
First Stygian Diviner:Apocalypse

“ You must level down to the rock bottom of hell”, a demonic voice said when he was summoned to the other side. Seth Johnson was 16 when he was sacrificed in a cleansing ritual organized by his parent’s cult, to find himself reincarnated and transmigrated to a new world that was already on the brink of extinction. People were divided by their magic power’s ranking to live in different regions and sat on ascending levels in the sky. Being born again as Isiah Duncan, the brother of Lucas Duncan the prodigy who brought the apocalypse to this world was confusing to him, he who had no powers to survive, until he was forced to level down instead of leveling up, using the diabolic core of magic instead of the divine one … --------------------------- Tags: reincarnation, transmigration,male lead, fantasy . Schedule : daily updates( 2 chaps/day). Chapter length: 1 k .sometimes more. The cover :the new cover is mine, I don't allow anyone to use it , it is made specifically for tgis webnovel. The characters in this cover are :Isiah Duncan and Eijar . -------------------- bonus chapters: 10 golden tickets: 01bonus chapters 50 golden tickets: 05 bonus chapters 100 golden tickets :10 bonus chapters -------------------------- Check out my other works: For male lead: *First Stygian Diviner: Apocalypse *I Brought Apocalypse:Villain's Supremacy For female lead: *I created the villain *The body we shared . -------- Follow me on instagram: isaac_black2013 Discord server :https://discord.gg/VNH4pKgyT3 ko-fi page : https://ko-fi.com/isaacblack

Isaac_black · Fantasie
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362 Chs


Because his parents were much older than him, it took them a while to wake up again, their natural healing process driven by Ethyl's magic was slow compared to his.

However, the moment they both woke up and saw what happened to their house and the garden everything turned upside down.

His mother started slapping her face in shock, she even started scratching her face uncontrollably for her loss. T

he tears drew lines in her cheeks because she tore heavily as she leaned while sitting on the ground and rested her head there, Lisa formed a fist and started hitting the ground with her hands in disbelief.

"We did ever…rr..everything, we…. prepared for this… night li….li…like ….we always did…why ….why !", at that moment she was yelling and crying and no one dared to even come closer to her.

She was crying and shouting as the smell of burning woods crossed her nose, and the ash started to disperse in the air blinding her from seeing that chaos, even her garden that she always took care of was burned to the ground.

His dad's reaction was different than his mother's, he kept looking at the house in silence for half an hour, he had a poker face by nature and that didn't help Isiah to read what was in his mind at the moment.

When his mother finally got tired of that wave of crying, she just sat there with her eyes fixed on the house silently.

Isiah thought that this was it…. he thought that they finally got to their senses, nevertheless his dad was just bottling up all that time.

In seconds his face turned red like a tomato, and the look of anger on his face went from zero to ten fastly.

Isiah felt uneasy when he saw that, especially when he turned to face him and started walking towards him slowly saying:" Why? Why? Tell me …Why.....What happened, you stupid bastard? ".

" I don't know …I just don't know…I woke up to this..I swear to you …Dad ..Dad ..I am just like you ", Isiah was so scared of that reaction.

He grabbed him from his collar and said:'' The house is burning, there are no monsters near this place…Look at the sky …There is no red or purple aurora…Witch means that someone did this", He then noticed Ethyl's presence, she was still sitting where she was before next to Isiah.

Johnathan pointed at her and then said:"Who did this…Who is she? Is she the one who did it?"

Johnathan pointed at Ethyl with a scary face, Isiah saw the way his father was looking at her, so he interrupted him saying:" Dad, she is not responsible for this mess…She came here after…Didn't you see the yellow circle upon the house, it is hers ...She is a high ranked mage ….And she is helping us ".

Johnathan didn't believe him, however, he pushed Isiah away and headed towards Ethyl who was standing by now waiting to receive his rage.

" You little bitch!... You did this to my house!...why ! ..How could you ? ".

Ethyl smiled sarcastically and looked him right in the eyes with a straight face, he flinched for a moment because the aura around her was different, she was cold like ice and the look in her eyes felt like daggers upon his skin, her blue eyes turned to be darker the more she kept the eye contact between them.

Something didn't feel right and Johnathan was trying impatiently to break that contact. He never felt that way in his entire life. This girl was scaring him just by a look from her.

He felt ashamed of that so he pretended to be tough around her.

She raised her hand with her palm directed towards his face and said:" Move ", Suddenly he has pushed far away from her.

That just made him furious, she was messing with him at a moment like that, he tried to walk towards her again but she said this time:"I want to kill you so bad…. Mister, don't push me to do it".

The sky turned to be bright for a moment, it felt like the sun showed up in the middle of the night, that didn't last for long, then a red and purple aurora appeared from nowhere, Johnathan panicked the moment he saw that therefore he just ignored Ethyl completely and headed towards his wife who was still crying silently over her burned house.

He took her hand and started to shake her shoulder with his other free hand trying to wake her up from that state of panic.

When he knew that it was nearly impossible to have her act normal, he just helped her stand and then started running away.

Isiah knew that there was a portal nearby and that his parents were running to another shilter so he decided to follow them just for protecting himself .

He wanted to join them to hide with them, but his dad yelled at him saying :" Don't follow us, we will die if we are numerous .Find a way to hide…. we will meet after" .

His father was talking hysterically as he was running away with his mother, that was his sign to leave everything behind.

This is his first time being outside in a triple full moon, he knew what to expect but living it was something else.

Isiah sat on the ground and said:"Now, you have got what you came for, we are outside in this event, we are doomed and the funny thing is ….I have no magic to survive this night, they will celebrate the death of the traitor's brother, maybe they will cut my head and decorate the institution's gate with it …aaaaaah ….I think it will look great ".

Ethyl didn't look very scared to him, she was confident about herself as always, so she said:" Stop whining like a little kid and follow me ".

His pride was much stronger so he didn't reply to her. She smirked when she noticed his rejection and started whispering some words without his hearing and he found himself standing next to her.

She laughed at his surprised face and said :" When you are weak, don't clutch into such stronger words as pride and honor, don't pretend that you are something other than yourself, you don't have power, you need help …just say it ".

Being next to her at that moment made him skip a beat, he wanted to be much stronger than her just to mess with her like she was doing to him.

A lot of noises were raised just near them, something was bumping on the ground and it was getting closer to them by the minute.

Something was coming in their direction, it must be big because all the birds and animals started to run away or fly in the sky.

Isiah felt like he was in a disaster movie, everything was moving away from this creature.

His heart was pounding, his breath was intermittent, and his muscles were failing him one after another…

Isiah was just moving in an unknown direction while Ethyl stood still.

This girl was dangerous for sure, even when the world was already falling she had to show him that she was better than him .

Isiah couldn't stand that, he shouted at her to follow him but she said smiling:" I will protect you, my lovely princess" .

That made his heart race, his blood boil in his veins, she had power and she was very comfortable using it unlike him who was totally weak and disposable even by the members of his family.

" Go hide in your castle until your knight in shining armor comes to save you", she waved at him then looked at that thing that keeps moving the tall trees.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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