
First I'll Surpass Thousands!!

A Korean who chose Karate over Taekwondo while deciding to change his life, a young Teen Mixed Martial artist who has the weight of his father's expectations, a Latin Immigrant who recently got citizenship yet still unable to get pass the hardship of a colored individual, a German Orphan who finds himself in the hardships of picking enjoyments of youth over studies. In short, four troubled teens in first year high school, running through the struggles of teen life and it's hundreds or thousands of problems it gives to these individuals. Reigning from Missouri, a story of 90's and Delinquents, presents FIST. ============ P. S. If you guys and gals find any mistakes like spelling, origin, sources, and history then I don't blame because I'm writing this using stacked knowledge (or my limited knowledge of the 90's). Any place, names, Ideas, and etc that might be real here, I can only say.... I don't mostly have knowledge and I'm not accountable for it, sincerely these are Ideas that popped up from my head or searched/researched in the internet for an acceptable amount for the story only ============= (all works from real life; music, famous names, companies, or famous people don't belong to me, only my characters and places I have made up)

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25 Chs

FIST chpt. 18 Tobias Roundhouse (2)


"Oof... that's gotta hurt" Ted spoke to himself within the crowd, as he watched the fight occurring in the cage whilst occupying a guard for Sam, whose tied to a chair, he and the rest had split up, three ways. 

there was four warehouse occupied by the rats' external sources he was shown to where he was assigned to fight, and they're the Ratbikers, of course they didn't tell him until Ted asked 'Where to go?', 

to which they responded with insults added, the group tolerated the seemingly effed up insults to their parents except for Sam, who punched the moment mom jokes were involved, they were fortunate to be pardoned by the older members of the rats.

Which eventually got him here to guard Sam keeping him in check from his short temper, he decided to have a small talk while watching the fight.

"Hey um-uhh, I just wanted to ask, why do you always have a short temper, specifically from people who are delinquents, and bystanders?" Ted asked to you-know-who

of course Sam caught the gist to who he was implying, "... I ...n't ...sed ... be li...d ..hat" Sam mumbled, to which Ted raised an eyebrow

Sam understood that Ted's gesture was asking to repeat his words, "I said, I didn't used to be like that" replied Sam again, in a more clear tone. It was silent between the two of them so Sam just continued "I was an easily manipulated brat, a pushover, which forced me to unfair situations, like being picked on by my whole classroom bullies... and of course that's not the only reason why I specifically hate delinquents."

"The reason being...?" Ted asked

"My co-- why are you interrogating me? you're not like this." Sam answered but retorted with a question

"huh, I don't know too, why I'm doing this... oh! right! 'cuz you always solve shit with your fist, causing problems ,and inevitably dragging us to 'shitty situations' like what would've happened it weren't for my persuasive words with their older members." Ted answered with irritation in his voice

"... not apologizing, you wouldn't understand you don't have a real family, that's why you weren't affected by the insults British boy" Sam replied, but with a fact.

"Oi! I wasn't even born anywhere near Britain mr. 'Wall Crosser'!! I was born in a German province at Austria!", "Hoy! Puto I crossed it legally! and why are you being a little racist nazi!?", "Oh you little bratty cunt!--". they argued to the point the others near them backed away from the two racial slurring teens

"Hey, shut the fuck up you pricks" said a person behind them.

Silence was evident as Sam and Ted noticed him they didn't even notice him being so close.

"Hmph, ya finally shut your traps huh? why I ought to-- Just Kidding!!, Hahaha~~" they turned to see the person they failed to sense. 

On One hand, Sam didn't recognized him but the moment he noticed the person he recognized the smell and from visuals his state, prompting Sam to clench his teeth in frustration 'Druggies huh? so there's some here as well?'.

On the Other hand, Ted recognizes the weird man, Tobias Roundhouse, his specialty well it's obvious Roundhouse kicks, he wore a black tanktop that sticks to his sweat covered body with baggy pants littered with pockets, there were marked with white powdered linings handprints ('tch he was likely just patting off evidence from his Cocaína session' Sam thought)

both Sam and Ted were serious then confused by his actions, "ah shit!, I think I ran out of crack to offer you guys some--" Tobias was cut off when a punch landed in his face, 

turns out Sam was dejected, frustrated, and pushed off the line "I couldn't care less about crackhead bastards like you anymore, drug addicts like my dad shouldn't be forgiven (*spanish) *y mirar tu cara me recuerda a él, I'll beat the shit out of you *gringo! come fight me you pussy ass *puto!" Sam said all while Ted was holding him from beating the shit out of Tobias.

"Haahh~~ nee~noo~ poof~--" Tobias performed gestures, that mad everyone uncomfortably back away from him "-aahahaha--... ... oh! you guys didn't back away but you see I'm not here for you other peasant Hans Students-" this made Sam and Ted twitch, because Tobias only muttered that part for only people close enough to hear "-, I'm hear for my revenge on behalf of my brotha, David~" he grinned mentioning his brother's name "so... tell me... which warehouse is Ivan fighting, before I tell them you four were the ones who attacked them a few days ago, cuz I'm pretty sure they'll never forget grudges, hehe~~".