
Flame Licker

When the first human had suddenly disapeared out of thin air, their family was horrified and shocked. But when that same human suddenly came back, and stronger at that, their family was somehow more horrified and shocked. That started a chain reaction, and now society has adapted to the changes. Forming a new and improved system that helped humanity thrive. That leads us now to Jin who had suddenly awoke in a small, dark room. That room was where it all started. Follow Jin on his journey.

Footfinder · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: Sandy.

There in the distance, peeking over the sandy hills was a giant mountain. Dark clouds were hanging low over the mounting, casting dark shadows over its surface.

What was a mountain doing in the desert!?

Jin sighed, a hissing sound flowing out his maw, and tried walking toward a nearby dune.

Though seconds later he stopped. 'This sucks!' Jin only managed to wobble a meter infront of him.

Controlling his new body was a real pain.

'What even am I?'

As that thought appeared in his head, a line of words shone infront of his face. Jin reeled back at the sudden disturbance, but calmed down.

[Your body has transformed into a Red Salamander. Congratulations!]

This was called Darwin's Guide, it is a system that appears after one has been transported to their first ecosystem. It's purpose is to keep track of your condition and your equipment. The latter Jin had none of.

'A Red Salamander? Okay, that would have been cool if I weren't stuck in a desert!'

He was practically useless here. He had to learn how to turn back into a human and fast.

'What is my ability even?'

Once again words appeared infront of him.

[Name: Jin ]

[Animal: Red Salamander]

[Ability: Red Flames]

[Sub-Ability: Minor Regeneration]




'... I see.'

That told him nothing. He knew it had something to with fire, but he didn't know anything else. Could he control it, or shoot it, or only manifest it on weapons? There was only one way to find out.

Jin closed his eyes and concentrated. He focused on his body. First the arms and legs, then his head and then his tail. When he focused on his chest he saw a shining red Energy Core.

It was right beside his heart. He only had one core right now. Though when he reaches the second step he will have two. Of course at the last step he would have eight.

Jin frowned. 'If you even making it that far.'

He shook his head and concentrated again. He focused on his core. Somehow Jin knew what to do. It was almost instinctual.

The core had a 'door' which held back the Energy that flowed within it. Jin focused on that 'door' and 'pulled' it open.

Instantly the energy flowed out the core and into his body, circulating through his veins.

Jin felt stronger. Stronger than he was previously.


Instantly his form was covered by scarlet flames. The flames were dancing methodicaly around and on his body. The sand quickly turned black around the red ball of fire.

Jin panicked but quickly calmed down, the flames weren't burning him. Strangely, the flames felt comforting and safe.

Though a moment later Jin felt light headed. The red flames instantly whisped away and his figure was once again visible.

Jin concentrated on his body and saw that his energy was almost gone.

"So it uses up alot of energy. Noted."

Although Jin didn't sound happy, he was jumping for the stars in his mind. He was extremely happy.

From those few seconds that the flames covered him, he could feel that he could only manifest the flames on himself for now, but he didn't care.

He was just happy that he had a combat ability. Something that could help him stay safe here in this desert.

Supressing his happiness, he looked at his info once more. 'Sub-Abilty? That's new, I have never heard of that.'

He stood there for a while, then shrugged, there wasn't really a way to test the ability.

...Well he could hurt himself, but he wasn't willing to do that to himself just yet.

After a bit of contemplation, he once again tried walking toward the nearby dune.

Every tiny step he took, he got more used to his body. Halfway to the dune Jin was now walking more confidently... well, as confident as a tiny salamander could, anyway.

When he arrived at the foot of the dune, he felt almost at home in his new body. Feeling his confidence rise, he slowly scaled the sandy hill.

A moment later Jin was sprinting up the hill. His webbed-feet would slip now and then, but he would quickly recover and continue.

It took a good few minutes to reach the top, but when he arrived at his destination, Jin instantly fell on his belly. He was exhausted.

He opened his mouth and stuck out his tounge to the side, taking big gulps of air. Jin quickly retracted his tounge though, the point of it was covered in sand.

Jin scowled and cursed. Standing back up, he looked toward the mountain.

Jin once again was flabbergasted. It wasn't a mountain, but a volcano!

The dark clouds were actually clouds of ash that was puffing out of the top of the volcano, obscuring the the huge volcano in a dark shadow.

Jin sighed, deciding not to question the how's and why's.

'That's probably my destination and key to finishing the evaluation,' he deduced.

There were different ways to clear an ecosystem. Killing a 'boss' monster, reaching a destination or surviving for a certain amount of time.

Jin just hoped it was one of the last two options and not the first one.

Jin sighed once more and moved in the direction of the volcano. He quickly arrived at the opposite slope of the dune and looked down.

Jin's eyes shined with an idea. Not thinking any further he jumped down onto the slope and slid down.

It was fun for the first few seconds... until it wasn't. When he reached the halfway point one of his feet got caught, and he tumbled the rest of the way down.

When he landed back down onto ground level, Jin shook his head to get rid of the dizziness.

He opened his mouth and spat out a cloud of sand. 'I'm not doing that ever again,' Jin thought resolutely.

After laying there for a moment, he stood back up and made his way toward the imposing volcano.

Yipee! Another chapter!

Thanks for reading! <3

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