
Chapter 39: Case and Point

Zamson woke to a welcoming room temperature and bright lights forcing his eyes to readjust from the blur of awakening. He rubbed his face, groggy but attentive, and his vigilance discovered himself alone.

Except, he wasn't really alone.

Naia was sitting patiently at his side. A guardian angel who was by far no angel.

She couldn't sleep. Not with Zamson the way he was. When he sat up to take in the unfamiliar surroundings of Princeton's bunker, Naia rose from her chair to comfort him. She laid a hand on his back, the other on his arm. She was warm despite the room's coolness. Her touch was soft. Silky soft.

He was glad to see and feel her again. "How long was I out?"

"Long enough to rise again." She looked so serenely at him.