
Chapter 10: Blood Crypt

The blood crypt held the walls of a rock palace, a black fortress of obsidian stone built into the earth, masked from the curses of the sun to only be ignored by time. Now, it served a new purpose in a new era. One of the wealthiest, most dangerous vampyrials in Twilight City discovered it, who shaped his tower of power upon it.

Noctavion and Countessa, with several keepers of the Ambrosia Caste, brought Naia into the true core of The Obsidian Keep. Noctavion silently assumed the hushed emotions of his new primal guest, for as Naia crossed its threshold, she was welcomed by a familiar air. The dim chamber light was flooded with red candles, red as blood, crowning the chamber in clusters of melting ruby and flame.

At first, Naia's eyes were pulled above toward the burning white symbols carved inside the dark stone. Statues carrying familiar faces and many other lifeless representations outfitted the chamber's grim space, burning the same white and red light.