
Fish out of water [not BL]

“It’s Duke Raymond, oh my god he looks so handsome in white!!” a lady exclaimed. Just hearing this warning bell Eloise, peered to the right. A beautiful man dressed completely in white tux walked confidently into the ballroom. His black eyes wandered amongst the crowd, searching for a certain someone. {‘Why is he here!!’} Eloise bit her lips anxiously. {‘Either way, lets run before he catches me,’} she pulled up her fluffy ruffle skirt to her knees and ran like the wind. All of a sudden she felt her skirt being pulled from behind. “How audacious of you to pull a lady’s skirt,” she shouted and pulled without taking a glance back. “My, my, I think I stepped on a cockroach, what shall I do? Shall I roast it for tainting my shoes or should I chop its head off,” a hoarse voice jokingly said from behind. {‘Shit, I’m dead,’} she glanced back in slow motion. “This..... My lord, can you let go of my skirt,” she pointed to his foot that was firmly stepping on the bottom of her skirt. “Why not, I am just expressing my emotions to the lady who expressed ardent feeling to me in her letters,” he said with a smug smirk. The crowd gasped. “She wrote him a love letter!! That shameless wrench,” some lady shouted out loud. Hearing this, Eloise’s eyelid twitched, “sir... no, Lord, I think you misunderstood. I was only expressing my heartfelt gratitude with my ‘thank you’ letter,” she enunciated each word. The duke chuckled. “Oh is that so,” he strode closer having a tight grip on her skirt, “are the words bat-shit-bastard, ring a bell. I read it in your letter,” Eloise gritted her teeth, {‘so you plan to use my word against me, huh? We’ll see who wins,’} she stepped to his side, showing her back to the entire crowd. “MY LORD! Where are you touching me?!” Suddenly she shouted, gasping her bosom. “How audacious of you. I RESPECTED YOU SIR!! How could you do this,” she screamed and ran away while he was frozen in shock. The entire ball room was in disarray. “Lord Raymond is a pervert!!”

Lullabybao · Fantasie
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63 Chs

Chapter 41 - Dominic the Prince

Young duke Raymond was minding his own business.

After his small meltdown, he calmed down a bit. Even so, he was quite regretful for his past decision. Moving to this new dukedom was a mistake. Because she will be there.... if by any accident if he hurt her he won't be able to handle the sorrow.

The door right then banged open and a young blond man walked in confidently. "nice office uncle,"

Raymond peered at him in surprise. "What are you doing here, your highness?.."

"Wow, so cold, you used to call me lovingly as Dom... why the sudden change," Dominic Miles cheerfully laughed as he sat on the chair opposite him.

"You grew up," Raymond sighed, sighing new documents. Inside, he was deeply in thought. 'what is he doing here.... he is supposed to be in the capital..'

"sigh... but you didn't, uncle. Ah I don't know to be surprised or to be awed at your gift," he whispered, lying down on the table. He pushed the piles of documents away from him to create some space.

'So this was his purpose.... sigh, this young lad is getting harder to deal with,'

Raymond glared at him and put the papers back in their place. "It's not a gift. It is a curse,"

"Curse? I think it's a wonderful ability. You can live forever if you wanted to... I would like that," he mumbled softly.

"Is that why you followed me here?" Raymond put down his pen and peered at him.

"Maybe~" the young prince sat up straight. "If you were willing to part with your gift, I would be very happy,"

Raymond just massaged his forehead. This delusional prince had been begging him to change him to a vampire for a long time.

Since this kid was ten, he had been chasing after his coat tail bugging him to change him.

"It was really a mistake settling down in your kingdom," he mumbled.

"What? Our kingdom is great. My father is awesome. He trusts you and he loves so so much like father he never had," the prince sat back placing his leg on the table.

Raymond pushed it off with a swipe of his hand. "That was a mistake as well. I never should have taken him in and raised your father. As days pass by day, he has grown greedy. Look at you, He raised his son just as he is,"

"Oh come on uncle, you can't blame the son for his father's mistake," he whined. "Why don't you give me what you want so that I'll get out of your tail."

"I am not willing to share this curse with anyone. Not you, not your father." Raymond slammed his table. It cracked a bit in the middle, the legs were barely holding together.

Right then, the door opened and Eloise poked her head in. "I hear a loud sound. Is everything okay?"

"It's okay Miss Eloise I'm just..." Raymond glanced at the young prince.

"ohhh okay, I'll come visit you later," Eloise waved at him with a small smile.

"No, no, come in," Dominic glanced at her curiously. "My uncle is just being rude. How can he send a visitor away so coldly," he opened the door and gestured for her in.

"But..... I don't want to intrude." Eloise glanced at Raymond for his approval.

'I should not let them get acquainted at all cause...' Raymond just gestured of her to leave with his eyes.

"I'll come another time,,"

"No silly, come," the man pulled her in by her shoulders and sat her down on the chair. His finger gently glided on her collarbone.

Eloise glanced at him and then at Raymond with her eyes wide open.

 "Demonic!" Raymond glared at him.

"What? Uncle, you should not lose your head so easily. Especially for a woman. Don't you know that," he giggled, gently caressing her neck.

Eloise flinched forward, away from his hands. "What are you doing?" she glared back at him

"Your neck is very fair. It will look good with beautiful jewels on," he whispered.

Eloise just stood up. "Okay, you are annoyingly weird. Sir Raymond it is better to cut off any relations with him rather than being friends. I am leaving now," she glared at him once more as she closed the door.

"Feisty... that's a good trait... I heard the pirates took her,"

"Shut up!!!" Raymond threw a heavy book at his face.

Dominic dodged it by just a split second. The book slammed on the wall, leaving behind a huge dent. "Wow, so she is your switch. If I have known that previously I would have instructed the pirates to spoil her very, very well."

"you!.... you were behind the attack?"

"I am honored to say I was. I just wanted to see how you would react to that much blood. You dealt with it splendidly." Dominic sat down and played his finger nails. "If you, I can too, right? Why don't you pass it down to me? Let me live eternally,"

"You are mad..." Raymond pulled him up by his collar and threw him out. "Touch her and I will burn your whole kingdom. This is not a warning. It's a threat,"