
First Floor Adventures in Aincrad

A set of short stories highlighting the experiences some had gone through on the first floor of Aincrad.

NaxisNeok · Videospiele
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10 Chs

Alex Mercer

In the blink of an eye, reality shattered for Alex Mercer and thousands of others. One moment, they were immersed in the grandeur of Sword Art Online, a virtual reality masterpiece; the next, their bodies lay still in the real world, while their minds were imprisoned within the game.

As confusion swept through the crowd, panic and disbelief etched onto every avatar's face, a cold wind rustled through the pixelated grass of the Town of Beginnings. Alex stumbled, his gloved hands patting his chest as if to ensure the virtual world hadn't robbed him of a heartbeat. The game's creator, Akihiko Kayaba, delivered the grim revelation through an imposing avatar in the sky – escape was impossible. Death in the game meant death in reality. Sword Art Online was now their unyielding prison.

A wave of unease spread among the players like a virus. In the crowded town square, Alex noticed the wide spectrum of reactions – some screamed in terror, others wept openly, and a few stood frozen, unable to comprehend their fate. The once vibrant hub of excitement had transformed into a somber arena of fear.

In the midst of the chaos, Alex's mind raced. The realization sank in – this wasn't a glitch or a temporary setback. Sword Art Online was their world now, and they had to adapt or face dire consequences. He felt the weight of the NerveGear on his head, a tangible reminder of his predicament.

Determined to make sense of the situation, Alex decided to explore the first floor. His initial hesitation morphed into a resolute step forward. The familiar sensation of the stone roads of the main plaza under his boots grounded him as he moved through the throng of confused avatars. Conversations buzzed around him, fragments of fear and uncertainty audible in every passing sentence.

Venturing beyond the safety of the Town of Beginnings, Alex faced the daunting expanse of the first floor. Towering trees stretched toward the virtual sky, and wildlife scattered at his approach. The air was thick with tension, a palpable sense that every decision mattered. He gripped the hilt of his starting weapon, a crude sword, as he set forth into the unknown.

The forest, initially a tranquil backdrop, harbored hidden dangers. Low-level monsters prowled beneath the canopy, their digital eyes gleaming with simulated hunger. Alex squared his shoulders, determination replacing trepidation. The first strike against a feral creature was a pivotal moment when facing them in Aincrad.

"This 'game' is now our reality," Alex muttered to himself, his voice carried away by the virtual wind. He approached a large vine flower monster, twice his level, its petals unfurling in a menacing display. Adrenaline surged as he faced his first real obstacle on the first floor, braving the system's challenges.

The forest echoed with the clashes of steel against vine. "Come on, Alex, you can do this," he whispered, a mixture of fear and excitement coursing through his veins. He stumbled but recovered, learning the rhythm of combat with each evasive roll and precise strike against the formidable foe.

The encounter ended with a victorious swing of his blade. The defeated monster disintegrated into a cascade of pixels, leaving behind a faint glow and a sense of accomplishment. Alex took a deep breath, realizing that survival required not just strength but adaptability.

As the virtual sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows on the forest floor, Alex pressed on. The first chapter of his journey unfolded as he continued through the forest, raising his skills and level as best he could. Each step marked his defiance against the confines of this virtual prison.