
Flames of redemption

"You're such a bastard!" "I am a bastard," he agreed, leaning even closer to her, "but I'm your bastard, kitten." Someone who's not average, not ordinary, not trying to fit in, not....'normal', as defined by society. And deep inside, she felt the weight of eyes upon her, watching her every move. Questions lingered and haunted her mind: Who was the observer? And what motives laid behind those captivating gazes?

Izabel_Gamer · Fantasie
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106 Chs


As Regan stood there, torn in her thoughts, she sank into a nearby chair and tears flooded her eyes. She couldn't believe anything she heard. Tears crossed her cheeks and suddenly she realized; she was still in the sorcerer's chamber.Overwhelmed, she wiped her tears and tried to swallow her thoughts.She got up from the chair and swiftly opened the chamber's door. When she walked into the pentagon corridor, she come in front with a unknown man, dressed in military attire. That was general Vlad. She remembered him from that forced dinner she had days ago."Are you alright?" Vlad asked through his usual stoicism, upon noticing her red eyes.Regan tried to hold her composure, while beneath she was getting even more vulnerable."I'm fine, why do you ask?" she tried to steady her voice.The general's stoicism lowered a bit as he spoke, "I saw you going out of Sirius's chamber with teary eyes. If anything's bothering you, you can always address to me. If you don't know already, I'm general Vlad, Sirius's second in command."Regan avoided eye contact and darted her eyes around, trying to ignore him, "Alright."Vlad persisted, "If there's anything you need or want to discuss, I'm here.""Fine. Thanks," she muttered, turning away, trying to distance herself as far as possible.As she walked away, Vlad maintained a respectful distance but kept a watchful eye on her.Suddenly, the sorcerer emerged from the darkness at the end of the hall, his expression dark and displeased as he noticed Vlad's presence."What's the matter, Vlad? Why are you bothering her?" His voice was sharp, a tinge of possessiveness in his tone."Nothing, my lord. I asked for any possible disturbance." Vlad calmly replied.Sirius's eyebrows furrowed, his expression dark, "Let her be. Stick to your duties, general," he ordered, his voice stern."As you wish, my lord," the general nodded and left on his way.Sirius's gaze flickered at Regan, his expression unreadable, "What were you talking with him? You're looking for company?" He asked, his voice sharp in the air's tension.Regan glared at him with a heated gaze, "I'm looking for you to root in hell," she hissed and walked away in enraged steps.As soon as she entered her chamber, she locked the door. She lay on the bed and started crying again, unwillingly as she realized how lost and how lied she was. She was overwhelmed by the revelations, by the fact that her life had been built on lies. That was why she felt like non-belonging anywhere. She was living a lie. She didn't belong anywhere. Her homeland was destroyed and there was nothing to do of that."Aunt could have at least told me I was adopted," she mumbled to herself.She couldn't believe how her aunt had hid that from her. How could her aunt not tell her she was adopted? It wouldn't change much but she'd know her identity wasn't true, at least.Then, her thoughts swirled with hatred and anger for Sirius. He was the reason for everything, he had destroyed her previous life and was still doing it. There was pain and fury in her, but there was also disbelief. It all seemed like a lie.Her hands gripped the sheets tightly and she couldn't stop the tears. She had known her parents, but they weren't really her parents. She had no idea where she came from.Suddenly, a knock snapped her out. Regan wiped her tears angrily and dragged herself from the bed. As she unlocked it, it revealed to be Seraphina. She smiled gently at her, but immediately noticed Regan's depressed face."What's wrong, child? I came earlier, but you weren't here. What's the matter, have you cried?" Seraphina asked, her voice filled with concern."I asked him about my past," Regan answered dryly."Oh..." Seraphina sighed, her expression turning thoughtful. She closed the doors from behind her and slowly sat on the bed, "So you learnt the truth?"Regan nodded, trying hard to hold tears. She sat on the bed and put her hands on her face, "Did you know about all that?""Not only me, almost everyone knows about Avalon's destruction, although they don't know you're alive. It'll be better if they don't," Seraphina said with a calm voice, although there was a warning in her last sentence."How is this all possible?" Regan asked, looking at her, "How did he destroy a kingdom and got away with it? He should've been imprisoned. Doesn't law exists here?"Seraphina sighed, "Yes, law exists here. But it's complicated. You see, he has been in prison for years. The council imprisoned him for his acts. But then, he escaped, he's an escaped convict. Then, he gained control of his abilities and they couldn't hold him back there. Now, no one tries to directly defy him. Yes, there are so many who hate him and who he hates but that doesn't matter in imprisoning him now."Seraphina's words hit Regan very harshly. She couldn't believe it. What kind of twisted joke was that? Why did she have to be dragged into this place?"This is insane! He destroyed my life!" she vented, "not only mine, others as well. That's a crime.""I know it's a crime, my dear. I know it's too much for you. But that's the way it is," Seraphina replied, her voice somber. Regan could tell she was frustrated as well, but it seemed like she was accepting."And do you know anything about that place he destroyed?" she asked, wondering if her mentor knew anything."Yes," Seraphina nodded, "well, he wasn't the only one who took part in the destruction. From the stories, he was raised by a evil witch names Agnes. Anyway Agnes is still in prison.""And my parents?""Yes, I knew them, just like I know most of realm's monarchs. Queen Octavia and king Cortez. They were nobles and graceful people," she answered."Sirius talked bad about them," Regan said, recalling his sharp words."Sirius is blinded by his usual feud and vengeance with everyone. What did he tell about your parents?"Regan took a deep breath, "He said he killed them," she stammered, her voice filled with sorrow. "And then he said some ridiculous things."Seraphina looked at her, her eyes filled with affection, "Don't worry, my dear. You don't have to believe everything he says. He has told you about your identity, but he never tells the truth straightforwardly.""You mean he could have lied?""I mean," the wise woman said as she took Regan's hand, "that you're his enemy and he'll try to manipulate you in so many possible ways.""So, you're saying that my parents could be alive?" Regan asked, a hint of hope in her voice."I don't know for sure," Seraphina answered, her gaze distant out of the window, "the battle happened years ago, when you were little."Regan didn't say anything, letting her to continue."So, during that time, I wasn't there to witness a lot, but your parents were never found dead. They weren't found at all. Agnes admitted being involved in their disappearance. So, either way Sirius knows the full story and doesn't tell, or he doesn't know and tells lies."Regan sighed, running a hand through her hair. She didn't even know what to believe,

"I don't want to rely on fake hopes, Seraphina. I've been lied to in my whole life."

"That's why I'm saying that you shouldn't believe people blindly. Believe in God and yourself," Seraphina encouraged. "As for your power, the eternal ember, it was a power held by your lineage only. It's unknown how Sirius obtained it, although it's said that it's corrupted. Still you're the rightful owner of it, my dear," she added.She continued to share words of encouragement and guidance with Regan, emphasizing the importance of inner strength and resilience. The more she spoke, the more vengeful Regan became. The anger, the fury rose even higher. She couldn't suppress it or ignore it. She was very mad."I want to defeat Sirius. I want to make him pay for what he has done, and put an end to this chaos," Regan said, her voice filled with strong determination."It'll be difficult, but you have the strength and intelligence within, I know. I'll always support you, my dear," Seraphina said, her voice gentle and affectionate.She didn't know how she'd do that, but she knew she'd do his life hell, like he did hers. The resolve burned within her and she deeply vowed that she'd make him pay.But then, she felt a sudden presence, a nagging feeling on her chest. Shortly after that, the doors swung open, he was standing there.Regan's features twisted into a frown. How could he still show his face after all what he had said and done? She couldn't fathom it."Seraphina," he called, his voice cold and commanding, "I have something to discuss with you. Come."Seraphina nodded and smiled reassuringly at Regan, before leaving her hands and getting up. She walked out of the room, escorted by Sirius, who slammed the door shut.As they left, Regan pondered Seraphina's words about not trusting Sirius's words. It wasn't like she trusted him, anyway. But she still contemplated her life, herself. She didn't even know who and what she was. There was no way she'd have thought herself coming from a royal family, let alone coming from an unknown planet.It wasn't like she was mad that she didn't live like a princess, after all she had been always grateful for her living with her aunt. But she felt mad that Sirius had been messing around with her life and that she had been missing so many things; living a life in lies.Maybe there was hope in her, to find her biological parents, to get to know them. She had never meet them, didn't remember anything of her previous life, but still, she wanted to find them.Meanwhile, out of the chamber, Sirius was talking to Seraphina, his voice cold and stoic, "Your job in mentoring the girl is done, I don't want you meddling in her affairs. You're dismissed."Seraphina held her composure, but still didn't know why he'd say that."Why? You said she needed guidance.""She doesn't need it anymore," Sirius carelessly replied, "she has learned enough. Now, if she's the sage, guidance doesn't matter."Seraphina nodded, her expression unreadable, "As you wish, my lord."The sorcerer nodded and left on his way to his study. Somehow, he was relieved, relieved that he told the girl her true identity. That damn thing was eating him inside for so long. At least, now she was officially his true enemy, she fully hated him and that was what he wanted.Back to his chamber, he found Vesper and Allegra, who were sat on a couch, their expressions careless as they both smirked. Damnit, he muttered. The least thing he wanted was to see these faces of theirs now."Oh, Sirius, finally you came. We've missed you a lot," Allegra said, her voice filled with sweetness."I was there, what's the matter?" He blankly asked as he rolled his eyes."Where's your captive? Haven't seen her today," Vesper asked, her eyes filled with an unresolved grudge. "Or did she die out of fake happiness?"Sirius smirked as he sat on the leather armchair, "She was just here.""Did she also broke your wall?" Allegra teased. She didn't take his words seriously, but noticed the crack on the wall. It was weird."Yes, she did," he blankly answered.Vesper rolled her eyes, her expression getting impatient, "Sirius please. Stop with these stupid crypts. I sense something odd.""You have good senses, Vesper," he remarked, "I told her about her origins, her identity," he revealed as if he was giving the weather news."You did what?!" Vesper exclaimed, her eyes wide in disbelief."I did. There was no use to hide it anymore. Now, we're going to see the real her," he said, his gaze unwavering.Vesper smacked her forehead in frustration, while Allegra's face crossed a frown, not fathoming how could he be so careless."You just gave her another reason to fight for, my dear. That will be returned, for sure," the blondie said."I don't care. I've waited so long for this," he replied, his gaze distant as if lost in thought."You're unbelievable! How could you make such a move! What was the need to tell?" Vesper hissed, seething with grudge and fury, not only from what he just revealed, but also from the things that he had done earlier. She couldn't believe he had gone that far.Sirius glared at her, his voice dangerous and low, "My enemies should know the position they're in. Besides that, your reaction shows pretty much that you're just scared.""I'm not scared! I just don't understand how you continue to lose the good opportunities we have! I get it, now you declared her as enemy. If that's so, why is she still here?" Vesper continued, her voice furious."Yes, Sirius. What's the point of all that? She's our enemy. Why keep her there?" Allegra asked too, her expression mirroring Vesper's."Calm down, ladies. Since when did you grow so scared? Or did the trolls defeat lowered your self confidence? I agree, that was such a great fiasco. Being mocked around and defeated by some little trolls doesn't happen everyday. But you don't have to show your fears like that," he taunted, a wicked smile on his lips."Don't change the subject, Sirius! We're well aware that you're playing a twisted game. What are you trying to do? Persuading Regan to get in your side and then throw us away like we never existed?" Vesper retorted."Me? Trying to get her by my side? Never," He denied as he stood up from the armchair, his gaze unwavering, outside the window. "I've said it earlier, I've studied her for strategy reasons.""Well, haven't you studied her more than necessary?" Allegra said, narrowing her eyes."Hard subjects are always studied more than necessary," he replied, as if lost in thought."I don't care about your studies and subjects Sirius," Vesper hissed, slamming her fist on the table. "What are you going to do now? Let her around to cause trouble? Or do you have other plans?"Allegra glanced at her, wondering what she meant by 'other plans'. She hated Regan too, but she didn't think she was a big deal. And even though she was trying to point it out as a mistake, it wasn't like she cared a lot about him telling Regan things Vesper didn't want to."Other plans?" Sirius raised an eyebrow. "Now, that the things are clear, her intentions are clear. The moment she strikes, we strike back.""Maybe it's you who'll wait to strike back, but me, no!" Vesper retirted, her voice threatening as she stormed out of the chamber, with Allegra following her.