
Fire & Smoke: Vorovich

Roanapur, a city known for its lawlessness and brutality, is a place where the darkest underbelly of the criminal world thrives. It's a chaotic blend of violence, corruption, and vice, where every alleyway hides a rotten secret and every deal is a matter of life and death. Amid this turbulent cesspool, Anastasia Marie Petrovna, or rather Volchitsa, and her ragtag gang somehow washed up on its shores. Having just survived a harrowing escape from their criminal life in France, they arrive in Roanapur to make something of their life. Not knowing anything but violence, they reach this rotten utopia of their kind. *** Disclaimer: Black Lagoon and its characters are the creation of Rei Hiroe. This fanfiction is a non-profit work of fiction created solely for entertainment purposes. I do not own any rights to the original series, and no copyright infringement is intended. Any similarities to real persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. The views and opinions expressed in this fanfiction are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the original creator, Rei Hiroe, or the publishers. This fanfiction is made possible through the support of patrons on Patreon. By contributing to this project, patrons understand that they are supporting the creation of fan-created content and not an official continuation or extension of the original Black Lagoon series. All contributions go towards the author's creative process and the continuation of the fanfiction project. *** Since this one is a rather side-side project of mine, I will update it maybe once a week. or maybe less if I am having a busy time. If anyone wants to read ahead, they can try my Patreon at: patreon.com/user?u=96555942

EchoingDusk · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter:26 Night Sky

Anastasia's senses sharpened, and she opened her eyes, focusing on the source of the sound. It wasn't the natural symphony of the night nor was it the occasional chaotic ambient of Roanapur, no, it was something else entirely. Something... close by.

She whirled around, her eyes suddenly wide open ready to confront whatever may come her way but she only found Natalya standing behind her, a cigarette in her fingers, a roguish grin on her face. She spoke in a barely audible voice,

"Can't sleep, too?"

Anastasia raised an eyebrow, but her steely face suddenly melted into a tired smile and she turned back to look at the sea, 

"Seems like I am not the only one."

The two women shared a brief moment of silence as they looked at the sea and the night. Natalya exhaled, smoke slowly wafting away from her.

"You know what I like about this place, boss?"

Anastasia lifted an eyebrow.

"No, what?"

Natalya took another drag and blew the smoke into the sky, she continued staring at the stars for a moment before turning to Anastasia.

"Everything here seems so much more alive, so much more lively and, I don't know, human in comparison to the army where I grew up."

Natalya took another drag at her cigarette, her tone even and composed,

"I mean, it was much better during the deployments but that freedom was more of a 'fight for your life' feeling but the one here is the freedom to simply... be."

Yet another puff before she looked into Anastasia's eyes.

"No one cares here. Not about your background, reputation, or history, heck no one cared for skills except before I met you. It's like you're someone else, someone with a clean slate. No one questions you, no one is suspicious of you, no one judges you."

She took a fifth and sighed, leaning against the railing and looking out into the dark expanse,

"You can simply...be."

Anastasia remained silent for a moment, looking from Natalya to the sea beyond. She took a deep breath, allowing the air to fill her lungs, then spoke in a barely audible tone.

"I know what you mean. When you come here there's no judgment, no sense of superiority or expectations. And yet, at the same time, you have to fight to protect this peace and security." 

Natalya looked at her, a look of slight perplexity on her face.

"Well, that's how it was in the military too." 

Anastasia nodded.

"Yes, maybe you're right."

She smiled slightly, a slightly warm expression on her face as she continued to look out at the sea beyond. After a moment of silence, she spoke, her voice soft.

"I suppose that's the price we pay. Freedom comes with responsibility, but it isn't really freedom if we don't take responsibility for ourselves and the safety of others."

She paused for another moment before adding,

"But I don't need to tell you all of that, I know you understand." 

A slight smirk lit Natalya's face as Anastasia spoke. She nodded in agreement, her eyes never wavering from the sea ahead. For a moment, a few thoughts passed through both their minds, but the night moved with the waves as their silence dragged on.

It was Natalya who broke the moment, a subtle grin lighting her face as she stomped out the burnt cigarette and reached for another. As her lighter sparked, she spoke again, an inquisitive look on her face as she did so.

"Hey, Boss?"

Anastasia looked at her, her expression passive as ever


The tall woman smiled as she spoke, taking another drag at her cigarette before speaking again.

"I have a small question."

She paused for a moment as she exhaled smoke toward the sky, a curious gleam in her.

"You smoke a lot, right?"

Her question caught Anastasia off guard, but a sense of amusement came over her as she raised her eyebrows at Natalya.

"Why do you ask?"

Natalya took a moment to consider Anastasia's response as a small chuckle escaped her lips. She leaned her back on the railing as she spoke, looking into the distant sea ahead of her.

"I've noticed you smoke a lot when you're thinking, especially when you're talking to other people."

The girl paused for a moment as she exhaled smoke into the air, turning back toward the sea. She continued calmly,

"I was just wondering, does smoking help you to think better?"

Anastasia seemed slightly taken aback by Natalya's question, but she quickly recovered and a slight smile touched the corners of her lips. Yet, she didn't answer her question, instead, she stared ahead at the dark sky glittering with a bit of moonlight and stars peeking through the clouds.

The two women remained silent for a minute, their gaze still focused on the sea beyond. After a few seconds, Anastasia spoke once more, her tone slightly higher-pitched than before.

"Hey, Natalya?"

Natalya turned to look at Anastasia, a slight smile on her face as she met her gaze.

"Yes, boss?" she replied. 

Anastasia seemed to hesitate for a moment before continuing.

"Do I..."

She paused for a second before continuing.

"...can I call you Aly or something?"

Natalya looked at Anastasia with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. Her expression was passive, but her eyes narrowed slightly as she seemed to read between the lines. 

"You can call me anything Boss,"

she said, her tone slightly softer than before. Anastasia's eyes widened slightly as she seemed to register what Natalya had said.


she said, her tone slightly hesitant.

Natalya nodded, her expression becoming a slight smile, as she said,

"Anything, boss. Aly or anything." 

Her tone clearly implied that she didn't mind being called by another name, not at all. Anastasia remained silent for a moment, seemingly considering Natalya's offer, before speaking in a slightly more confident tone.

"Alright then. From now on, I will call you... Alya."

Natalya remained silent for another moment, her expression somewhat blank as she looked at Anastasia. After a few seconds, she turned to look at the sea again and took a deep breath.

"Okay boss, if you want to."

Natalya paused for a moment, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore filling the air. The blonde-haired girl took another drag from her cigarette before speaking, her tone calm and even.

"I suppose I should be thankful you didn't choose to call me 'Blondie'."

Anastasia simply laughed, her laughter punctuating the silence. Alya's gaze remained fixed on the water, an unreadable expression on her face as she finished her cigarette. She then looked back over at Anastasia as she thought about what had just happened. This was an unprecedented moment… for her.

Why had she chosen to call her Alya?

Anastasia sighed, it wasn't like her to be so casual with those around her, but this was different. A sense of comfort washed over her as she thought about the woman… her new… friend.


Anastasia spoke the new name out loud as her eyes settled on the sea again. It was fitting. She was pleased with her choice.

Suddenly, Anastasia burst out laughing.

The sound of Anastasia's laughter pulled Natalya out of her thoughts. She turned to look at her boss, and the tall blond woman took another drag of her cigarette. Her look was both curious and amused, as though she could hardly believe Anastasia had laughed.


Natalya's voice was warm and slightly more amused as she spoke and a curious gleam shone in her sky-blue eyes.

"What made you laugh?"

Anastasia's laughter died down into a soft giggle. Truth be told, the headache was almost killing her now but somehow, talking with Natalia helped a lot.

"All that flirting instead of a simple 'Wanna fuck.' Seriously, I thought Russians were straightforward people."

Natalya's curious expression turned into a wide grin as she heard Anastasia's last comment.

"They normally are straightforward, boss."

She snickered as she spoke, her look turning from amused to teasing as she continued.

"But with you, there is no need for such harsh words."

Her tone was light and airy as she spoke, with a slightly flirtatious undertone lingering underneath her words. She took a deep breath before speaking again, her voice slightly softer and more honest.

"Besides, it's a lot more fun this way."

Her tone was playful and teasing, yet there was a soft sincerity behind her words that Anastasia could sense.

Fun… yes.

Anastasia thought about everything that had happened that day. Almost dying, getting the system, meeting Natalya, making a friend… and now… this. Her heart was fluttering, and her stomach and her nerves felt like they were in a state of perpetual frenzy.

'And her head was bursting like a bubble that had just been popped.

"Yeah, it's kind of fun."

A sense of peace came over Anastasia as she looked over at Natalya.

"Do you always make friends with your Boss this way?"

She asked, her voice slightly teasing. There was a playfulness to her words, but underneath she was genuinely curious.

"Or am I just... lucky?" 

She laughed softly, but there was a sense of fondness in her words, not just teasing but the kind of kindness that comes from a place of genuine admiration. 

Natalya looked over at Anastasia, her expression becoming a slight smile.

"You're just lucky, boss. If I liked more people than you, I'd be in a brothel rather than with you."

She paused, her words trailing off as she seemed to consider something.

"Whelp, Boss. It's just you." 

Her tone was slightly soft, her words coming out with a bit more meaning than what they held at face value.

"It's more than kind of fun, boss."

Ayla's tone was playful and flirty, the teasing in her voice palpable as she responded. Ana's heart began to race again.

*What was she planning?*

The tall, blond woman stepped closer to Anastasia again, the tension between them palpable.

"If you want…"

Natalya paused for a moment as she looked into Anastasia's eyes.

"...I can show you just *how* fun it can get."

Anastasia remained strangely calm, still facing toward the sea as she listened to Natalya's words. There were so many words to describe what Anastasia was feeling right now. Flattered. Honored. Anxious. And strangely enough, she felt as though her head was about to explode.

Her heart was racing so fast and she felt lightheaded. She watched as Alya stepped up toward her, her breath coming in short, shallow bursts from the way her heart was beating in her chest.

Was it excitement, fear, or…


"Show me"

Anastasia whispered as she turned and met Natalya's gaze.

Time seemed to slow down around Anastasia as she waited for Natalya's words. She looked at her friend, and her heart continued to race.

Is this real?

Anastasia's body had started to shake, and she knew that she was probably seconds away from a panic attack as panic set in.

She's too close, this can't be good…

She tried to breathe, tried to calm herself, but she couldn't.

She was shaking all over.

And then, just as their lips were about to connect, she puked.

Anastasia doubled over, her body erupting into a series of violent heaves. She hadn't had anything to eat for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and all she could expel from her stomach was the disgusting mess of drinks she had been sipping on. Natalie just stood there watching her, waiting patiently for her to finish puking.

"I have to... go... to the bathroom,"

Anastasia finally said between heaves, her words punctuated by sudden and violent coughs. Natalya stared at her blankly, her eyes darting back and forth across Anastasia's body as she listened to her talk.

And before she could even make it past the balcony door, Anastasia collapsed and darkness enveloped her mind.