
First Term: Survival

*Excerpt* “I’m not going anywhere.” Sky said cutting him off as she gave him a cold, rage-filled smile. The male also smiled back; his grey eyes filled with delight. “Then I challenge you.” He said. Sky pulled her fans from their belt. “Fine. Dain Caellustria is the witness. I’ll get him and meet you at-” “Why go anywhere?” The male asked conversationally as Sky felt air moving above her head. She jumped to her right as a blade of air slammed into the ground. She dodged again as a yellow gray bolt of air flew at her. Left, right, back, down, over, she moved. She knew she couldn’t keep this up though. Unfurling her fans, she ran at him, dodging as she closed the distance. A big, blue-gray cloud appeared in her path and seeing it, Sky hesitated a second too long. One of the smaller darts bit into her left side. She was too angry to feel it, even though it tore deep into her flesh. The cloud started moving for her. As quickly as she could, she spoke the words for the magic shield spell. It exploded into being around her just in time. The cloud hit it and a violent wave of magical energy ricocheted back at the male. He doubled over as it slammed him into the wall. This was her chance! Sky surged forward breaking her shield spell and sliced at him with her fans. He grinned and spun, a sword flashing into existence in his hand. Hastily, Sky twisted to the side. The male’s thrust went past her. He swung sideways at her. Sky blocked with her right fan while she struck for his neck with her left. She felt a pop in her right wrist as the male jerked back out of her reach. Spinning forward with her fan blades out, Sky pressed him back. She kept up a furious string of attacks but everyone she made he countered at the last second. Then she realized it. He was toying with her. Seeing the expression on her face change, the male smiled and began attacking in earnest. It was all Sky could do to block. As she spun to the left to avoid his sword, a dagger that she hadn’t seen traced fire down her back as it cut her deeply. Sky staggered panting as she tried to catch her breath. “You know, you’re pretty good.” The male jeered. Sky looked at him. He was smiling again but it didn’t reach his eyes. They looked like death. “You’re just no match for me...

SandiBell · Fantasie
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100 Chs

Not So Much Friends...

Jin ignored him and said, "Didn't you know? It's all over the school that you're a serial killer. Everyone's trying to figure out how you did it. I've heard everything from blackmail to poison. Personally, I think you had an accomplice. So, am I right?" Jin's grin deepened.

Sky spluttered, "I didn't- I never- Marshall Drakkona-"

Aven put a reassuring hand over hers, "Skylar, he's just messing with you." He told her. Sky turned beet red and dropped her gaze to her plate as Jin laughed heartily at her expense. He adopted a wide-eyed fearful look, then laughed again.

"That was just perfect." He teased as he reached for the scroll in the middle of the table. Aven released Sky's hand. "How dumb do have to be to think that a human could kill not one but three creatures. I mean, come on." Sky smiled weakly at Jin as he finished speaking but he didn't see it as he was busy writing what he wanted to eat down on the scroll. That was how students ordered their food. They wrote what they wanted on the scroll and then the kitchen staff made it and sent it to their table with magic.

After he'd finished ordering, Jin turned to Aven

"Why are we eating with a human anyway?" He asked. Aven shrugged.

"I felt like it."

"She isn't your-" Jin paused and cast an eye at Sky. She looked at him curious as to what he was going to say.

Before Jin could finish his statement, Aven quickly asked, "How's your research going?" Jin's expression soured and they began talking of their research.

Sky learned that they were both A.R., Advanced Research, students. These were select students who stayed after they graduated to study and do research into advanced magic. As a byproduct of focusing so much on one area of magic they would often gain their mastery's in that area.

Sky tried to follow their conversation. It seemed interesting. However, she got lost around the time they started talking about layered enchantments and once they moved on to conditional magic, she thought they were speaking a foreign language.

Apparently, Jin was researching the lost art of flying without wings. He had just decided to focus his research into flying aided by an enchanted item. Aven was studying plants from the Elemental Plane to see if they could be adapted to the Demonic Plane's environment. So far he'd been able to make several grow at least, two were even thriving.

While Sky was listening to them, she began to feel weak and uncomfortable. Her corset started to feel tight; her wig itchy. And for some reason she couldn't stop tracing the outlines of Aven's muscles under his uniform with her eyes. She felt a strong urge to- she stared at his tie and bit her lip as her leg began bouncing under the table.

Aven, seeing she wasn't eating, turned his attention on her.

He asked, "Is something wrong?" Jin looked at her also.

"Well- it's um- your tie looks very tight. Maybe you should take it off." Sky said haltingly as she flushed. She bit her lip again and a ghost of a smile appeared on Aven's face.

"It's not that tight." Jin said flatly his brows furrowing in annoyance at being interrupted. Aven swiftly grabbed the scroll from the center of the table. "What are you doing? We just sat down." Jin said to him.

Aven's smile deepened a hair as he said, "It appears that I have to take Sky back to her rooms now. Unless I'm mistaken, she is very tired." Two of the small brown boxes appeared on the table as Sky gasped.

"How did you know?" Her eyes had fallen to Aven's chest again. He cleared his throat. She looked up at him and he gestured for her to put her food in one of the boxes.

"I am familiar with your habits. You only bite your lip like that when you're-" Aven changed what he'd been about to say. "tired."

"Why are you so excited because she'd tired? She can just pass out on the table while we eat." Jin protested raking a hand through his curls.

Aven smiled, "Don't worry about it." He watched, drumming his fingers on the table, as Sky clumsily folded her box closed. "Come on, Skylar." He said jumping to his feet as soon as she'd finished. Sky stood. Aven walked around the table, grabbed her free hand, and began towing her from the dining hall at a brisk pace.

"So, you're just gonna leave me here?" Jin called after them.

As they were waiting for the lift, the crystals chimed. A second after they stopped, a chipper female voice rang out through the building.

It said, "Aven Gothego to the infirmary. I repeat Aven to the infirmary." Aven stiffened and turned to Sky.

Guiltily, she looked up from checking out his backside. Aven's jaw worked as he met her steady gaze.

Then he growled, "Do you know how long I have been waiting for you to take your succubus form again?"

In a flash, he had his right hand fisted in her hair; his left arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her into his chest.

"I- I want to kiss you." Sky said plaintively staring up at his soft-looking lips. Aven crushed his mouth to hers in a demanding, fiery kiss. Sky met him with equal force and greedily devoured the sweet energy that flooded into her at the contact. Suddenly, Aven stiffened. Sky pouted as he broke the kiss; she was so hungry.

Aven's voice was slightly husky as he said, "I have to go, but I'll be back in two hours and then I'll feed you as much as you want." He released her and stepped back. "Go straight to your rooms and stay there." Sky nodded as the lift chimed. "Get on." Aven ordered. Sky's pout deepened but she did as she was told.

Hi All!

I hope you don't mind the hefty release! I wanted to get more people looking at my book and this is the best way I could think of... Hope you are liking it so far!


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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