose coat she was wearing. The coat wasn't very bad but Regan quickly removed it and threw it away.Then, she saw how her hair looked, as if it had been washed in silk. She ran a hand through her hair in frustration. She didn't like the one in the mirror, she didn't recognize her and she didn't want to.She walked over to the other side where there was a door. She opened that door, revealing the bathroom. The bathroom had red and black tiles both on the walls and the floor. There was everything else it had to be called a luxurious bathroom.Regan walked over to the sink and washed her face, throwing some water at her clothes since they were covered with dirt. The pants were torn on her knees, but she didn't care.Stepping out, she slid the curtain from the window, not even knowing if it was day or night. It was night. And the windows were covered with bars.She felt her powers drained but she still could summon fire. And her gaze fell on the coat. Her hands lit up and she threw fire on it, the flame burning in front of her.She sat on the floor and leaned against the wall, watching the coat burn. Even throwing her anger there, wasn't enough. She felt as if she was the bad one in the story.She hugged her knees, her mind swirling with different thoughts. All bad. She wondered what Iris was doing, and if Sirius was going to let her and others live. But even if he did, Even if he did, they were probably tortured.She was stuck there, in his castle again. And now the worst thing was that deep down, she knew she deserved it. The first time she hadn't done anything to be held there. But that time, she was aware of her actions.The thoughts made her eyes fill with tears. But she wiped them off. She couldn't cry, she couldn't stay lost anymore. She hated herself and him but there was still something she could do. There was a way.She wanted to burn other things as well, but that'd make her seem like a fool. She even felt guilty for burning the coat. It was beautiful and the material was comfortable. Not wasting anymore time, she stomped on the coat, and the fire subsided.Then, she took the coat and scanned it. It hadn't burnt a lot. Again, Regan wanted to get rid of it. She felt like crazy. She threw the coat away again.She threw fire at the door but it wasn't flammable. She gripped her hair in frustration. Staying like a fool was making her even more furious. She had to do something.But there was nothing, there was no way out of the room, unless someone would come and she'd force her way out.She started to put her mind in work for something smart, something that could make someone come into her room. The first thought was to bang loudly on the door. She did that. Except she didn't shout or yelled because she felt embarrassed to do so. No one opened the door.She turned to the windows. As she put her elbow on the window, she began to hit it strongly. It was made of glass and she knew she could be getting some cut. And she didn't even know what she'd achieve by breaking it but she thought to do so.The glass seemed to be completely undeterred but Regan didn't gave up. She kept hitting and after a while, she grabbed a bedside lamp. The lamp seemed strong because it was also heavy. She started to hit again and finally she saw a crack. She continued that way and finally, the glass broke, shattering in thousand pieces, sending them flying inside, and some outside.She felt one of them hitting past her forearm and yes, she got a cut. Or just another scar. She rolled up the sleeve and looked at the long, shallow cut that was starting to show a line of blood. Her jaw clenched and she kicked of the remaining glass with her leg. She ignored the stinging feeling of the cut and thought to wrap it with something, but it was long and she needed to tear much of her clothes, which she wasn't patient to do.The bars held no space but she could just peak her head out. It was night but there were light on the ground, it were the gardens of the tower. The chamber seemed to be high on floors.Her eyes searched for any sign of creature down there. And then, she saw. It was a maid."Hey!" she yelled. "Hey!"The maid must have heard her because she was trying to find out where the voice was coming from."Up here!"The maid seemed to understand now as she followed the voice and her gaze reached on the chamber's window. She saw Regan, waving at her. The maid held a shocked and scared look on her face as she hastily started to move away."No! The room is on fire!" Regan lied. All she wanted to do was to get someone sent in the room, "Did you hear me? It's on fire!"The maid stopped in her steps and then she ran like a scared cat. Regan smacked her forehead in frustration."Stupid maid," she sneered.The cut on her forearm was annoying her much more. It wasn't very deep and didn't hurt but the line of blood wasn't disappearing. Finally, she tore her sleeve off and managed to wrap it over her arm, although it didn't cover the cut whole.She sighed and looked outside again, tracing any possible movement. But then she noticed something on the handrail. It were some shiny round coins. She didn't know if she should take them, but the next moment she did."Maybe they're useful," she muttered. As she slid them down her pants pocket, something too sudden happened. She heard the door crackle and it swung open.She turned back and there it was him, again.So, the maid really did something. Without wasting time, Regan unleashed a burst of spells and sent him backwards. Then, she sprinted away while he was still caught aback. She ran through the hallways, her heart pounding rapidly.The hallways weren't familiar so she didn't know where to go or where to hide. She just wanted to find Iris, go to the undergrounds.She saw some stairs and quickly ran on them, nearly falling. She had no idea where to go but it was obvious that she wasn't going to turn back to that room.Soon enough, she heard footsteps but she didn't know if it were hers or his.And then, she felt something strike at her shoulder, making her wince and halt on her steps, "Where the hell do you think you're going?" He growled.She held her shoulders and it felt as if it was numb. Turning behind, she saw him. Enraged."I'm going to destroy you!" Then, she struck him again with a burst of flames but this time he defended on, using his own fire to clash against her.He smirked, a menacing look on his face, "You think you're so powerful? You think you can escape?""I can and I will!" Regan retorted. However, she could see and feel how his flame was shortening her own. No, he couldn't be more powerful. She forced herself harder and this time she reached balance. Her fury was fueling her but she didn't know how much she could hold like this. He didn't seem deterred either. He kept talking like he didn't even care."Well....I'm getting bored," he scoffed. "Why don't we don't turn this a little more amusing?" he suggested and with his free hand, he swirled a dark storm of energy. He struck it to her and Regan interrupted her magic, shifting aside.His spells hit the wall, but didn't crack it. "Your fire can't even crack a wall," Regan scoffed, her voice sarcastic. She knew he was going to be angry but after all, he had always been the one who mocked her around."Oh, they don't, do they?" he retorted, "Watch this!" With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed a swirl of blue flames, this time aiming directly at Regan. She barely managed to dodge, feeling the energy crackle dangerously close to her.She gritted her teeth, the frustration raising. She couldn't let him overpower her. Although she felt drained and tired, she couldn't let him win.Summoning all her strength and focus, Regan unleashed a powerful wave of flames towards Sirius, aiming to engulf him in her fiery retaliation. But to her astonishment, he easily deflected her attack, his own fire swirling around him protectively.Sirius laughed, a mocking grin on his face, "Your struggle is pointless," he mocked, "You can fight me at some other time. The drug I shot you with is enough to freeze your powers for a day."Regan's frustration intensified. She couldn't let herself appear weak. She tried to force more of her magic, but he seemed unfazed."Damn you!" she cursed."I'm already damned," he retorted, shaking his head, "you've damned my mind long ago."Regan didn't get his words but she felt her cut on forearm sting in pain. She looked down to see the cloth stained.She cursed under her breath but the next she was going to look back at him, his grip was on her forearm."You're a fool," he muttered.She felt pain course through her and he seemed to notice. His gaze fell on her arm and then he saw. He released her arm and took hold of her wrist, his touch surprisingly gentle. His face twisted into a frown, his eyes filled with worry, "What have you done? Have you cut yourself?" He growled."No!" Regan retorted, yanking her arm away.She tried to run past him but this time he caught her by the other arm and held her in place, "You're not going anywhere," he growled.Then, he looked down at her cut, his expression unreadable. He started to drag her back. Regan tried to struggle but his grip was unyielding. Finally, she set herself free, "I'm not going with you!" she yelled, "I'm going to free the others! They are innocent and it's not their fault!"As she turned to leave, this time he caught her by the waist, pulling her to his chest. He searched hastily in his pocket and revealed a syringe to her. Her eyes widened in shock, "Don't you dare!" she hissed."I will," he said, his tone stern, "you're stubborn and stupid."He brought the needle to her neck while Regan tried to struggle. A surge of fear and panic washed over her, making her tremble. She started to hit his chest but he wasn't fazed. With his other hand, he held both her wrists, trying not to grip them too tight.Finally, he pressed the needle on her neck and a wave of chills washed through her. He took it out and she raised her head glaring at him, her eyebrows furrowed."You think you'll get away with this? You think you're going to play forever?"He didn't reply, his eyes boring on her. Regan felt the shot taking effect. Her eyelids felt heavy and her mind was dizzy. She really felt terrible and she forced to stay awake. It wasn't the right time to fall unconscious.He didn't waste time and picked her up easily as if she was a feather."No!" Regan hissed, "Put me down!""Sleep," he retorted, not looking down at her."I'm not going to sleep!" she yelled, her voice trembling. She was terrified, she didn't want to be carried and she didn't want to fall unconscious. "What are you going to do once I pass out?"He shook his head in frustration as he hastily climbed the stairs, "I'm going to throw you to the wolves and I'm going to make sure they eat you," he sneered. He looked at her forearm, it was severely cut. His expression darkened and he cursed under his breath.Regan felt embarrassment and shame through her, what if Vesper or anyone else saw her like this? Her eyelids grew heavy and he seemed to lure her in sleep. He looked down at her again, "Sleep, kitten.""No..." she muttered, her voice barely audible as exhaustion washed over her. She felt herself falling into a deep slumber.As Sirius saw that she fell asleep, he sighed and carried her up to his chamber. He laid her gently on the bed, his expression conflicted. Regan's face softened in sleep, the lines of worry and anger smoothing out. He took hold of her arm's wound, realizing once more how badly she had hurt herself.Firstly, he cleared up the wound with antiseptic and then kissed it gently, using magic to heal the wound. It left only a faint line of scar tissue behind. He watched her for a moment, and then sat beside her, his gaze lingering on her peaceful face. He reached out to brush a strand of hair away from her forehead, his expression softening with a mixture of emotions.He had seen her sleeping like this for countless times, since he began to haunt her on earth. She had thought about it, he guessed. But still, she hadn't been fully aware.He leaned on his elbow beside her, gazing down at her with a mixture of tenderness and regret. He cast another spell at her, one that would clean her up and make her more comfortable in her sleep. And then he covered her with the blanket, tucking her in."You're so beautiful," he murmured softly as his hand brushed over her cheek, tracing her scar. He was the reason of that scar, he had been the reason of the war that had left its mark on her. And guilt burnt inside him for that. But she still looked beautiful to him, despite the scar.He ran his fingers through her hair gently, lost in thought. He remembered what she said earlier about him having mistresses. She was jealous, jealous of him having other girls and he was enjoying every moment of it.But he also remembered when she said those things about him being like other men, wanting only what she thought he wanted. But he didn't want what she thought he wanted. And even if he told her that, she wouldn't believe him. She was stubborn as hell, believing everything she thought.Yes, he wanted power and control, he wasn't going to lie. But he didn't want it in the way she thought. He wanted it because he was a sorcerer, he sought knowledge and mastery over everything. And yes, he had done and continued to do terrible things, but he had never seen her in some sort of lustful way.But still, she wouldn't believe him if he told any of these things. His image was sealed in her mind as the villain, the embodiment of everything she hated and fought against. And yes, he was. But he was also more than that.And so, he continued to watch her until he drifted off to sleep himself, the conflict within him unresolved.The next morning he woke up to find Regan sleeping in his arms, her peaceful expression softened by the morning light filtering through the curtains. Her hand was clutching his shirt gently. He smiled, having no idea how she ended up there, but feeling content enough to have her beside him.But then, something snapped. What if she woke up now? What if she woke up and realized where she was, who she was with? She'd be terrified, furious. She'd hate him even more and she'd accuse him of the things she had done earlier. No, he wasn't going to let her wake up here.He decided to teleport her back to her room. And when she'd wake up, she wouldn't know anything about him being there. She'd sink in her own hatred and still maybe accuse him of doing something he hadn't done.But he didn't care about that.Reluctantly, he gently lifted her from the bed and teleported them both back to her room, laying her down on her bed. He lingered for a moment, watching her sleeping form with a mixture of frustration and regret. When she'd wake up, she'd not know anything. But he, he'd know everything and he'd never forget. But he'd keep playing his part in the game, the part he had played his whole life.And then, after all, there were so many things she didn't know.He brushed a strand of hair away from her face and tucked her in, his expression softening for a moment before he turned and vanished, leaving her alone, with no memory of his presence.