
Flames of Destiny

Soukou Shuosai is a young boy, whose entire family and village were killed, he had everything taken away from him after the fire he ran away until he found an old man who taught him magic. Now Soukou must live in this world, get stronger, make friends, start a family, and hopefully change this corrupt world for the better.

Salty2974 · Fantasie
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19 Chs

The Human Princess

A young man was running through the nearby village and was yelling: "Everyone! The princess is coming here!"

"She's coming here?!"

"Quickly gather food, we're having a banquet!"

Gozan was out shopping at the village while I was still at our tent practicing sensing the flow of my mana.

It took a lot of effort to be able to do it and Gozan said I need to keep training until I can easily sense it.

"Man this really is a lot of work." I yawned while stretching

"Hmm, maybe I should take a break..."

Just as I was about to take a break I see Gozan in the distance.

"Soukou! I have great news!"

Hm? Did he get me a gift or something?

"What is it?"

"The princess is coming to town! With all the work you've been doing lately, this will be the perfect break!"

"The princess..? Who is that?"

"Wait you don't know?!"

"No should I know?"

"Yes, you should... Have your parents not taught you anything?"

"My parents..."

"Oh I'm sorry I shouldn't of brought that up"

"It's okay... well anyways who is this princess?"

"Hmm that may be hard to explain... I'll explain everything tommrow."


Tomorrow could not come soon enough I was so excited to find out who this was and why Gozan seemed so happy about it.

I woke up really early that morning earlier than Gozan.

"Gozan! Wake up already!" I said while jumping up and down on him

As he woke up he groaned "Yeah, yeah just give me a minute will ya?"

Finally, he got up and got dressed and so did I.

"You really need to let people sleep Soukou..."


"No it's okay you were excited it's only natural"

"Well, let's go!"

"Haha, you may be more excited than me."

"Well of course i am!"

After about a 15-minute walk we arrived at the village.

Today was the day... I would finally learn who this "Princess" was.

I'm so excited I can hardly contain it.

I wonder what this person is like and why they're such a huge deal.

A young man came running down the village road yelling: "The princess is almost here! Get ready everyone!"

Everyone rushed out of their homes and came outside there were villagers up and down the road on both sides.

The time finally came there she was with her long flowing black hair gong down to her waist. Her hair was so glossy I was so captivated by it. Her beautiful black hair matched perfectly with her shining purple eyes. She had her hair tied up with a red bow in a ponytail.

She was surrounded by 2 guards are each side.

"Hello everyone!" she playfully shouted.

"I can't believe it the princess is really talking to us... I can't believe it.." a middle-aged man said on the verge of tears."

"So who is this girl, Gozan?"

"Oh, right I forgot you don't know. That right there is Akame Clarinda the human princess. Its said that 5000 years ago the three founders of the three great nations all had the same vision: That in 5000 years from now a princess would be born in the southmost nation in the world and that princess would lead the world to peace. And it just so happened on the day that the Calendar landed on 5000 years was the day that she was born"

"Oh, I've heard about the three great nations!"

"Yes, we live in one of them after all. That's also the reason behind the great race to the south 5000 years ago. I'm sure you've heard of the stories, yes?"

"Yeah, my mom told them to me when I was going to bed! Mom..."

"Hey, it's okay Soukou.." Gozan put his hand on my shoulder as I was looking down.

"But that seems like a lot of pressure to put on a little girl, doesn't it Gozan?"

"Yes your right, but she must be strong all of our hopes our resting on that little girl."

"Maybe I'll be the prince of the humans!"

"So you want to marry her huh Soukou?"

My face was red from ear to ear. "N-no of course not!"
