
Flame Licker

When the first human had suddenly disapeared out of thin air, their family was horrified and shocked. But when that same human suddenly came back, and stronger at that, their family was somehow more horrified and shocked. That started a chain reaction, and now society has adapted to the changes. Forming a new and improved system that helped humanity thrive. That leads us now to Jin who had suddenly awoke in a small, dark room. That room was where it all started. Follow Jin on his journey.

Footfinder · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 9: Life or death.


It all happened in an instant. Jin flexed his leg muscles and jumped, aiming to dodge the crocodile's sharp teeth.

Jin launched in the air, fixing his posture before he left the ground to still strike the crocodile in the head.

The crocodile clamped on thin air, confusion rising up in his eyes. Jin, who's legs were now above his head, swung Blood Taster as hard as he could.

The blade clangered against the top of the reptile's head, making a sound that resembled something close to metal slamming against metal.

Jin cursed, his jump carried him over the crocodile's long body. He then somehow landed on his feet and slid a few inches across the ground.

When he stopped, he had no time to think. A long tail covered in tough scales quickly flew toward him.

Jin brought his arm infront of his stomach, trying to lesson the damage he was about to recieve.

The tail instantly landed, causing Jin to spit out blood as he felt the force of the blow. He then flew back, crashing to the ground and causing dust to shoot up.

'Just this little exchange! With just little exchange I'm already close to death's door!' Jin cursed, as he coughed up blood.

He dejectedly look at his one remaining arm. It had recieved harrowing damage from that last blow, and he wasn't sure how long it would hold out if this took any longer.

Scowling, he agonisingly stood up and slowly resumed in a battle stance. He then took one look at Blood Taster. With that last exchange, it had done no damage, not even leaving a scratch mark on the bastard's body.

Scowling once more, Jin spit the blood that was left in his mouth, on the blade. Finished with that he sprinted toward the crocodile, who was silently watching him the whole time.

While running to the reptile, Jin quickly took in his surroundings, trying to think of something that could help him. A moment later something shined in Jin eye's and he picked up his pace.

Seeing that Jin was going for him once again, the monster took action, looking to meet Jin head on.

But that never happened, at the last moment Jin stepped to the side and kept sprinting. He still tried to plunge Blood Taster into the bastard's body, this time it left a small groove along the monster's body.

This time he was ready for the tail and jumped back, though he still wasn't fast enough. The tip of the tail left an opening on his thigh as it flew past.

This time, Jin just grimaced and smeared Blood Taster on the wound. He then quickly jumped forward once more, thrusting the black dagger into the crocodile's side.

...the blade had finally tasted his the bastard's blood.

Though, Jin quickly jumped back, this time, thankfully missing an attack from the crocodile.

When he dodged the attack, he once again attacked the black crocodile, not giving it any chance to breath.

And so, the dance of life and death, began. Jin tentatively moved around the monster, dealing as many wounds as he could, while also trying do recieve as little wounds as possible.

The crocodile was also relentless, it had also dealt damage to Jin when he was unlucky or too slow to maneuver past the reptile's attacks.

But Jin's plan never was to kill the bastard of a monster in a head on head fight. As the dance of life and death carried on, both he and the monster crept closer and closer to the pond.

'Just a little more!'

Jin was extremely exhausted, he was littered with various wounds, some of little concern and some of grave danger. Still, as the fight continued, his step became a little quicker, his blade a little faster and his gaze a little keener.

He was learning and improving alot in this battle. Stepping back to avoid a horisontal claw swipe, he quickly lashed out, a wound opened on the claw as it flew past.

Jin looked back, they were now at the edge of the pond. His face grew more serious. 'This better work!'

Just as the crocodile moved to chomp Jin in halve. A incandescent, red storm of fire suddenly exploded from Jin.

This had two purposes, one was to blind the crocodile for a moment and the other, well... he hoped it worked.

The monster instantly recoiled, blinded by the sudden flash of light. Even while blinded, the monster lashed out. Swiping thin air, the crocodile felt confusion.

As the light faded from it's eyes, it regained it's sight. It quickly looked around. Jin was no where in sight. Only the aftermath of his fire was present.

Red whisps of fire danced on the grass and trees, killing them, charring them black. The sand on which he had stood, had turned into glass.

But there was no other trace of the irritating human. The monster hissed, thinking that the human had ran away.

Though, it still checked it's surroundings once more to make sure. Lowering it's gaurd, it made his way back to the pond.

Though as the monster moved toward the pond he stopped right at the edge of it. It was too late. The monster realised his mistake when he reached the edge of the pond.

Failing to react in time, the monster saw that dreaded blade that had left various scratches on his body, flying through the air. The red fur adorning it's gaurd, followed gracefuly along. It looked like a fountain of blood that spurted out of a wound.

Launching from out the pond, Jin thrusted the blade deep into one of the reptile's eyes. The black blade of the dagger meeting no resistance as it pierced the eye and dug deep into it's brain.

'Check mate, bastard.'

The light inside the crocodile's last remaining eye faded away, aswell as a unholy amount of hate. The body then slumped lifelessly on sandy edge of the pond.

Jin, pulled the blade out of it's head and then sat on the corpse' snout.

[You have killed a Beast class: Onyx Scaled Crocodile.]

[You have recieved a piece of equipment.]

The results are in! Jin has won against the terrible crocodile. What a shock!

Thank you for reading! Enjoy!<3

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