
First Floor Adventures in Aincrad

A set of short stories highlighting the experiences some had gone through on the first floor of Aincrad.

NaxisNeok · Videospiele
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10 Chs

Robert Mitchell

The sun rose on the second day in Sword Art Online, casting its virtual rays upon the Town of Beginnings. Among the crowd of players, Robert Mitchell, a middle-aged man with graying hair, found himself contemplating the unsettling reality of their predicament. The chaos of the previous day still lingered in the air, but amidst the uncertainty, a quest opportunity emerged.

A nearby NPC, a kindly healer named Elara, approached Robert with a request. "I've heard of a rare flower deep in the forest," she said, her virtual eyes reflecting concern. "It's a crucial ingredient for a healing potion. Would you be willing to fetch it for me? We could use all the help we can get."

Robert hesitated for a moment, glancing at the distant tree line. The quest offered a chance to contribute to the community, and a subtle ache in his chest reminded him of the two sons he longed to return to. "Of course," he replied, a sense of duty weighing on his shoulders. "I'll get that flower for you, Elara."

The forest, once a place of trepidation for others, now became Robert's destination. With a sturdy two-handed axe strapped to his back, he set forth into the foliage. The cool breeze rustled the leaves overhead, and the ambient sounds of the virtual wilderness surrounded him.

As Robert ventured deeper, the forest embraced him with an otherworldly beauty. Sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, creating dappled patterns on the ground. The quest marker led him to a clearing where vibrant flowers bloomed, and in the midst stood the elusive target – the Celestial Bloom.

His journey, however, was not without challenges. As Robert approached the Celestial Bloom, two colossal vine flower monsters emerged, their twisted stems and sharp petals poised for a fight. The ground trembled as they attacked, and Robert swiftly unsheathed his axe.

The first clash echoed through the forest as Robert swung his metal weapon with practiced precision. The giant vine flower retaliated, lashing out with thorny tendrils. Dodging and weaving, Robert struck at vulnerable spots, his body straining with each swing. The battle became a dance of metal against flora, the air filled with the clash of steel and the roars of the monstrous adversaries.

With a final, well-placed blow, Robert felled the first giant vine flower. Its digital form disintegrated into pixels, leaving behind a glow and the satisfaction of victory. However, the second monster, undeterred by its companion's demise, renewed its assault with increased ferocity.

The battle intensified as Robert faced the remaining vine flower. Thorns grazed his armor, and he felt the weight of the axe in his hands. The creature's movements became more unpredictable, and Robert's endurance was put to the test. Every swing and evasion carried the weight of his determination to complete the quest.

After a fierce struggle, Robert emerged victorious once again. The second giant vine flower crumbled, its virtual essence dissipating. A sigh of relief escaped him, and he retrieved the Celestial Bloom, a radiant flower that pulsed with healing energy.

Yet, the forest held more challenges. As Robert made his way back, low-leveled wolves, drawn by the sounds of battle, prowled in his path. The virtual predators circled, their eyes gleaming with hunger. With a grim resolve, Robert faced the pack, his axe cleaving through fur and fang.

The skirmish with the wolves was swift but intense. Each swing of the axe repelled the predators, and Robert's senses remained sharp. The last wolf fell, defeated, as Robert stood amidst the clearing. The Celestial Bloom in hand, he felt a sense of accomplishment and a newfound connection to this virtual world.

Returning to Elara, Robert handed over the Celestial Bloom. The healer's gratitude was evident in her expression. "Thank you, kind warrior. This will aid many in need," she said, her virtual eyes conveying a warmth that resonated with Robert's own desire to protect and provide.

As Robert returned to the inn, a mixture of exhaustion and fulfillment settled within him. The quest had been more than a digital task; it was a reminder of his goal of returning home. The experience rewards gained him a level and some money to upgrade his gear. With the Celestial Bloom quest completed, Robert felt a renewed sense of purpose, and the ache in his chest lessened, if only for a moment. The journey to reunite with his sons continued, one step at a time.