
Fist Emperor Of The Universe

Ao Ertian, A youngman who was given a chance by the fate. He who was nobody will make the world tremble with excitement. He will change everyone fate left and right as he saw fit. Because He is the invincible.

CrazeNovel · Urban
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335 Chs

Chapter 245 R's plan

Ao Ertian sent everyone to Siam City.

The slaves and captives thanks him profusely. They knew that it was him who helped them when they were in danger.

If it wasn’t for him they would be killed by the dragon riders.

Decha Subin and Mek worked together. They led everyone to the place that had been prepared in advance for medication and temporary accommodations.

Because this was the sudden event this was the best they could offer for now. and when everyone settles in. Decha would order his blacksmith to build a permanent residence for everyone.

And of course this was not for free. He could not bear the burden for everyone here otherwise there might be a problem in the long run.

He first had to find a role for everyone except for kids and elderly.

Fortunately almost everyone here could wield mana. They had potential to be anything they wanted.