
Chapter 1

"Big sis! May I borrow your riffle?" a cute young boy named Harley talking sweetly to her big sister, Lesley.

"You can't baby bro." says Lesley.

Harley then begun to cry. Lesley on the other hand felt sad also seing her brother crying.

"Stop crying cutie.. play with these instead." Lesley said and gave Harley poker cards.

Harley stopped crying and beemed with joy and excitement upon receiving his very own poker cards.

Lesley then get her riffle and wiped it with clean cloth while taking glimpse of his playing young brother.

While Harley is playing, he saw a litte cat passing where he is sitting.

"Hmmmm. Who could've left her cat in this kind of place?" Harley asked himself.

"Hey! Molina! Wait for me!" Harley was shookt because a girl wearing dress is running towards his direction.

The girl didn't notice Harley.

They bumped into each other. Harley's cards are tossed up in the air and just like magic, everything on Harley's point of view turned slow motion. Cards falling, the way he breathes, everything turned in slow motion.

"Uhm, Sorry." the girl said.

Her face is all red.

Harley on the other hand recovered on the incident.

'Grr. This girl is cute!' He said in silent.

"I'm looking for my cat. Did you see any cat around here?" The girl asked.

Harley just nodded in response.

"Really?" She jumped happily and hugged Harley unknowingly.

"Errr, I'm sorry again." She said and break their hugs.

"Come this way." Harley said and led the way.

Upon turning his back, Harley's cheeks turned to red. Oh gosh! He's having a crush!

...To be continued.