
Fire descendant: I fell in love with our attacker

Hi, I am Helen and I am the heir to an underground throne. My great grandmother was the ruler of Chizou's tribe (the fire tribe) and my grandfather who was supposed to be the next heir was sent into exile for falling in love with an human. It was said that a war will break out between the fire tribe and the water tribe and only the chosen person will be able to save the tribe. Am I the chosen person? Will I be able to save immortals?, Hmm but what happens after I fell in love with the rival team, our sole enemy?. If you're interested in this story, please make sure to add to your collection. I will be posting 15 chapters a week. So it will definitely keep you busy. Do good to support the book and give me a review.

Jesutofunmi_Lucas · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Meeting my prince charming

Today was the annual festival of the Air Tribe and also the day I will be leaving here. So sad. I will be missing out on the festivity and the food, but I guess it's for everyone's good. I went to look for Andrew, I wanted to talk to him one last time. Who knows when I will come back here. I searched everywhere until I found him. He was sitting under a tree at the middle of the village

"Hey, good morning," I said.

"Good morning, how are you doing?" he asked

"I am fine; I just wanted to say my good-byes. I will be leaving any moment from now on," I said.

"I heard that from your mom today," he said.

"Oh, okay, so bye," I said.

"Can you give me a hug?" he asked.

"Why not?" I said, trying to hide my excitement.

I hugged him, and we waved goodbye to ourselves. I did not want to go; this is literally the first crush I have.

"Wait, come take this food with you; eat it when you get there," Andrew said.

"Thanks; now I won't miss out on the good food," I said.

Andrew smiled and escorted me to the gate. I literally hugged him again when I was about to leave in front of everyone, and I immediately withdrew. Everyone laughed at this.

"Hmmm, guess my baby has her first crush. I will miss you a lot, baby," Mom said, and I smiled.

"I will miss you too, mom," I said, and I hugged her. My great-grandmother and I left the tribe, and we started our journey to the secret place. We walked for hours.

"Are we not there yet? I'm tired and hungry, great grandmother," I asked.

"First, stop calling me great grandmother; it's creepy. I am not that old," great grandmother said.

"Hahaha, you're not that old? You're literally five hundred and something years old," I said back.

"Can you see what I'm saying? I am not even up to three hundred and fifty years old, and anyway, I packed us food from the festival; we will be eating it when we get to the secret chamber," my great-grandmother said.

"You are still very old, and thank God you brought some food. Andrew also gave me some food to take with me," I said.

"So you're in love with that boy," the great-grandmother said.

"Great grandmother, stop it!!" I said while blushing.

"The smile says it all. I hope you get to meet him again," she said.

"Yeah, me too," I said.

"Here we are, dear. Hold on, let me check if inside is safe. If I do not come out after a long time, please go back immediately," she said.

I waited patiently, and I began to hear footsteps. Omg, who's there? I was literally shaking. A very cute, hot guy passed; he has gold hair with gold eyes; he literally looked like he fell from the movies. I couldn't stop staring, but I knew there was trouble. Immediately I saw his pendant; his pendant was water. He's from the Water Tribe. I stood there shaking while he came close to me. I wanted to run, but my leg couldn't move. He came very close to me, looked at me, and went back. I did not know what that meant, but I definitely sighed.

My great-grandmother came out a few minutes later and told me the coast was clear. We entered the most luxurious underground chamber. I immediately fell in love with it, and I never regretted coming here. I looked around to access the place, and I chose the biggest room to sleep in. I dropped my luggage inside the room and sat down in order to rest from the tiring, long journey. My great-grandmother came to my room and asked for the food Andrew gave me. I gave it to her, she prayed for it, gave me my food back, and we both ate. Great-grandmother was also stressed out from the journey, so she decided to go to the other room to take a quick nap. Not even five minutes later, she started calling me. What kind of people are these? A quick nap takes thirty minutes to an hour. I rolled my eyes and went into her room.

She called me to tell me to get ready for my training and said it would start tomorrow. I was happy it wasn't starting now, but I was nervous. I literally have just one month to train, and I will be discovering my powers soon. Will I be able to shoot fireballs or make fire waves? I started imagining all sorts of things. I really am excited for tomorrow.