
chapter 6


"No, you are lying?"I told Siya in my room.

She was smoking and giving me a smirk look. My room is just like my brother's it's just I have lots of things in purple color because I am not a fan of black and I don't have a library in my room, unlike my brother who likes to read.

"Yes dear, and I can prove it, your brother Leo loves him and now that he didn't find his mate yet he is in big trouble," she said.

I don't like her personally she is so close to my brother and she has all the rights which we don't have like entering into brothers room, we are prohibited because he doesn't like get disturbed on silly things and he doesn't usually get sleep so if he sleep even for 2 hours he doesn't want to get disturbed.

And about Siya why I don't like her is because She is too powerful of her aura she flirts with everyone in this world boys girls werewolf warlock vampires even my brother and especially my Olivia. I know Olivia will not fall for her but all the touchy things I hate her.

" My brother is 22yrs now how can he didn't find a mate yet," I asked focussing on my bro's problem.

"I don't know K, I went to find the reason and my grandma gives me many options which cant be fit in Leo's situation" she took a cigarette into her mouth.

"Options like?" I threw myself into bed and closed my eyes.

"Options like his mate already died before reaching puberty, or his mate is not a werewolf and far away from him spending time with someone else not knowing about all these things or..."

"Shit are you sure this can be true because it's like he got rejected right and he has to be dead by now,... Goddess spare my words bless my brother" I asked her.

Her cigarette is already finished she came to me and rest her body beside me trying to put her hands around my waist.

"Don't even think about it" I stopped her without touching her hands in the middle still my eyes were closed.

" You are just like your brother, both of you don't like hugging and touching while sleeping." She frown and stared at the ceiling.

"I asked the same question then she said how is the actual rejection process goes..1st boy has to propose his mate then his mate have to reject him with his or her own mouth with all of his or her heart," she explained.

"Ohh that makes sense my poor brother I don't know where his faith will take him" I sounded sad.

"Noo not at all, it's an option but still not apply for your brother, "

"What why it can be possible right," I asked.

"I thought too but when granny asked me why I am asking then I told her about Leo and she laughed and said He is an Alfa, Having his ancestors wolf if his mate will feel even a little bit of sexual arousal He will find out even if his mate is far away from him." She said and laughed. I got red what kind of connection is that so..hot.

"What about 1st one death of mate before puberty"

"Ya that's too he is an Alpha K and not the normal one you know that My granny said he was born with a special connection with his mate and if anything happens to his mate he will surely know," she said.

"Okk anything else," I asked.

"Yep another one His mate can be a vampire who is in deep sleep" she laughed again.

"Seriously, waaw that will be fun my bro will surely get a rough night, drinking blood during bodies in heat and they were making out." Waaw the supernatural imagination I can feel hotness our my ear and cheeks.

'Haha you are such a girl" she laughed.

"So it can be true"? I questioned.

"Nop it is not poor your imagination" she laughed, "I asked Albert to check on vampires list how many are in sleep and how many are born on the same day as your brother, and he said one person is born on the same day but he is too young, around 15, he was out of control so they put him in sleep".

"Ah 22 and 15 are not bad they can make a nice couple, and I think my bro likes man, man love man..oh my I think my bro can handle that boy we should ask Albert to wake him"I in got too excited and jump from the bed and poked Siya.

"Shut up K you are such a pervert, he is too young and I don't want to endanger all the people just to satisfy you and your brother's lust" she pushed me away and went back to bed.

"So sad what we are gonna do now," I said with a pouting.

"We don't have to do anything just make sure your brother will not be too engaged with that heartless human, I don't want him to get hurt again.

"Ya I was there too, thank you Siya for taking care of my brother always," I said.

"It's my honor, now please let me sleep you are not the only one who woke up last night besides I am the one who traveled not like you cuddling all night with her mate like you don't have tomorrow" she teased in half-sleep.

"Yes we don't have tomorrow see we were just about to sleep and you came all the way into our room and kidnapped me, so yes now I am here," I said.

She didn't say anything, she was sleeping like a baby, I turned around and try to sleep but it was already disturbed by my little bro and a bitch beside me.

Now I have one more tension, wait I forget to ask my bro liked that heartless human, that makes sense he never let anyone enter his room, but he gave permission to all of us what happened last night, he came running after he heard Tristian cut his hand.

Thanks to Nani she entered the room and stopped bleeding, but when she was ready to lick the room bro stopped her.

He said Tristian is a doctor and he will ask too many questions, he will not let it go easily. He was dressing to Tristian's wrist by himself and his hands were shuddering.

"Stop it already, I can confirm it why are you thinking so loud, you disturbed my sleep," Siya said and sit down beside me folding her legs.

"Thanks a lot, God, I took my revenge, you disturbed my sleep I disturbed your" I clenched my fist in yes. "So why do you think my bro loves him".

"Don't tell me you never heard a name Tris from your brother's mouth" she raised her right eyebrow.

"Ohh Goddess...are you serious means He is The tris the tris My brother's tris seriously" I take off from the bed in shock." its been years I haven't heard his name and I thought he is some random Tristian" I covered my face with both hands.

"Ya, he is that tris for whom your brother was half dead and mad," She said.

"Why didn't you say this before I am gonna kill that man.." My wolf was growling and I jumped out of bed in anger I was fast but Siya is fast too she grabbed my shoulder and threw me towards the bed like she is throwing a blanket so easily.

"Wooo wooh wait, Princess, your brother loves him and he is a human at least for now and you have seen your brother he is blushing the whole day when he brought him here not letting his eyes off to him, Nani told me she forced him to meet witches in the sake of pack members otherwise he was not letting his site off of him," Siya said with all the pressure on her face.

"He will pay for what he did to my brother," I told her in anger.

"Don't forget that it's not Tristian's fault Nani made him come back" she said through mind. Our hearing power is quite strong and Nani can hear her saying all things.

"Calm down your brother is not the child he knows what he is doing," Siya said giving me hand to pull me from the bed.

"What if he is not my bro's mate, what will my brother do" my eyes were wet under tears.

"Your brother can handle himself now, I know he is like a kid but in the past two years he learned how to accept the truth of his life, I think" she added with a smile on her face.

She is hiding her fear in those smiles but I can smell it.

"Okk let's find out how we can put my bro away from that human," I said thinking about some plans.