
Firmaments at War

Li YeHao was a core disciple of the Xuanwu Sect, but one day, he finds a jade ruler that gives him a chance to explore all 9 Heavenly Firmaments.

Daoist_argen · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - The Path of an Immortal & Violet Spiritual Energy

Li YeHao was born in the kingdom of Ye, the son of businessmen parents with the monopoly of a fishing company that supplies the main restaurants and cities of the kingdom, he was born in a relatively rich and prosperous family, with 8 years old he already had chances to take the exam Imperial of the great Han empire. But when he reached the age of 9, his talent for cultivation blossomed and an elder of the xuanwu sect realized that, according to him, Li YeHao had an above average talent and his future was uncertain whether he would achieve glory in the world. of the immortals or he would die without enhancing his talent as a cultivator. When Li YeHao's parents learned that Li YeHao has the talent to be an immortal, Li YeHao was immediately prepared for his application for the Xuanwu Sect Entrance Exam. Knowing this, Li YeHao's parents used all their savings to buy flowers, herbs and all kinds of material that contained Spiritual Energy in their constitution to elevate Li YeHao's talent and cleanse her body of impurities. In that 1 year, the Li clan spent almost all of their savings on materials with spiritual energy for Li YeHao.

When he reached the age of 10, the elder who discovered Li YeHao came to get the boy for the exam, but when he arrived at the Li clan mansion, he found a different Li YeHao, Li YeHao's above average talent now was not. more above average, but rather a top-level talent!. His meridians were cleansed of impurities to a level that it would take Li YeHao an average time to enter the meridian opening realm and Li YeHao's dantian had some stored spiritual energy!. The elder immediately asked Li YeHao's parents to show him all the magical materials that were used to clean Li YeHao's body, the elder analyzed that entire list and doing a quick mental calculation he realized it was for Li's body. YeHao be 25% clean, not 57%!. The elder analyzed Li YeHao's body and discovered something that made his hairs stand on end! It was a bodily constitution linked in the 3 dantians and 24 meridians of Li YeHao! That body constitution caused Li YeHao's inner spiritual energy to be purified and purged from the boy's body by the spiritual energy present in the herbs that Li YeHao's parents bought and bathed the young man's body in those expensive medicines, the elder once a serious man now he has become an anxious and animated old man, abandoning all his wisdom and seriousness.

After that scene, the elder told Li YeHao to say goodbye and pack some things from home to take to the xuanwu sect, as he didn't need to take the entrance exam, as those with special bodies were immediately accepted into the xuanwu sect. After saying goodbye to his parents, Li YeHao traveled with the elder to the xuanwu sect that was in the north of the Shark Continent, on the way the elder taught Li YeHao the geographic and political situation of the xuanwu sect: the xuanwu sect is debt in Outer Sect, Inner Sect, Core, Council of Elders Copper, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Sect Master, and Martial Ancestors. And in this division of levels by authority, various factions fight each other to monopolize the treasure of the xuanwu sect, the elder with the Taoist name of "Taoist slaughter" is part of the blood dragons faction in the xuanwu sect. The number of factions in the xuanwu sect is counted on the basis of hundreds, the most important are 3 powerful and hegemonic factions in the outer, inner sects and the core of the sect are the factions of: Blood Dragons the same sect as the Taoist Slaughter, Titans God -demon and the world tree faction. After arriving at the Xuanwu Sect, Li YeHao for the first time witnessed the beauty of the world of the Heaven-defying Immortals, the Xuanwu Sect was founded in a region of large rivers and strong currents, the land is fertile and the mountains were covered with rain. vegetation even in the interior where the rocks were hard and the metals were slowly growing.

Li YeHao gained an outer disciple uniform and was able to go to the "Tower of the Sage firmament", the place where the main martial techniques and manuals of spiritual energy refining are stored, Li YeHao was tested by an elder and it was discovered that he has the affinity with pure fire Yang and destructive thunder, knowing Li YeHao's affinity in these two elements and having a special constitution that will only awaken in the 3rd Realm of Cultivation, the Dao Heart Realm, Li YeHao received the Energy Cultivation Manual spiritual "Divine Body That Absorbs Tribulations". The first few years in the outer sect were not the best days for Li YeHao who struggled a lot and managed to finally reach the first cultivation realm for immortality, the meridian refining realm, Li YeHao managed after 5 years to reach the 12th stage of refining of meridians and finally entering the inner sect after much fighting and killing a lot of people while searching for resources needed to get through the stages of meridian refining. In the outer sect he made his name as the newest genius of the world tree faction, he fought many disciples in the first years in the inner sect and after 3 years, he gets an important position in the world tree faction as a boss. of war for espionage missions and internal destruction in missions against other factions.

At the age of 20, Li YeHao has reached the pinnacle of the meridian cleansing realm and with the help of a World Tree Faction Elder plus his merits in battle and faction missions, Li YeHao enshrines himself as the greatest genius of the Xuanwu Sect. , reaching the sect's core in 10 years as a cultivator, his strength was something that reached the early stages of the Dao Heart Realm. After 6 years of consolidating his position as No. 1 in the Xuanwu Sect, Li YeHao finally has his first trial by fire with the discovery of the ruins and the imminent battle against the Crimson Fist sect. So we come to the present day, Li YeHao conquered the Crimson Fist sect and even acquired a treasure from ancient times that suits his special physical build very well. In these 16 years of war, power struggle, betrayals and killing every kind of person that Li YeHao ever thought was good, he didn't care about his future anymore, he just lived his days cultivating, training, doing missions, killing, tasting women, food and drink. The magical times where Li YeHao dreamed of being a benevolent immortal died long ago with the cruelties he witnessed and committed, Li YeHao was an optimistic boy and always thought of the best of everyone, never letting his bad emotions out, But the "Taoist" slaughter" the one who holds the title bathed in blood, stolen from the elder who opened for him the doors of the world of the immortals and let him experience the wonders of that world, the Taoist slaughter is a cold, cruel, merciless, ruthless and calculating killer. Li YeHao was no longer a boy but a Taoist from the sect of immortal warriors who fight the heavens! The Xuanwu Sect!.

On the Xuanwu Sect's Main Ship, Li YeHao still absorbs the jade ruler that enters his body through his right index finger, the ruler was now three centimeters wide and ten centimeters long and got smaller with each second he entered the room. Li YeHao's body. Inside Li YeHao's body his meridians were now metallic and with a green color and violet glow coming from inside them, that violet glow was violet spiritual energy from the east! Violet spiritual energy was special and had mystical attributes that connected more to the heavens as violet spiritual energy was a pure Yang type of spiritual energy and was born from the sunrise by burning the spiritual energy that the moonlight left when the sun stopped shining. bathe the earth with pure yang spiritual energy, different from normal spiritual energy which is an earthly spiritual energy and comes from the nature of cultivation stars, violet spiritual energy comes from the burning of yin-type spiritual energy from moonlight by pure yang-type spiritual energy This spiritual energy is potent and more powerful than the spiritual energy of the cultivation stars as it was purer and more destructive like the fire of the sun, but this violet spiritual energy was found in small amounts and only at sunrise and on days when the Moonlight spiritual energy is found in large amounts. At this moment, Li YeHao's meridians and dantian that were filled with earthly spiritual energy were being refined by the green metal and turned into pure violet spiritual energy!. At that moment Li YeHao's strength was qualitatively increasing!.