
Flames of redemption

"You're such a bastard!" "I am a bastard," he agreed, leaning even closer to her, "but I'm your bastard, kitten." Someone who's not average, not ordinary, not trying to fit in, not....'normal', as defined by society. And deep inside, she felt the weight of eyes upon her, watching her every move. Questions lingered and haunted her mind: Who was the observer? And what motives laid behind those captivating gazes?

Izabel_Gamer · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
106 Chs


They ran into the dark alleyways, their hearts pounding rapidly, their breaths out and uneven."Iris, where...are...we going?" Regan breathed out, her voice shaky."I-I don't know," Iris replied. She was as terrified as Regan. As they rounded a corner of a tavern that seemed to be working, Regan noticed a small red light on the ground. Before she could crash it down, she left Iris's hand. Iris looked at her, scared, "Cornelia, what are you doing?!"Regan didn't answer. She knelt down the ground and noticed it was a device. A device similar to a radio. It was crackling with static and distorted voices. Regan tried to fix the antenna and frequency and the voices got clearer."This is alpha. Targets near. I repeat, targets near. Red haired female, 5'3, and brunette, 5'6. They're within the perimeter. We have them cornered. Over." Regan froze when she realized they were talking about them. Iris's breath was out of place and panic was evident in her face."This is delta. Copy that. Proceeding to intercept. Stand by for further orders. Over." The voice responded sharply.The girls exchanged glances, their hearts on their sleeves. They listened to the crackling radio, unsure of what to make of the situation."We have to destroy it!" Iris urged impatiently."No, we have to keep it. Maybe we outsmart them," Regan countered and grabbed Iris's hand once more. They continued to run into the depths of the ruins, but they didn't seem to find good covers. Suddenly, the sky lit up with a red light and the blaring of sirens pierced the air."What the hell is this?" Iris cried out in fear."I don't know. Probably drones to spot us," Regan answered as they continued to run. They heard the distinctive thud of boots on concrete, growing closer with each second. "We need to find somewhere safe to hide!"The continued to run, their directions unclear and uncertain. They passed by the narrowed paths, but still, they didn't know where to go.The radio crackled again, the voice of their pursuers authoritative and stern, "This is alpha. Sirius wants visual confirmation on the targets. You are to remain in cover and maintain contact. Over."Iris looked at Regan, fear evident in her eyes. "We are done, Cornelia. We are dead.""No, we aren't. Look, maybe if we split up, they'll have it harder. We're both targets and it's easier for them to catch us. So, I'll go one way, you go the other. Okay?" Regan said, her voice shaky. She knew she was going to be caught nevertheless, she deserved it that time. But she felt sorry and guilty of Iris."No, no, no, don't leave me alone. Please!" Iris cried out in fear, sweat dripping from her forehead.Regan couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't using the bond to find her. What was his problem? Or did he just want to terrify them both even more?The radio crackled again, "Delta, Sirius wants confirmation of the third target. The male who was with the two females. He's also to be considered a high-priority. Over.""Understood, alpha. Stand by for confirmation," the other man replied."Third-d t-target?!" Iris stuttered, her voice shaking with fear, "Who are they talking about?""I don't know," Regan answered, her heart racing, "I think they mean Jack. But we should find cover for ourselves. If we split up, we'll have a better chance of losing them.""No, I don't have where to go. As soon as I go out here, they're gonna kill me," Iris sobbed. "Please, Cornelia, don't leave me here."Regan frowned and they continued running. A tall, fortified ruin came on the view. It seemed to have better structure and provide better hiding. Its walls weren't weak or crumbling. They quickly entered, stepping down some stairs they found. The stairs were made of broken bricks and they led them down a dark underground basement.Regan had her flashlight with her and used it. The basement was empty, save for a few crates here and there.Iris slid down the wall, bursting out in tears, "They're gonna kill us. I was so stupid," she crackled, shaking her head. "I didn't know he was so dangerous. I mean, what we did....we just wanted freedom. It was just a small rebellion. It didn't have to escalate like this."Regan felt a wave of guilt and melancholy wash over her. She couldn't see her like this, gotten into trouble because of her own fault."It's my fault. I'm so sorry. I led you at this. And I'll face him,"she said, kneeling down at her. "Stay here, okay? If I go out there, they won't search for you."But before Iris could reply, the fatal radio static interrupted them. "This is alpha. I have visual on the females. I repeat, I have visual. Do you copy, delta? Over."The panic in Regan's chest intensified as she turned to Iris. "I'll go, okay?""No!" Iris yelled, grabbing her hand tightly. She wasn't going to let her go.Regan ran a hand through her hair in frustration, knowing too well where it was going. She was just mad and guilty that Iris was dragged into this as well. The radio cracked again."Alpha, how should we proceed? Take them down?""Negative, Delta. Sirius wants her alive. Capture the hostiles. Use non-lethal force only. We'll discuss further with HQ. Over.""Roger that, alpha. Stand by for updates."Regan's heart pounded as she listened to the radio exchange, knowing that her own consequences were set. She glanced at Iris, who was crying."Iris, let me go!" she yelled, trying to yank her hand free, but the brunette's grip was hard as steel."Listen, once they find me, they won't look for you. Please," Regan pleaded. She could hear the harsh footsteps from above.Iris didn't reply, she kept her grip tight. Tears were streaming uncontrollably down her cheeks.

"Third target found."

"Roger that, alpha. I have visual on the third target. Standing by for further instructions. Over."The sound of footsteps grew louder. "Iris, please, this is dangerous. You should leave me!" Regan said as she casted a protective spell around them. But before Iris could reply, a group of armed men burst through the door, their faces concealed by masks. They scanned the room, weapons trained on the girls."Don't move, hands where we can see them!" one of the men barked, "If you move a muscle, you'll die, understand?""You too!" the other man yelled at Iris. Iris was crying, her body shaking with fear. Regan, on the other hand, felt it heavy enough to shed a tear herself. She was angry at herself, her nails digging on her palms. The two soldiers moved towards them."Take your shield down," he yelled as he struck on the ground, the bullet passing through the shield. The girls flinched, their hearts jumping out of panic and fear."She's not the one to take!" Regan yelled, "Leave her alone!" She wanted to attack them with her fire, but their shotguns and riffles were just inches away from her head. "I'm the one you want! Take me instead!"One of the soldiers grabbed Iris roughly by the arm and pulled her behind him, out of Regan's reach. "Shut up, freak," he growled. "You're coming with us."From the mass of the soldiers, there stepped another man in military attire. Sirius's general, Vlad. His face was stern, his gaze cold, "You're coming with us, Regan. You and your friends," he said, his tone deadly and commanding."Don't take her! She has nothing to do with this!" Regan protested, her voice hard."You don't understand," Vlad countered, "things aren't like you think they are."Regan didn't have time to process his words because behind him, appeared a blue-haired woman, a wicked grin on her face."Well, well, well, who do we have here? A wretched freak with a useless friend?" she mocked, her eyes glimmering with malice.The realization hit Regan as freezing ice over her body, "Vesper!" she exclaimed, "What are you doing here?""Yes, Vesper herself. I came on a mission with my boyfriend. And he wanted me on this. To kill you," Vesper barked.Regan raised an eyebrow, "And who's your boyfriend?" She knew Vesper was referring to Sirius, of course. But she still asked.Vesper narrowed her eyes, "Sirius is my boyfriend, the most powerful sorcerer. And I'm here because I want to kill you, just like he wants. So, are you gonna come with us, or do we have to drag you?"Regan's mouth sealed. She didn't have what to say, she didn't want to think, she didn't want to do anything. She looked at Iris who was crying. It made her want to cry too, but she wasn't going to give them the satisfaction."Leave us alone!" Iris suddenly yelled through her trembling voice. "We wanted nothing but freedom!"Shut up, you freak," Vesper hissed."Enough. We're wasting time. He's waiting." The general motioned to other men, who extended their weapons on Regan."Hands stretched," an armed man ordered. He was holding handcuffs, but handcuffs that covered her whole fists to her wrists. They were made of heavy metal. She didn't struggle, didn't resist, didn't say anything as the man put them in.Maybe she was too careless to think about their impact on her skin or maybe they didn't really hurt. They walked out of the basement and out of the ruins with Vesper laughing maniacally behind them. Iris was harshly dragged by one of the soldiers, her feet barely touching the ground."You're all going to pay for this!" Regan growled, "You're going to-" she stopped as she saw Raven being held by other soldiers as well. She was unconscious and they had just injected a syringe. She didn't want to see them hurt her."Leave her alone! What are you doing!" Regan yelled. But her shouting went unheard. She knew what was going to happen. She knew where she was being led to. And she couldn't even cast a spell to protect Iris, Raven or herself. It was as if her powers were blocked for a while. She was frustrated and furious.Suddenly, she felt a presence on her side. It was Vesper, a vicious smile on her face, "Hey, Reggie...you know, I just wanted to tell you something. I pity you, you are really worthless. You have no friends, no family, no one. No one loves you or cares for you. No one throws eyes on you. I don't blame them. You're so skinny, flat and ugly. And you're so pale. I don't even know how you want to live. If I was you, I'd have committed suicide."Regan felt her words pierce as a dagger to her soul. Yes, she was slim and flat but she never thought it was bad. She had been insulted, called ugly and useless before, but hearing it now, made her blood burn."Well, you're not me. And you'll never be. Your words are empty just as you are," Regan retorted, her voice shaky. "And you can keep throwing yourself at Sirius, it won't change anything."She didn't know why she said that last thing but she said it. Vesper's expression shifted darkly, her fists clenching."What did you say, you freak?" she asked through gritted teeth."You heard me," Regan retorted, "you do everything for attention."Vesper laughed maliciously, "Oh, but you see, it's Sirius who always comes to me. Because I'm the only one he wants. Not you. Why would he ever want you? You're useless and you don't even know how to-""Vesper, shut up," Vlad interrupted her from behind, grabbing her arm and pulling her away, "you better follow orders or you'll beg for his mercy and you won't get spared."Vesper's jaw clenched, her anger rising, "Oh, you're protecting her too?""You're just going to get yourself in trouble by arguing with her," Vlad muttered under his breath, pulling Vesper with him from behind.Regan didn't know what to think. Vesper's words affected her more than she wanted to admit. She felt the urge to slap her or something but she was handcuffed. She didn't want to give Vesper the satisfaction. When she remembered those times when they had been friends, her anger raised more. So instead, she observed her surroundings.The red light in the sky illuminated the perimeter into a dim red glow. The soil was orange and the area was surrounded by red canyons. Regan wondered where the other locals were and she prayed that they weren't caught. The military trucks stood spread out in the distance, like dark monsters, out of a horror game. Regan glanced behind her back, meeting with the blank faces of soldiers. She had always hated crowds and others near her. Her eyes searched for Iris and Raven, but she couldn't see either of them.They started to drag her further forward, by the handcuffs with chains, making her stumble. "You're all going to regret this!" she yelled, struggling against them. "I'm going to kill you all and make you pay!""You should look at yourself, foolish girl," one of the soldiers sneered, "you're about to die, and you're still babbling. You think anyone will care?" He pulled her chains roughly, making her stumble again.They dragged her past the rows of soldiers, their eyes dark and empty as they gazed at her, as if she were already dead. A strong hot wind blew against them, blowing the harsh sand on her face and she felt even more disgusted.Finally, they reached the front of the line, where a tall, imposing figure stood waiting. His back was to her, but she knew who he was. Her nails dug at her palms, her face red with anger. She loathed him, she hated him with every fiber of her being. When the soldiers pushed her forward, she hissed, "You will fall, you bastard. I'll make sure of it! You'll burn to hell!"The figure turned slowly, his icy eyes fixed on her. His dark hair were messy, his attire was simple but elegant. The fact that she found him handsome as always, angered her even more."Ah, Regan. I never thought I'd meet you here. I thought I lost you, or you lost me. I thought you made a decision to disappear from this world," he feigned sincerity, "but it seems you haven't forgotten the one who you belong to. I suppose, I should thank you."He stepped closer, his voice lowering menacingly, "And this time, I won't spare you. I'll make you pay for your actions," he growled, a dangerous glint in his cold eyes that shone in the darkness."Does it look like I'm afraid?" Regan retorted, "I'm better than you and I'll always be. I outsmarted your general and I managed to throw this place out of balance. If I had wanted, I would have snatched this territory and made it my own. But I guess, I should end you first," she said through gritted teeth.Sirius frowned, clenching his fists. He ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath. He searched down his coat's pocket and revealed a syringe. "Really, my dear? Well, I have other plans as well. And you're in them." He stepped closer, his voice low and dangerous."You see, if you would have sided with me, we wouldn't have been like that. You'd have been my one and only. But you don't want to and we have to turn things a little forceful." He grabbed her chin, his grip firm but not enough to hurt."This little drug is gonna make you sleep for a while. So, you won't feel the traveling or the pain. You won't feel anything. Don't worry, Princess."Regan stared at the syringe, her eyes filled with anger and fear. She tried to struggle by moving, but the soldiers had their rifles on her head. "Get this away from me!" she growled."Oh, don't worry. I don't like needles either. But I have light shots. They never hurt," he assured, his voice smooth as silk."And why don't you use magic?" Regan countered, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "Or have you gone weak from searching for me all this time?""But it seems like you have been wanting to be found by me," Sirius replied, a smirk playing on his lips. "And as for magic, well, I wanted a different approach this time.""Go to hell, Sirius," Regan spat, her eyes burning with defiance.Sirius's smirk widened, his grip tightening on her chin. "Oh, with you, I'd go to paradise," he whispered, leaning closer to her.Regan tried to shift as far as she could. But she couldn't do anything, really. "I'll get out of this as I've always have. You'll not win! Ever!""I don't think so. You see, once you wake up, you'll be in my palace again. You'll be my prisoner again. And then, you'll want to side with me.""No! Never!" she retorted, struggling harder, her eyes ablaze with flame. "I'll find a way out, I'll escape and I'll make you pay for this!"But Sirius was unfazed. He pressed the needle against her neck and injected the drug into her veins. Regan tried to struggle but she couldn't do anything. She didn't feel the shot at all but she feel something cold running in her blood."Just relax, my dear. You're going to sleep now." He let go of her chin and held her arms until the drug took effect. Her eyes grew heavy, her breathing slowed and she slowly fell unconscious in his arms.He looked down at her and tenderly caressed her face with the back of his hand, "I'm sorry you're freaked out by me. But you don't understand. You believe what you want to believe. You don't know how you haunt me. You're clueless....you really are...." He whispered.He picked her up lightly as a feather, as if she was a subtle glass that was going to break at any second passing.Vesper, who was left a bit behind, stepped into the scene. As soon as she saw what he was doing, her eyes seethed with fury and jealousy, "Why are you holding her?" She yelled. Her eyes darted around to see Iris. Iris was injected as well, unconscious. She was being dragged and the other soldiers were disappearing into the trucks."Vesper, don't make a scene. She fainted." The general said, trying to cover up Sirius's actions."I'm no fool, Vlad. I saw he caressed her face!" She retorted through gritted teeth."You don't know what you saw," Vlad sternly said. Vesper continued to throw her outbursts, but Vlad guided her inside a trunk, disappearing her from Sirius's sight.Meanwhile, he took Regan to the truck and placed her on a seat. He covered her with a blanket and sat beside her, stroking her hair. He paused, thinking as if he was doing something forbidden."You're my threat. You're my sworn enemy. And yet I-I....", he trailed off, not finishing. He walked out of the truck and stood beside the vehicle, watching the dark sky, deep in thought. He hated himself. One moment, he was about to end her, the next he was....caressing her face? His heart was racing and his mind was troubled as always.He walked around the truck, trying to clear his mind, but the image of her face, her eyes, her voice, wouldn't leave him. He had to focus.The general looked at him, noticing the disheveled expression on his face. He wasn't going to ask about that because he knew it'd be bad if he brought Regan up again. "What are we gonna do now, my lord? I mean, with the other rebel. What will we do to him?"Sirius's expression darkened as he remembered Jack, the one who was supposed to be her friend. His jaw clenched, "Where's he?"The general signaled one of the soldiers who went to check. "He's in the B truck, my lord.""Alright. I'll deal with him back to the palace," Sirius said, his voice stern and cold. "Make sure the army stays here. I won't tolerate more rebels and rebellions. Make sure this place stays colonized. You understand?"The general nodded in approval."And give that Vesper punishment. She thinks she's smart but she's a fool. I'm not in the mood to play games with her. As for the other women, whatever their names were, keep an eye on them as well. If they wake up, make sure they doesn't cause any trouble. We don't need any more problems," Sirius instructed, his voice hard.The general nodded and turned to give orders to his men.