
Flames of redemption

"You're such a bastard!" "I am a bastard," he agreed, leaning even closer to her, "but I'm your bastard, kitten." Someone who's not average, not ordinary, not trying to fit in, not....'normal', as defined by society. And deep inside, she felt the weight of eyes upon her, watching her every move. Questions lingered and haunted her mind: Who was the observer? And what motives laid behind those captivating gazes?

Izabel_Gamer · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
106 Chs


The chamber where he was staying was his study. It was dark, with stony walls, just like the rest of the castle. The floor was made of dark, polished wood, glistering slightly from the torches on the wall.Only a few torches were lightened. The windows were tall and arched, covered with silky red curtains with gold lines. A few were sweept away, filtering some light.Across the room, there were sets of tall bookshelves, holding old manuscripts and tomes, filled with mysteries and secrets from other worlds and planets. The desk was on the other side, it was made of wood. On the surface, there were a few books arranged neatly, papers and letters with beautiful, elegant handwriting, and sketches. One sketch in particular was a portrait of a person. But it wasn't finished. Other stretches consisted of maps and charts, showing uncharted territories and lands, waiting to be discovered. They were all being lightened by a candelabra, its flames casting weird shadows on the papers.The air was warm, despite the darkness of the chamber. A fireplace was across the room, the fire burning in vivid flames. There were also two red couches, their red velvets plump and inviting, facing each other. Above the fireplace was a painting of a vast forest, the trees swaying gently in the breeze.The walls of the chamber were adorned with crimson-gold crown molding. They held different paintings, most were abstract and surreal, some were portraits of people, some were landscapes.He was sitting there, on his desk, his back to the fireplace."Hey there grumpy guy, missed me?" A high pitched feminine voice pierced through the already tense air. The voice snapped the sorcerer's attention back to reality. He had been drowning in a book, like most times, losing his mind. That voice was the last thing he wanted to hear now. Just like any other voice that he'd hear. Or maybe, not every voice. Not hers."Missed you dearly," he retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm."Well, now I don't plan to leave, that place was ridiculous and weird. And I have to get rid of this stupid disguise," she said as she walked closer.Sirius's eyes darted away from the book he was reading and he looked at the witch in front of him, giving her a cold look. The only reason he cooperated with her and her sisters were because she was competitive and ambitious, eager for power.Other than that, it was a waste of time. It was worthless and boring. They didn't know what personal space was. They were gullible and irritating. However, they were still evil just like he considered himself. They weren't afraid to play. And they were willing to do whatever he wanted, just for power and attention, so they were good enough to keep as pawns.He cast a spell at her, making her lose the disguise. His gaze fell on the old manuscript again, uninterested at the transformation.Her appearance changed from short brown hair with pink bangs, to natural blue, long straight hair. The once brown eyes, changed to grey. Dark makeup replaced light makeup. And the 'S' mark washed away from her neck. That indicated that earlier she was in the sorcerer's magic's effect."Finally!" she exclaimed, taking a deep breath as she looked down at her figure."Leave now, Vesper. Your chamber is ready," he ordered, his expression cold and stern.Vesper's brows furrowed, "Trying to get rid of me so fast?""I don't remember asking you to stay," he retorted coldly.Vesper rolled her eyes, placing her hand on the desk, leaning closer."Oh, but I don't think so. I mean, yes, I may go out of your chamber but there are funnier things to do other than staying like a redhead nerd inside a bedroom," Vesper said, her voice low and venomous.Sirius looked at her, raising an eyebrow, knowing where it was going, "Like what?"A wicked smile crept on Vesper's face, "Like having fun with you, only me and you. Or like saying 'hi' to my lost friend."Sirius's jaw clenched, his expression darkening, "Watch your words, Vesper. You won't get to do anything to her." He said, his voice dangerous with threat.Vesper didn't falter, "Guess I have. It was a nice surprise of you to bring her there, wasn't it?""She's none of your concern," the sorcerer retorted, his voice filled with irritation, "just go to your room and stay out of my business." He couldn't stand Vesper's meddling."Did you forget we work together?" Vesper said, getting angry, "you don't have to keep secrets from me, Sirius. Fine, I get that she has powers but there's no reason to keep her there. We could easily absorb her powers and get rid of her forever," she suggested evilly.Sirius sighed, irritated by her, "She doesn't have ordinary powers you can get whenever you want. It's not like that. I don't really care about that anyway.""And what do you care about?" Vesper snapped.Sirius rose from his seat, his posture imposing and intimidating as he towered over Vesper."I care about the Order's safety and I won't tolerate you messing with things that are mine to deal with. Tell that to you sisters as well. Do you understand me? Now, get the he..." A knock on the door interrupted him. He told for them to come in and it was Circe, Vesper's younger sister.Vesper glared at Sirius, then turned to Circe, glaring at her as well."Hi, Vesper! I was searching for you everywhere!"Sirius sighed, "Take your sister away and leave me alone."Circe smiled, then walked over to where Vesper was, "Yeah, leave him alone, he's been weird these days," she said, guiding Vesper away. As they stepped out, the doors were immediately slammed shut by Sirius's magic, they guessed."What do you want Circe?" Vesper snapped angrily, shoving her arm away."Is that how you talk to your sister? We have time without seeing each other," Circe said, raising an eyebrow."Whatever... where's Allegra? Did you hear about someone named 'Regan'?""I definitely know there's an outcast staying there. Who's that Regan?" Circe asked curiously. She didn't get a chance to find out, no one would say a thing."I'll tell you, where's Allegra?" Vesper asked boringly."In the chambers," she replied.They went to their chambers, Vesper being both reluctant and eager to see Allegra. Their last encounter had been a fight for Sirius and the air was already filled with tension.Vesper's age was a mere one year more than Allegra's with Circe being the youngest among them, her age trailing behind Vesper's by two years.As soon as they entered, Allegra was sitting legs crossed, a smirk on her face. "I really missed you, Vesper," she said and Vesper only glared at her."Oh, Allegra, I believe you. You know Sirius brought someone to the castle, right?" She asked, her tone sharp, and she sat down on the pouf."Yes, and?" Allegra scoffed in annoyance."Why are you both so angry? I heard she's beautiful," Circe interrupted much to their distress, a smirk on her face.Vesper's gaze turned at her, shooting her a lethal glare."Misinterpretation occurred.""If you say so..." Circe played along, "by the way, do you know her? Who is she? Why is she here?" she asked, "Her significance is quite negligible, to be honest."Vesper didn't answer her sister, instead she kept looking at her long black nails. Talking about Regan was the least thing she wanted but she had to, because she couldn't stand the fact that Regan was under the same roof as them."She's no one important. She's a prisoner" Vesper retorted."A prisoner?" Allegra asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why isn't she inside the dungeons then?""She'll soon be," Vesper snapped.Allegra rolled her eyes, "Never mind. Looks like she's really a big deal. I'll see her myself." Allegra rose from her seat, ignoring other two. She walked out of the room, her voice voice cut through the air.She scolded Althea repeatedly, installing a deep fear within the maiden, who anxiously pondered the possibility of having inadvertently provoked the wrath of this enraged sorceress."Where the hell have you been? Now you're going to take me to where the new girl is!" she ordered.Althea looked at her and momentarily gained the courage to stand up for herself, "Why don't you tell master to take you there?""Well?! You don't want to be punished, do you? Now, bring me to her!" cried Allegra,

holding the poor girl's arm tightly.

Naturally, Althea could only obey. She brought Allegra to the inner quarters of the castle, where Regan was being kept mysteriously.They walked down a dark hall that was faded by oil lamps, casting weird shadows on the wall. The walls were covered by portraits of noble people and weird paintings.They entered the chamber, and Allegra scanned around, her eyes narrowing. Regan stared at them in surprise."So.. this is her?" Allegra asked with a scorn."Yes, Mistress," Althea bowed and left the chamber after giving Regan a sad glance."So who the hell are you?" Allegra snapped angrily. She looked around the fancy chamber again, furrowing her eyebrows. Captive? Prisoner? Why was she held here then?Regan stared at her as well, narrowing her eyes. She didn't have scales or anything. Her skin was clean, her hair was silky blonde and reached down her knees. She felt jealous for that. Her dress was short, stripped, showing her legs and cleavage, and she had a snake tattoo on her shoulder."Why do you care?" Regan snapped, not liking the way this woman was looking at her. She crossed her arms, clenching her jaw. She couldn't believe it, they had kidnapped her here, holding her against her will and now some random woman was asking her questions. She didn't know what game they were playing.Allegra's scowl deepened, taking a step closer. "Hey, don't you dare talk to me like that! I said who the hell are you? Why are you here?" She paused, her eyes narrowing further. "Why are you staying in this room instead of the dungeon?""Why don't you ask him that?" Regan retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Maybe he'll tell you. He's the one who kidnapped me.""You stupid redhead," Allegra snapped, "do you even know him?" she sneered, looking at Regan with disdain. "You look like a slave, an ordinary low girl. He's a powerful sorcerer, a lord! What could he possibly see in you?"Regan's blood boiled hot at her words. She couldn't believe it. She was being called a slave, a low girl. She was nothing like that. He had brought her here, and she had no idea why."I'm not a slave," she said through gritted teeth, "I didn't ask to be kidnapped here. Now, you better fuck off and leave me alone. I don't have time for that crap you're saying.""You little bitch," Allegra shot back, "you have no idea who you're messing with. I'm a witch and I can easily wipe you off!"Regan grew even more angry, her heart pounding rapidly. She was scared, she knew that. But she couldn't let herself show it. She had to keep up the tough front."You dare call me a bitch?" she spat, taking a step forward. "I'm not afraid of you, or him. I don't care if you have powers." In that moment, Regan really hoped she had powers, that he was right when he said she was a witch. She felt so helpless and weak, but she couldn't show it.Allegra snorted, her nostrils flaring. "You little fool," she said, taking a step closer. "I could break you in half, just like that." She snapped her fingers, and a small whirlwind formed in front of Regan, pushing her against the wall.Regan gasped for air, feeling the wind being knocked out of her. She struggled to breathe, her heart racing. Allegra laughed, the sound cruel and mocking. She approached, gloating over her victory.Regan pushed herself off from the wall, trying to get back her composure. She couldn't let the girl in front of her think she was weak."It hurts, right?" Allegra mocked, smirking evilly. "Watch your tongue, little brat," she threatened, her voice venomous. "Now, you're going to beg me for forgiveness or else, I'll make sure he tortures you for eternity."Regan glared at her, her blue eyes flashing with anger and determination. "I'd rather die," she growled, her voice low and steady. "I'd rather-"She didn't get to finish her sentence. The door slammed open, and there was another girl, this one in a tank top and a skirt, her waist bare except for a leather belt. She didn't have any scales, and her hair was purple."Allegra, what the hell do you think you're doing?!"The purple-haired girl's voice was loud and authoritative, causing Allegra to snap to attention. The anger on her face faltered for a moment before she glared at the other."None of your business, Circe," she snapped. "I was just teaching this little brat some manners."Regan stared at Circe, then at Allegra, not sure what to make of the situation. She couldn't believe it. Were they his concubines? Were they all fighting for his attention? She felt a wave of nausea wash over her at the thought.The purple-haired girl, Circe, looked restless as she reached to grab Allegra's arm. "You fool," she muttered, her voice low. "You're getting us all in trouble. He's going to be furious."Allegra yanked her arm away, rolling her eyes, "Furious? For what?"Circe glanced over at Regan, narrowing her eyes. Then, she looked back at Allegra, shaking her head. "He called you! He knows what you were doing. And now he's going to blame us three!""I don't care," Allegra snapped, folding her arms across her chest. "She deserved it. She was talking back to me."Circe sighed, grabbing Allegra's arm forcefully and pulling her out of the room. "Come on," she muttered, "let's just go before he gets here."Regan stood there for a moment, her heart still racing, before closing the door behind them. She ran a hand through her hair, wondering for once if they were even talking about Sirius. But he was the only one who fit the description.Outside the room, Circe dragged Allegra down the hall, muttering under her breath. "Listen, you better explain yourself to him or....he's not in the best of moods, and you don't want to make him angry."Allegra just rolled her eyes. "He's never in the mood," she muttered, sounding unconvinced. "Besides, she deserved it.""Say that in his face and see what happens," Circe said, shaking her head.He had called for Allegra, and that meant trouble for all of them. They hurried down the hall, eventually reaching a hall, pentagon in shape, with two doors on each side."Where's Vesper?" Allegra asked."Probably inside with him," Circe answered, her tone uncertain. "You know, she never misses an opportunity to be by his side." They reached one of the doors, and Circe paused, glancing around one last time before knocking. "What are you going to say?"Allegra shrugged, "I'll tell him she started it." Circe sighed, shaking her head. She knocked and the door swung open, revealing a dark, grand room. Circe pushed Allegra inside first, then entered as well. At the far end, a throne sat empty, its crimson velvet cushions seeming to glow in the dim light. The walls were crown molded in red and gold. There, standing by the the large gothic window, was him. His hands were folded behind his back, his gaze fixed on something outside.Vesper was seated in one of the couches across the chamber, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips as she watched the two other girls squirm under Sirius's scrutiny. Her legs were crossed, and she was leaning back against the cushions, looking every bit the confident and self-assured girl that she was.Allegra glared at her, suspecting that she might have told Sirius. But before she could say anything, Sirius turned his piercing blue gaze on them, his expression hard and unyielding."Why did you go and meet her?" he sternly asked.Allegra swallowed nervously before launching into her story, her voice quivering. "Look, Sirius. I don't know what Vesper told you, but Regan started it. I mean, she was just being a brat, and I just-""Why did you go meet her?" he repeated through gritted teeth, his tone chillingly dangerous.Circe cleared her throat, "Sirius, Allegra didn't really mean it. She was just curious because you've been acting different lately. We all want to know what's wrong." She glanced over at Vesper, who grinned smugly in response.Sirius's expression was cold, dark and unforgiving as he looked at each of them in turn. He knew exactly what had happened. "I warned her," he pointed accusingly at Vesper, who shrugged nonchalantly. "I told her to warn you to mind your own damn place and not mess with my plans!" he growled, his voice thick with anger.Allegra flinched under his glare, her eyes darting to her sister, wanting to lunge at her for incriminating her."She didn't tell us anything!" she defended, crossing her arms."I told you," Vesper snapped back, glaring at Allegra. "But you're a fool, you wanted to meet Regan anyway.""You don't tell us anything, Vesper, so what do we have to go on?" Circe snapped, her patience wearing thin. "We're not mind readers.""Oh, come on, Circe," Vesper retorted, rolling her eyes. "Don't you-""Silence!" Sirius thundered, his voice echoing through the chamber. The girls fell silent, their eyes wide with fear. "You," he pointed a long, accusing finger at Allegra, "stay away from Regan. Do you understand me?""Yes, Sirius," she answered quietly, her gaze fixed on the floor. "But I'll ask, we are allies. Why aren't you telling us your plans?"Sirius glared at her for a moment, his jaw clenching. He caught Vesper staring at him, making him even more irritated. "Because," he said through gritted teeth, "she's my enemy. My target. Not yours." His gaze swung back to Allegra. "And I expect you to respect that. Now, get out of my sight."Vesper cleared her throat, trying to break the tension in the room. "Look, Sirius. We know she's your enemy, but your enemy is also ours. And you can't just expect us to not react."Sirius sighed, getting frustrated by each passing second. His partnership with them was lame, he knew. But they were useful for for now. "Listen here," he said, his voice measured and calm despite his growing irritation. "It doesn't matter how you see it. She's not a piece of idiot. You all have to be vigilant and careful. I won't tolerate any reckless behaviour. When I say stay away, you stay away," he finished, his voice as cold as ice.They frowned, with Vesper as well. She knew he was pissed off at this situation, but he didn't have to be so cold with them. After all, he hated Regan, like she did."What do you mean?" she snapped. "You're telling us to be afraid of her? You really think she's powerful?" she sneered."She is," he countered coldly, "this doesn't need validation from you. You shall not use this mindset. Unless you want to go back to the underworld."His words stung and Vesper could feel her anger fluttering again. She didn't like being ordered around, despite the fact that facing his wrath was scary. It wasn't like he was merciful or something. And deep down, she was scared of openly defying him."That makes no sense," she retorted, trying to keep her voice steady. "It all looks like a joke. You sending me to earth, making me act like her friend. I get it, you hate her, but that's worthless. You can easily end her life!"Our sorcerer listened at her words but didn't reply. What was he going to say? His mind was like a sea, dominated by a strong storm. He didn't want to talk about Regan at all. He just wanted to avoid these sort of questions, when he had no answers. How could he give an answer, when his mind was a whole another mess?"I decide what's worth and what's not," Sirius snapped back, his voice harsh. "Now, if you don't want to get in trouble," he pointed at the door. "Out."Vesper looked from Sirius to Allegra, then back at the door. She didn't want to leave, but she also didn't want to anger Sirius further. Allegra and Circe already walked out of the room, their steps heavy with annoyance and indulgence.Vesper sighed, glaring at Sirius and then turning away with a huff. "Fine," she muttered under her breath, making her way toward the door.They were all frustrated with him. He was always like that, gloomy, cold, stern. His stoic exterior was unnerving and his anger was part of that as well. For someone with looks as beautiful as his, he could have had an interesting love life. He could have had any girl he wanted. They all loomed around him, like little moths, wanting to get closer to his flame. But he never let them. He didn't care, he didn't want anyone. His priorities were power and authority, and nothing else.Sirius watched as Vesper left the room, closing the door behind her. He sighed in relief, but still furious at what Allegra had done. She needs punishment, he thought. A cruel smirk formed on his lips as he began to think of ways to make her pay.Then, he decided he'd let his general handle that. He walked over to a desk in the corner of the room and retrieved a communication device. It was an earplug. He placed it into his ear and activated it. "General, come in. There's an urgent matter I need you to take care of."The general responded and then, entered Sirius's chamber. He was dressed in a military uniform, his posture straight and his expression stoic. His hair was brown, slicked back. His eyes were green and his skin was a healthy tan. He was tall and muscular, exuding an aura of command and control."What is it that you need, my lord?" he asked, his voice calm.Sirius looked at him, sitting down on his throne, placing his elbows on the armrests. "That witch, Allegra. She's misbehaving. I want you to discipline her. I don't care how you do it, just make sure it's painful enough for her to learn her lesson. And make sure the others are watched as well. They're starting to get too comfortable."The general nodded, his expression unreadable. "Yes, my lord. I'll make sure that Allegra and the others understand their place. As for the punishment, I'll find a way to make an example of her." He bowed his head slightly before turning to leave.