
Brother's Fiancé

Friday morning I woke up light hearted not thinking what's going to happen today and tomorrow. I'm just too excited and overwhelmed about what's going to happen on Monday. I slowly stretched my body while sitting on my bed. After stretching some parts of my body I decided to stand up and do my morning routine's.

After taking a bath I choose to wear a simple shirt, navy blue jeans and a pair of sneakers. After brushing my hair I stood up to face my mirror checking if my outfit today is fine, and I think this will do. After that I took a glance at the wall clock checking the time, eight: twenty-three am. The time shoot my left brow up, I woke up too early today.

I walked towards the door twisting the knob and slightly opening so I can see if someone is outside, and no one is outside. Maybe they're still sleeping. As soon as I shut my door behind someone tapped my shoulder making me scream out of shock.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!-"I screamed while my eyes are closed.

"Hey! Stop screaming it's just me" a hand covered my mouth to cut my scream. I opened my eyes to see who is it, and it's just my brother.

"Sorry.., I got startled when you tapped my shoulder" i said while not looking at him.

"My apologies, I was about to ask you if you would like some of the pasta I cooked?" his answer make me look at him. I just nodded and we both walked down the stairs and going to the kitchen.

I sat on the stool of our kitchen isle while he is getting me a plate with a fork. After placing the plate and fork in front of me, he picked up the pan placing it to a pot rest. I looked at the pan only to see a Italian style pasta, how did I know? Because it's the only past my brother knows how to cook.

We eat silently, the silence is almost deafening. But seconds later my brother broke the silence with question.

"Does my pasta taste good ?" still looking at me.

"No." I said waiting for his reaction.

"I think I can't marry any girl because of this" he said massaging the bridge of his nose. I chuckled at his answer.

"No, it's not delicious because it's very delicious" he smiled after hearing the end of the answer.

"Really, thank god" he said smiling.

"So you are now bound to marry your girl, is it an arranged marriage?" I asked while playing with the fork in my hand.

"It is, but I'm starting to like her even more" he said smiling sweetly.

"Bro' please don't smile like that, you look like a stray dog" I said laughing at the end of my sentence.

"I'm too handsome to look like that" he said thinking high of himself. I scoffed in disbelief.

We finished our breakfast smiling and feeling light to each other. I told him I will head back to my bedroom and waved him good luck on his way to his girl- fiancé to be exact. I entered my room and to find my phone and luckily found it on the bathroom.

I decided to go to our library and find some magazine's if we have some??? I entered the library quietly and slowly closed the door. I placed my phone on the table and played some songs that I practiced yesterday. I searched for books that has pictures and images.

After an hour later I found two magazines, five books and one dictionary that had some images on it. I placed all the things on the table where my phone is placed. I wiped my sweat with the back of my hand and started looking at the magazine.

After three hours I finished all the books. I rested my on the neck rest the chair still processing some images that I saw. I smiled while pictures of animals flashing through my memory. I returned all the books to the assigned shelf.

I picked up my cell phone and left the library to hopefully find something to eat in the kitchen. I walked down our stairs as if there was no end. I slowly turned the door handle and slightly opened the kitchen door to see if there is anyone I could ask for a favor to cook for me.

Unfortunately no one was there, so I went to the refrigerator and opened it to find something easy to cook like eggs or whatever I could find. But unfortunately I didn't find anything so I decided to close the fridge. At the exact time I closed the door of the fridge I saw my maid enter the kitchen.

At last I finally had the hope to eating something. I walked fast towards her and grabbed her hands smiling.

"Aya.. please some cookies with different flavors, a pitcher of fresh apple juice and a glass of warm milk" I said everything I want with puppy eyes.

"hahaha… okay, but I think you should go for a quick bath Miss" she told me so I slowly smelled myself. I wondered because I still smell fine but I slowly caressed my skin and she is right I feel sticky.

I told her to bring everything in my room and wait for me inside. I waved my hands backwards and quickly ran upstairs through my room and quickly entered the bathroom.

Before I take all my clothes of I first opened the faucet of my bath tub and put some lavender scented shower gel. Few minutes later I've removed my clothes and got myself laying inside the tub and leaning my nape on the edge.

I let myself relax for five minutes, after that I stood up and walk towards the shower to rinse my body until there's no more bubbles. I took a clean towel and dried my body with it. I walked inside my walking closet and found some cotton shorts and boyfriend sweater. I wore it and got myself outside only to see my maid sitting on a chair near the coffee.

"Thank you for waiting for me, now let's eat" I said and grabbed a cookie and the glass of milk.

"You don't want to eat alone don't you, Miss?" she said getting my point. I just smiled shyly and continued eating.

We didn't get to finish all my snacks so I order Aya to just give it to the other maids. She puts everything we have used in the tray. To help her I opened the door for her so it will be much easy to go outside my room. But before she could walk to the stairs she told me something.

"Miss, by the way Young Master Raj will be bringing her fiancé for dinner here" I just nodded to tell her I understand.

I closed the door behind me, I leaned at the door thinking about my brothers fiancé. Will she be nice? Is she beautiful? Is she taller than me? Ughhh I should stop thinking now I'll just hope she's nice.

For this evening I changed my clothes for a fitted white dress and black stilettos. Once again I looked at my mirror scanning my whole body, and I decided to let my maid fix my hair so I called Aya for help. Minutes later someone knocked at my door so I walked towards the door. I opened it to welcome Aya in.

"What can I do for you, Miss?" she asked scratching her nape. Maybe she thinks I wore too much, maybe I can ask her. We entered my room silently.

"Did I wear too much?" I nervously turned on her.

"Ah, no Miss!" she said shaking her head "You look uniquely simple at that dress Miss" she said. It made smile ear to ear, I'm really excited.

"could you please do my hair, I want a waterfall braid and please curls the ends" I said and sat in front of my dresser.

She finished my hair in just fifteen minutes only! I'm amazed though. She told me to go down at exactly eight o'clock. I waited for more minute to past and I am ready to go down.

At exactly eight o'clock I walked out of my room and slowly went down stairs. I headed to the dinning area and I slowly opened the door seeing all of my family at the left side of the table and for my brothers fiancé their family is seated at the right side of the table.

I slowly walked to take the seat at my brothers side, giving him a pat on his shoulder. I sat and everybody started introducing their sons and daughters including me.

I looked intently to my brother's fiancé and she caught me looking at her. I thought she will roll her eyes or something but no she smiled at me sweetly. Hmmm not bad brother mine, my brother has a fiancé will I have a thing called boyfriend at the city??? Ughhh whatever I'll just try new things for my list of First Time's. Yup I did a list hehehe.....