
Austronesian New Currency, Calendar and Flag

New Currencies of the Austronesian Empire

Stainless Steel Coins- 1 Earthian Cents

Bronze Plated Brass Coin- 1 Earthian

Silver Plated Bronze Coin- 25 Earthian

Gold Plated Silver Coin- 100 Earthian

Platinum Plated Gold Coins- 1000 Earthian

I would like to thank my friend Z46Edelweiss in helping me research and in adding values into these currencies.

New Calendar Of Austronesia

Unified Calendar

Monday to Friday is still the same while Saturday and Sunday have been removed. 

A week is called a five days because a week only has five days, hence, five days.

10 Months, 5 days each week,  4 weeks each month

Adam- 1

Noah- 2

Abraham- 3 

Jacob- 4

Moses- 5

Jonah- 6

David- 7

Solomon- 8 

John- 9

The Father- 10

I referenced the names of the months to the prophets that are both present in Christianity and Islam. While the last month is called The Father to avoid favouring either religions. I did this as it is the two major religions in the Austronesian Empire.

Austronesian Flag

It is in the Comments.