
Flame Licker

When the first human had suddenly disapeared out of thin air, their family was horrified and shocked. But when that same human suddenly came back, and stronger at that, their family was somehow more horrified and shocked. That started a chain reaction, and now society has adapted to the changes. Forming a new and improved system that helped humanity thrive. That leads us now to Jin who had suddenly awoke in a small, dark room. That room was where it all started. Follow Jin on his journey.

Footfinder · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: New sensation, who dis?

Jin was feeling awful right now. He was crawling for a good few hours already, but the volcano did not look closer, whatsoever.

'Of course you numbskull, it's a desert, it's going to be huge!'

And he was also tiny. 'I really need to find out how to turn back into a human.'

Shaking his head, he kept steadily waddling toward the distant volcano.

While crawling he had other thoughts in his mind. 'How am I going to find food and water?'

He could already feel how dry his mouth felt. The mucus covering his skin was also starting to dry up.

That was also what scared him. The more the mucus dried up, the harder it became to breathe.

The last time he checked on his core, apart from seeing that his core was situated beside his heart, he also saw that he possesed no lungs.

That gave him a mini heart attack, but he quickly calmed down. He deduced that he breathed through his skin, and that the mucus covering his skin was helping with that.

So he needed to find water as fast as possible. Also, strangely his flames did not evaporate the mucus or do anything to it. He guessed that it worked like that because it was his personal ability.

He shook his head once more, and crawled with more purpose.

The rest of the day went smoothly... well as smoothly as it could. Jin had not found any source of food and water, and he was getting desperate.

And then the bright sun lowered behind the dunes, being replace by two beautiful, shining moons.

One was larger then the other, and both were placed diagonally beside eachother. Jin had stared at the spectical for a few minutes.

After that he kept walking. He didn't rest, because there was no shelter and he didn't feel safe. It was also alot colder at night, so he kept moving to keep his body warm.

He knew it was a bad idea to not rest, but he stubbornly kept on moving.

... It wasn't until midnight that disaster struck Jin for the first time.

Jin had made one slip up. He became too comfortable, letting his guard down. Everything happened very quickly.

Jin was crawling along the irritable sand floor of the desert, when his surroundings suddenly became darker.

Jin was too late to react and everything went black.


Jin woke up with a headache, but he quickly dismmised it, as he had more pressing isuess.

Everything around him was black. He was surrounded in total darkness.

'Am I dead? Is this what death feels like?'

Jin quickly dismissed those thoughts. He knew he wasn't dead, because he still felt alive. He felt hot, hungry and... wet?

'Huh, that's weird.'

Why did his surrounding felt so humid? And what smelled so bad?

Painstakingly, Jin quickly came to a conclusion. He grimaced... he was in the belly of a monster!

Jin panicked, he really didn't want to die! After a few seconds though, he calmed down.

In the darkness a crooked smile was plastered on his amphibias face. His mood quickly took a 180 turn.

There was an easy solution to this and he was going to make sure it worked.

'Bastard. You're going to hope you never swallowed me,' Jin thought darkly.

Quickly reaching deep inside of himself, he felt the warm energy flowing through his veins.

Jin gave a growl, a red spark igniting inside his soul. A moment later the red spark turned into two, then four, then twenty and then a million.

Scarlet flames burst forth from his body instantly showering his surrounding in red ominous light.

Jin smiled as he heard a pained screech, the insides of the monster shuddered.

Jin then upped the flames temperature as much as he could. The flames burned brighter and brighter, and the monster's screeches of agony became louder and louder.

And then the creature grew silent. Feeling this, Jin quickly put out the flames, his energy was almost bottomed out.

'Did... did I kill it?' Jin wondered tiredly.

[You have killed a Beast class: Blood Bee.]

[You have recieved a piece of equipment.]

"Yes!" Jin couldn't help but yell. However, he quickly read over Darwin's Guide once more. 'Wait... a bee?'

As he thought that, he felt his whole world spinning. He flew to the end of the bee's stomach, slamming against it's wall.

Of course! It just had to be flying! Jin cursed and quickly stabilized himself... well, tried to. The bee's body kept spinning as it fell through the air, throwing Jin around against the stomach's charred walls.

Jin gritted his teeth as he fought against the pain. He had to prepare for the bee's eventual crash landing, he didn't know how, but he had to.

As the bee fell, he quickly thought of something. It was going to be a gamble, but he had to try it. Using the last of his energy, he summoned his flames inside his body.

Instantly there was a change. His body felt alot more stronger and tougher. 'Yes! It worked!'

He then tensed his whole body and waited for the impact to come.

... and it came.

As the bee crashed into the sand, Jin's whole world shook. He let out a scream of pain and then coughed. Blood flew out of his mouth.

Everything hurt! But Jin smiled. He was alive and he killed his first monster!

Jin quickly took action, he didn't want to stay inside this bee any longer. He quickly crawled toward the opening, he hoped it was the opening, and squeezed through.

It was surprisingly easy! After a few minutes of slithering through the bee's insides he quickly popped out of the monster.

He looked behind him and gave a happy sigh. 'I took the right tunnel!' He triumpantly thought.

But that little joy was quickly taken over by fatigue and tiredness. Plopping down, Jin couldn't keep his eyes opened, no matter how hard he tried.

'I guess I can rest a little. I deserve that much.'

A moment later, Jin was peacefully sleeping beside a giant red bee. He had a very eventful first day.

3rd chapter in the house!

Happy reading! <3

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