

In an attempt to evade his maternal curse, the fearless demigod and king of Middleton stumbles onto a more heartless curse, the Pandora's curse. He must hunt down his twin born in a Time not his own and out of his reach. THE CURSE CRAVES THERE BLOOD Follow the journey of Anqa and Aaron as they fight to evade their father's wraith and end the curse that torments the balance of time itself. HAPPY READING

Dark_jasper · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Father And Daughter

"I didn't know the legendary feared twin of hell, Malak ul Mawt {Angels of death} has become my father's messenger dogs. But then if he sent you dimwits then it must be urgent and serious. Tell him I'll be with him shortly. Oh and find someone to clean up this mess", she called out before they reached her door as she placed her cigarette back on her lips. Samuel stopped and looked back at her, "Nazaf alfawdaa alkhasat bik {clean up your own mess}", he scoffed and followed his brother out of the room.

"Aiish... One of this days", she threatened, annoyed. She lit her cigarette and blew up puffs of smoke then lay back on her bed...


She dressed up in her mission gear since she knew her father probably had a mission for her. She walked past the boy on his knees scrubbing the blood stain off her rug with a rag and stopped then turned to face him.

"What's your name boy?", She asked with a friendly voice.

"It's... I... I em...I'm Gregory mi lady", He stammered, scared, wondering why she's talking to him of all people.

"Mmm Gregory, your parents must have been unfortunate. If you're here on this cruel mountain then your parents must have been killed by one of the assassins here and he or she had decided to keep you, in return you do petty stuff like mop up blood on rugs", she said staring at the boy who had bent his head in shame. He was just a teenager, handsome and fragile.

"Well Greg I seem to have a liking for you, from now on you are my pet. You are to stay here till my return. You can eat anything you find here and make yourself comfortable", she added with a smile as the boy looked up to see if she was joking. She turned away and continued out of the door. Greg just stared on.

She walked up to Ra's giant door. The door scanned her with a red beam and automatically slid open.

Ra's sat at the far end of a large, long black table with eerie looking chairs on both sides of the long table taking up almost all the space in the tall room. The chairs had long horns protruding from skulls that was embedded on top of the back rest. His own chair was bigger, more like a throne made with black skulls. He sat there thinking, not noticing his daughter who had walked in.

"What bothers you, father?", Her voice echoed through the hall like room. Ra's looked up at her then stood up. He walked to the window behind his chair and stood there looking out far into the snowy mountains.

"Banati {daughter}, what kind of father do you think I am?", He asked in a low voice. Talia walked to his chair and sat on the rough arm sitting in a way she could still look at him.

"Well father, you are an asshole. That is an understatement father", she said with a smile,"but I don't think there's a better father out there. Yes you wouldn't think twice to use me, marry me off to form an alliance or as a virus to weaken your enemies from within, use me as bait or use me as a sacrifice to some god for one of your powers and then resurrect me using the Lazarus pit. All this and more you've done and would still do more but...", she paused, stood up and walked up to stand behind him,"... It all made me strong and wise and all of them was for a good purpose, to increase the strength of our cause," she said placing a hand on his shoulder,"I would say I loved you but you trained me to not have any emotions that would distract me. So I can only say that out of every breathing being on this cursed mountains, only you I can trust with my life", she smirked as she teased him.

"Well said Talia, well said", he said in a low deep voice then turned to her,"have a seat daughter, I've got a mission for you that I think you would make your day", he added as he walked to his throne-like chair and sat down heavily on it. Talia followed behind slowly and sat on the nearest chair by his right. She was getting excited to hear what his father has for her.

"I'll cut right to it then. Anqa has gone AWOL. She has betrayed her mission and Shall be branded a traitor", he said grimly. He knew exactly what was going through his daughter's mind, 'I told you so father', he knew too well that this was the happiest news Talia has had in years. He turned to look at her and she was all smiles. He was disgusted with her reaction.

"You see Talia, all your life you've got things easier since you're my daughter, since you've got my genes. You didn't have to train hard to achieve anything. You have my speed and my strength and every power you'll ever need but Anqa on the other hand had nothing. Everything she had achieved, she had achieved with hard work and gut wrenching trainings. She doesn't have your speed nor your strength but she trained hard enough to rub shoulders with you who was born a God. She was just a little girl lost in the mountains but she's a force of nature now, all because she was determined to please me. If she really have chosen to become a traitor then there must be am equally good reason to back it up", he said looking Talia right in the eyes with contempt.

"There you go again. Praising and ranting about how she's a better daughter than I am. I equally try my best to please you father but my best is never enough is it?! It's always Anqa this Anqa that. Sometimes I wonder if I was the one you found deep in the mountains and she's your true daughter ey?! ", She Said raising her voice angrily as she pushed her seat away from the table and stood up with her clenched fist on the table.

Ra's was not rattled at all. He just looked up at her with no emotion written on his face.

"I see you banati {daughter}, I see you. But you are irrational and naive and always blowing hot. I can't see myself giving you important missions that you would mess up and get yourself hurt. When I see a mission that requires your brute strength, I surmon you accordingly. And such surmons is that of which I've called you here today", he said calmly and gestured her to sit back down.

"Now, you will go to America and you will fetch Anqa alive, I'll deal with her myself. And the blond haired boy, You'll proceed with caution and won't cause a scene, restraining him would be your top priority cause we are yet to know what he's capable of if he really slayed a giant Cyclops on his own. Be discreet. You can dispose of that traitor mist any way you see fit. Take Edge with you he'll debrief you of the situation. You leave once he's fully recovered", he ordered with authority in his voice. Talia was now calm and attentive but still fuming inside. She knows that if she made a fuss, her father would reassign the Mission to someone else without even thinking twice.

"We are finished, you can go now", he said grimly as he adjusted himself to relax on the throne-like chair. Talia got up without a word and started towards the large door at the end of the room.

"Banati!!", Ra's voice echoed through the empty hall room. Talia stopped on her tracks, holding her breath for she was scared of her father's thunder like voice.

"La tajru ealaa khadhlani wa'iilaa satasbah fi hufrat lazarus {Don't you dare fail me or you'll be swimming the Lazarus pit}", he threatened with authority in his voice. Talia swallowed hard and continued out of the room as the door opened and closed behind her...