
Chapter 21: Order

Sitting high on one of the building's roof terraces overlooking Faust Row, Noctavion Vladimus—zipping on a blood margarita—rested in his gold and white throne chair. Having seen the race from beginning to end. He watched Casiel Cane's defeat as The Crimson Furor slinked to a stop at the finish line. Noctavion was really amazed at Zamson's risky confidence measure. The Black Wolf of Twilight City knew how to entertain him.

The Lord of Crime chuckled. "Beautiful. That wolf is a certified bastard behind the wheel."

Lady Countessa and one of his silent keepers stood beside him. Her sleeveless black dress melted into the shadows that dominated the roof's terrace. Her time getting to know Zamson from a distance relaxed her once bad temperament about him. It was but a slight melting of her icy heart. A cold piece of work in regards to Countessa's dislike of wulvyn.

His speed and sense of wit were captivating, indeed. "Cocky," Countessa said.