
Chapter 37: Quality over Quantity

Noctavion's bone sword was something else entirely. It wasn't some ordinary blade fashioned from normal bone. Zamson's recovery proved difficult. His wulvyn state could not consume the damage. Making it difficult to heal and impossible to do much other than lay on Princeton Pharoah's table, deep beneath the earth in an underground bunker that both Princeton and Soul controlled, hushed from society miles outside of Twilight City.

Naia remained at Zamson's side, holding his hand, as any with a heart would when supporting a significant other. Though their conflict of emotions was apparent at first, chaos had a way of binding souls.

Logan, back in human form, stood alongside Naia. Shane sat close, anticipating something of worth to soothe the moment for positivity's sake. Logan kept an eye on Zamson's blazing black form. His breathing came off thin. Face writhed with pain.