

SYNOPSIS The fireheart is a legend,the king of all planets,the one who is blessed by the Gods and loved by his people...he should have found his mate a thousand years ago on his hundred equinox,a thousand years later he is to be crowned king,has a daughter but refuses to marry...Tristan Octavius Mon-el Pentagast stopped believing in the Gods a thousand years ago but now on his one thousand equinox the Gods has sent him a gift... What is the gift from the Gods? Will he accepts the gift? Kiara Mirajane Strauss, a supe with the ability to bend and control any material, she's gentle but also feisty, a great hacker of the Gen V. She has a brother who loves her to the earth and back. Her first mission since graduation and she's with her brother's team, going out to rescue the astronauts stranded in space, the mission was suppose to be fail-proof but what happens when Kiara decides to go in the damaged spaceship to keep it together while her team get the astronauts out??? What happens when she finds a tattoo of a flaming bird on her back?? What happens when she begins to see a man who nobody sees except her? What will she do when the man comes for her?

Daost16Scarlett · Sci-fi
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23 Chs

Chapter 2

Pushed Away

"Andy bring out all the information on that monster A.S.A.P",Max said, all his attention on the screen before him,he turned around and saw his younger sister Kiara at the door, he walked up to her and said "what in tarnation's name are you doing here?",he asked frustratingly.

"What do you think? I'm here to help",she retorted

"Help with what Kiara? it's a fucking class D, a level ninety five, so tell me how are you gonna help?",Max said already feeling tired with the conversation.

Max's pov

Seeing Kiara at the door just made me feel weak, she's always wanting to go on missions with me,but I don't want her out to be out there, if she's there with me I won't be focused, promised our parents I'd protect her with my life that's why I did the things I did for her,things she will never know about and when she said she wanted to help I refuse her immediately even though I knew her powers will come in handy."Kiara please, not this time ok? not now",I pleaded with her.

"So when is it gonna be?tell me Max when?you don't let me go out on any missions,you keep me locked up in here doing nothing",she replied angryly.I could have sworn her eyes turned red that instance but I'll think about that later, I was about to reply when my team came in;"About time guys, you're ten minutes late, Andy let's go, you'll brief them on the way",I said.

"Roger that",Andy replied

The group started leaving the room, I was about to leave when I remembered I was still talking to Kiara only when I turned she was already leaving, I knew I had hurt her feelings but I reassured myself"I'm doing this for her".

"Yes you are Max",I turned and saw Kim my girlfriend."Kim {Kimberly}",I said surprised to see her still in here.

"You know she's no longer a kid Max, she's twenty-five,she can take care of herself, she's no longer.....

"Don't start please",I cut her short;"you know why I'm doing this",I said feeling the starting of an headache if she does continues with her everyday lecture of Kiara being a grown-up.

She sighed and left me following behind her.

It's a little bit short but please bear with me for a while....

I feel a little bit pity for Kiara she's a grown-up yet still being treated like a child

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