
Chapter 4 “Junior Year part 2”

It has been 3 days since Debby told me that she wanted me. I was still lost for words but at the same time I was still thinking about Violet. The next morning came, Violet's answer hit me like a rock thrown at my face: she said yes. I was shocked but happy, there was only one thing left to do. I had to tell Debby that I didn't like her in that way. The hardest thing I think ever done was telling that girl that I didn't like her in that way, but still to this day I was happy I did.

That being over I still didn't know where I was going to take Violet for our first date. My mind was racing trying to figure out where to go. Then I realized where to go, my special place. What my special place is an old farm that is located on top of a hill. There at the spot you can see beautiful sun sets or watch the star filled night sky. I knew that either way, she would make it even more special.

I told her the next morning where we was going and she said ok. That weekend we went there, it was amazing. Her smile glistened in the star light. I knew the date was coming to an end so I leaned in for the kiss, we connected. I knew at that moment, I was in love. I didn't show her that though but I had never been more sure about anything my whole life.

The next day everything was looking up for me. I knew it wouldn't be like this for ever but for the brief time, I would embrace it. The feeling I had about her I have never had about anyone else. There was warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach and I was always happy, when I was around her.

Two weeks went by no trouble at all. I kept thinking about the elephant in the room. She was a senior, that means she would be graduating this year. I was taking her to a movie this weekend so I would ask her how we would deal with it: so I did. She said we can call, text, face time, and hangout when she is free. We went back to our special place and I told her how could we be sure that are relationship is strong enough to to handle it. She looked at me and said, " I love u that's why." Violet had never said it and neither had i.

I told her," I love u too." We made love that night under the stars. I told my self that God gave me the greatest gift of all: her. I hadn't known where it was going but I liked where it was heading.