
Entering The Spirit Realm!

As instructed by Cypress, Abaddon took a bit of the blood from his corpse and started to paint strange symbols on the tree. 

He was no Picasso, but when he finally finished drawing the symbols, he was somewhat proud of himself. 

Especially since they started to glow a few seconds afterwards. 

"You have done it. You're free to enter the spirit realm at your leisure, but be warned that time runs differently in there. One day inside is comparable to one hour out here." 

Abaddon and Thea paused as they realized what that meant. 

Depending on how this journey went, they might not see their loved ones for a long time. 

The heartache would be more one-sided, but shouldering something like that would be a lot for anyone. 

"My daughter, if you like you are free to return home and be with your wives. I cannot ask you to be away from them for a potentially long time."