

chapter one

Oh my godess i cant believe i am magical....after all these years being told i was ordinary...im finally like the others..Kela thought to herself as she walked back to the healers hut where her sensei lived and she lived. Kela saw that once again alot of people were lined up outside. It never failed, if it wasnt some kind of sickness or pregnancy symptoms, it was some kind of scrape or injury. Kela and her sensei, Mrs. Shiki, had been helping the villagers ever since she could remember, Kela had this special tea she had acidently mixed some ingredients togther just for fun and it turned out that it actually helped reduce pain, so now ot would seem that the villagers come just for her tea. But not everything was good, there were times that the village girls would wisper about how Kela was weird or looked ordinary and plain, ugly was the word they quite often used aginst her. However Kela was kind and ignored them, telling herself that beauty was only skin deep. When Kela reached the door she immediately got to work helping her sensei with the villagers, gathering the herbs and boiling the water for the tea and such. That in untill a new face came in, one she had not seen before, but one she would never, ever, forget again.