
Flames of redemption

"You're such a bastard!" "I am a bastard," he agreed, leaning even closer to her, "but I'm your bastard, kitten." Someone who's not average, not ordinary, not trying to fit in, not....'normal', as defined by society. And deep inside, she felt the weight of eyes upon her, watching her every move. Questions lingered and haunted her mind: Who was the observer? And what motives laid behind those captivating gazes?

Izabel_Gamer · Fantasie
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106 Chs


Regan saw as he leaned closer, his eyes boring on hers. They were captivating. His hand reached out, brushing a strand of hair from her face. Regan's breath caught in her throat as she instinctively leaned back, away from him."Don't touch me," she said, her voice trembling slightly."Why not?" he whispered, his voice low and dangerous. He placed his hand on the wall next to her head, effectively trapping her in place. He leaned in closer, his lips dangerously close to hers. "Afraid of what might happen if I do? Afraid of me? Why are you afraid, Regan?" he murmured, his breath warm against her skin. Regan's heart pounded in her chest, torn between fear and anger."I'm not afraid of you," she replied, her voice steady despite the tremble in her hands. "I'm not afraid of anything."Sirius chuckled, the sound sending shivers down her spine. "You shouldn't be," he whispered, his lips brushing against hers in a tantalizingly soft touch.Regan's mind raced, her thoughts chaotic as she struggled to maintain her composure. He closed the remaining gap to claim her lips, his hand sliding from the wall to cup her cheek gently. Regan's heart pounded in her chest crazily. She wanted to push him away, to escape his grasp, but a part of her didn't want to.She closed her eyes, trying to block out the overwhelming sensations coursing through her. This wasn't right. She couldn't let herself be swayed by him, by his charm or his power. But as his lips lingered against hers, she felt herself melting."You've sealed it completely," he murmured against her lips, his voice low and husky. "And if before there was doubt, now you're utterly bound to me." With those words, he kissed her again, deeper this time, as if conveying something he couldn't say. Regan's mind was a whole growing mess, but deep down, she knew she couldn't deny the undeniable connection between them, no matter how much she wanted to resist.He pulled back and smiled as he stared down at her, his eyes filled with a strange sense of amusement and affection, "You want to be mine? My wife? My enemy? Or perhaps all three?" His words echoed in her mind, leaving her feeling both exhilarated and terrified at the same time.She couldn't make sense of what was happening. He had kissed her twice and she liked it. She felt like she was under some sort of spell. The words faded in her throat and her mind spun with thoughts.His hand clasped hers and he led her away from the dungeon, his touch possessive yet gentle. He brought her hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss against her knuckles. Regan's heart fluttered at the gesture, her mind still reeling from the intensity of his kiss."Is this real?" he whispered, his voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart.Regan looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of deceit or manipulation. But all she saw was raw emotion, a vulnerability she hadn't expected from someone like him. It was disarming, and she found herself unable to look away."I don't know," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I want it to be."His eyes shone with a mixture of surprise and something deeper, something she could call love. He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting embrace. Regan hesitated for a moment before leaning on his chest, allowing herself to be enveloped by his warmth. "I love you, I love you so much," he whispered against her hair, kissing her forehead gently.Her heart raced at his words, a flood of emotions washing over her. She never expected to hear those words from him, and yet, there they were, spoken with such sincerity that she couldn't doubt their truth. "I love you too," she whispered back, her voice barely audible but filled with conviction.But then, as she said those words, the world around her wrapped and twisted and everything turned black for a moment. Then, her eyes fluttered open, only to find herself lying in her bed, covered in sweat, her heart still racing.It was just a dream-a vivid, terrifying dream that felt all too real. Her heart was pounding crazily and she was hearing it inside her own head. She was still feeling that warmth in her chest, that melting sensation from the dream, but now it was fading, replaced by the cold reality of her room. She didn't bother to look around, the chamber was faint anyway, the only source of light being the dim glow of the moon filtering through the curtains.She felt a pang of disappointment and confusion as she tried to shake off the remnants of the dream. It had felt so vivid, so real, so beautiful, and she wondered why she saw it. And deep down, she didn't want it to end. She sat up and gripped her hair in frustration.It was embarrassing and shameful, her mind playing tricks on her in such a way. He was her enemy, he supposedly killed her parents and he was a cruel ruler. And she couldn't believe he kissed her in the dream and told her he loved her. It was absurd. And the worst was that she told him she loved him too. She couldn't shake away the dread of shame."What are you thinking about?" that deep voice startled Regan and she flinched, looking up to see Sirius sitting on a couch across from her. His expression was blank and she felt her breath hitch. Had he been here all along? Was he watching her sleep? It was dark and it was hard to see his features clearly, but she could feel his gaze on her, intense and penetrating."Why are you here?" she asked, her mind still racing. The sight of him made her heart race even faster, but she tried to push aside the memories of that dream. It wasn't real. It couldn't be. He'd never feel....that....way."You fell unconscious and I brought you back here," he replied coolly."And how did I fall unconscious?" Regan demanded, her voice trembling slightly. "What did you do to me?""I didn't do anything," Sirius replied nonchalantly, "you got overcharged. It's common when you try to escape things you're not supposed to."Regan's eyes narrowed, her jaw clenching. "Don't give me that. You're lying," she retorted, her voice firm despite the lingering fear. "I know you did something to me. What was it?"Sirius leaned back in his seat, his expression unreadable, "It's not my fault that you can't handle your power. Do you remember anything?"Regan's frown deepened. What did she remember? She remembered she was inside the dungeon, she freed a prisoner, then he found her and then it was the dream. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. What if he was lying? What if he had used a spell on her while she was unconscious and then he made her dream that dream? The thought sent a sense of dread through her. What if he knew what she dreamed?"You fell unconscious while arguing with me, when you were saying you weren't bound to me," Sirius stated calmly, his eyes never leaving her face.She certainly remembered all that. At least that hadn't been a dream. "And how did you bring me here?" she asked with an accusing voice, narrowing her eyes."I used a simple teleportation spell," he answered, "it's not hard to teleport." After that, she didn't speak and her mind started wandering to other things."So, what were you thinking when you woke up?" he asked, narrowing his eyes with a hint of curiosity. It was weird, she was being too silent. She was always vocal and argumentative, especially with him.Regan took a deep breath, trying to diffuse the dream from her mind. "I was thinking of how I'll destroy your reign and corrupted order," she said, trying to sound furious and determined.Sirius raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by her reaction, "Bold words of you," he remarked, "but your obstinacy will only lead to your demise.""Get out of here," Regan snapped, her gaze falling on her lap. She couldn't stand him anymore, everything reminded her of that dream and she couldn't bear it."I'll leave, my dear princess. But you see, even if you were to escape from this place you call hellhole, you wouldn't like the world outside. It's much more vice and corrupt than you think. Just like every other place. They're all dark and unforgiving," he said, his voice blank. But there was a hint of frustration in his tone."I'd rather die out there than stay imprisoned here," Regan retorted defiantly."You'd rather snap at me than listen to reason," Sirius countered, his voice tinged with frustration. "Whatever.... you're shaking," he remarked, his tone softening slightly. "Are you cold?"Regan shook her head, her arms wrapped tightly around herself. She was cold and realized she didn't have the cloak on. Where was it? She remembered she had it on when she was down the dungeons. "Why am I not wearing the cloak?" she snapped, her voice a mixture of frustration and confusion.Sirius sighed, "You don't just sleep with your cloak on," he replied, his voice tinged with annoyance. "I took it off while you were unconscious. You were uncomfortable."Regan's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she realized he had touched her. She felt a surge of anger rise within her, "And you dared touch me?" she demanded, her voice trembling with fury.Sirius's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing as he regarded her with a cool detachment, "I didn't touch you. I used magic to remove your cloak. There's no need to get riled up."Regan gritted her teeth, refusing to believe him. "I don't trust you," she hissed, her voice dripping with disdain."I don't care," he said calmly, rising from the couch. "Trust is overrated. And I don't need you to trust me. Just remember, Regan, the bond is not a joke. It's-""Leave," Regan interrupted, her voice cold and firm. She couldn't bear to listen to him anymore, especially about the bond. "Just leave me alone."Sirius stared at her for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then, without another word, he turned and left the room, leaving Regan alone with her turbulent thoughts. She watched him go, feeling a mixture of relief and melancholy. She lay down again, tears stinging her eyes. She couldn't believe she had seen a dream of him kissing her and professing his love. It felt like a betrayal, a sharp blade amidst the reality of her life.After she stayed like that for a while, she started feeling hot and thirsty. She threw the covers off and sat up, trying to shove these chilling thoughts out of her mind. But it was impossible, she fell deeper in her mind's abyss. She gripped her hair in frustration and then sighed. There was no water pitcher in the room and she was feeling incredibly parched. With a resigned sigh, she stood up and made her way to the door, determined to find something to drink.But then, she saw the guards guarding the hallway. They weren't going to let her pass that time for sure. They let her once. And that time, they must've gotten more orders.She was hopeless, trapped in a sweet and bitter cycle of defiance and captivity.She stepped out of the room and they stopped her, their eyes narrowing suspiciously. "Where do you think you're going?" one of them demanded, blocking her path with a stern expression.Regan's jaw clenched as she met the guards' gaze with defiance. "I'm thirsty. I need water," she replied curtly, her voice steady despite the tension in the air.The guard narrowed his eyes, "Fine. I'll call a servant.""I can get it myself," Regan retorted, her tone defiant. "Just let me pass."The guard hesitated for a moment, clearly torn between following orders and allowing her to pass. Finally, with a resigned sigh, he stepped aside, allowing her to proceed down the hallway. "If you go far, you'll get in trouble," he warned, his tone sour.Regan nodded, walking past them. She didn't know where she was going, but she had to get away from that room. And she had to get away from him.She walked down the dimly lit hallway, following a set of grand stairs that led to the lower levels of the castle. But then, as she reached the bottom of the stairs, a hand sneaked around her arm, dragging her away to a corner. Her eyes went wide open when she saw it was the blue haired, Vesper, looking at her with disdain and menace.Great, now she had to deal with another problem. The least she wanted to do was to deal with Vesper."Where were you, little loser? Where the fuck do you wander in the shadows, in the middle of the night?" she sneered."Get away from me," Regan spat, while struggling against her iron grip.In response, she felt something cold pressed against her neck. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized the shape of a dagger. "You'll do exactly as I say," Vesper hissed, "or I swear I'll end you right here."Regan took a deep breath, trying to remain calm despite the blade against her neck. "Fine, I'll do as you say," she replied, her voice steady, concealing her true intentions. Of course she wasn't going to do what Vesper said.Vesper smirked, enjoying the moment of control. "Good. Now, tell me where were you and what you were doing. Sirius won't be pleased if he finds out his prisoner is sneaking around.""I was just going to drink water," Regan retorted.Vesper harshly tightened her grip on the dagger, and Regan tried to swallow the piercing pain, "Drinking water, huh? Don't play games with me, Regan. You're a fake princess, you have no house, no identity, nothing. No one cares about you!" she hissed, her voice venomously laced.Regan's eyes flashed with anger, her patience worn thin. "You think I'm afraid of you? I don't need titles and others to care for me, to prove my worth."Vesper tightened her grip on Regan's arms, her eyes blazing with fury. Regan restrained herself from showing pain, although she could feel the cuts on her skin where the metal dug in. "You're wrong Regan. You're nothing but a nobody, a waste of space. Everyone hates you.""I don't fucking care," Regan spat, her eyes burning with a fire Vesper had never seen before. "I don't need anyone to like me."Vesper's jaw clenched but Regan swiftly jerked her arm away from her hold. She grabbed her wrist where she had the dagger and twisted it. Vesper let out a cry of pain, the dagger falling to the floor. Regan kneed her in the stomach, pushing her back against the wall. "You don't know what you're dealing with, Vesper," she spat, her voice low and menacing. "You think I'm a foolish, naive little girl? I'm not."Vesper gasped for breath, struggling to stand up straight. "You're nothing," Vesper hissed, "you're ugly, you're weak, and you're nothing!"But Regan didn't back down. She twisted Vesper's arm harder, her face contorting into a snarl. "I'm not like you at least. I don't sell myself to men for power. I don't have titles or money, but I have something you'll never have, Vesper. I have dignity."Vesper's eyes widened, a spark of anger igniting inside her. She kicked Regan's legs out from under her, sending her crashing to the ground. "You think you're so much better than me?" she spat, grabbing Regan's hair, pulling it roughly. "You think Sirius likes you better? You're a pathetic little thing Regan, and you'll never be anything more!"Her words stung, but Regan refused to let Vesper see the pain she felt. Vesper's grip on her hair was so painful and she could feel the skin of her scalp starting to tear, but she didn't flinch."I don't care about what Sirius likes," she snarled, trying to free herself from Vesper's grip. "I don't fucking care about Sirius or you. You're both evil and terrible." Preparing a fireball in her palm, Regan blasted Vesper with all her might. The force of the attack sent her flying across the hall, crashing against the hall.Regan took deep breaths, finally free from her grasp. She approached Vesper, her palms glowing red, her face tight with anger, "I felt bad for you once. When we were fighting that day. But you're a snake. You're a liar."Vesper let out a sinister chuckle, pushing herself off the wall, "Oh, you think I was at your mercy? You lost that fight and you'll always lose to me, Regan." She raised her hand and with a flick of her wrist, sent the dagger flying to Regan. Regan was caught off guard and barely managed to dodge the dagger, feeling it whistle past her ear."You're pathetic," Vesper sneered. She shot her palms forward, aiming a bolt of energy on Regan's way. Regan quickly used a shield to defend herself and she was growing even more frustrated. They were inside a hall and it wasn't the perfect place for a duel, but Vesper didn't seem to care. She was determined to win, or at least to make Regan suffer.Vesper growled, aiming again. That time, Regan dodged and her strike ended up shooting the vases on the hallway's wall, sending water and flowers crashing to the ground. She continued to shoot on a hail and Regan also shot her back. They ended up shooting each other, their attacks clashing in the middle. Regan realized Vesper had no intention of ending the fight anytime soon. She couldn't help but hope that Sirius would appear somehow and stop this.Vesper's eyes narrowed, sensing Regan's reluctance. She smiled cruelly. "I bet you wish Sirius was here, huh?" she sneered. "But he's not. And even if he was, he'd join me against you. You know that, don't you?" She shot another dagger at Regan, who barely managed to dodge it again.Regan growled in frustration. She couldn't keep this up forever. If she didn't find a way to end this quickly, she would be at a disadvantage. And then what? She couldn't let Vesper win. Not like this.She took a deep breath and then struck her flames in Vesper's direction. The flames rose high, engulfinwg the hallway with their heat. Vesper, caught off guard, stumbled backwards. "You coward!" she screamed. "You're going to burn everything down!""Well, that's not my place. So, even if it burns, I don't give a damn!" Regan shouted back, her flames dancing on her fingertips. Vesper, on the other hand, seemed to be regaining her composure. She glared at Regan, her eyes blazing with anger. "You'll pay for that, you little bitch!" she spat.Regan rolled her eyes and shot one last flame on Vesper's way, preventing them from seeing each other properly. Then, she took the opportunity and grabbed the dagger that was thrown on the floor. She hid it somewhere under her cloak and rushed to the other side of the hallway.She knew she acted like a coward but she wasn't in the mood to fight Vesper now.

She ran out of breath and skipped the long stairs that were possibly leading to the chamber where she was being held.

Soon, she reached the familiar corridor. The armed men watched her in suspicion, but she ignored them, quickly disappearing behind the door of her chamber. She locked and then released a breath. There was better, safer.She feared if Vesper still wanted to fight. After all, her room was too cramped. She looked at Vesper's dagger. It was one of a silver metal and adorned with delicate carvings. It must have been ancient and mystic.She had forgotten she was thirsty, but she still was. And because of Vesper, they weren't going to let her at all.But then she remembered something. Something dreadful. She had freed a prisoner from Sirius's dungeons. If he learnt that, she was doomed, she told herself.