
chapter 29


My head hurts... actually my whole body is aching like hell. I heard beeps I think I am in hospital but why. I tried to open my eyes there were lots of noise hitting my head and they are too loud.

I heard K shouting " he deserves this I can't believe he did that"

"Enough K you don't understand him," Siya said.

" Mom m I wrong? Tell me I think he deserves more pain than this." K raised her voice not listening to anyone.

"I know you are right but baby.." Aunt Allina's voice was low and she was crying.

I heard Leo crying in pain I looked towards it. It was blurred someone is standing in front of Leo who is hanging upside down and.. boom...I released a fireball towards it. The whole room get silenced for a second and everyone gathered around me.

"I think he is up," Siya said.

"Ohh Goddess Thank you..." My mom prayed while holding my right hand.

"Tris..?can you hear me?" I heard a familiar voice but didn't remember.

" Yes.. who are you?" My blurring vision still gives me clue that the person is wearing a white-colored gown.

" Talk to him," She said.

"Tris.. baby look at me," my mom said.

"Mom I can't see clearly," I said.

"It's okk you will in movement" she was so happy and kissed my hands.

In some seconds my vision gets cleared and I searched for Leo.

"Shit what's with this sweet smell I think I m gonna throw up" I tried to sit up. My dad helped me.

Everyone laughed and stared at me.

I looked on my right side where Leo was still hanging upside down silently.

"You almost attacked K Thank God Albert was aware of your action and he pulled her in time," Siya said.

"Why he is in this position," I asked.

"He is getting punishment for your condition. K was so angry that because of him you have to go through this, you were almost dead when we found both of you. You weren't bleeding but you lost lots of blood before" Siya was smiling with her red cheeks."Not to mention you both were nude ".

"Okk got it you don't have to explain in detail of that part" I stopped her before she embarrassed me.

"What? We all were present to evidence your almost embarrassed death" K was still pissed.

But this is soooo fucking ....God... I think I would prefer death than this embarrassment. I closed my eyes with my hand to hide my shying face.

"She was so angry, you both were unconscious and your condition was so poor we managed to get back your vitals but not sure you'll come back or not" Siya sighed.

"My daughter sure has a temper haha She didn't wait for him to wake up and tied him over there and every time when your vitals drops she burns the hell out of him" he laughed like it was a funny story.

"I felt like deja vu Alfa Zach but my mate wasn't that harsh on you that time right?" My dad said with the same funny mode.

"Why are you all blaming him it was my Idea didn't Leo tell you?"

I looked at Leo and noticed the rashes on his skin over his hand, shoulder, chest, and back. It must be very painful even though he was smiling at me.

"You don't have to take the blame for him he is an asshole we already know," Siya said.

"No I am not taking anyone's blame it's all my doing I didn't even ask him about this, Leo why didn't you tell them," I asked him in anger.

"mm, that...I didn't remember anything after I talked with you in the video... actually.." Leo giving me such a shitty excuse.

"Shut up, you idiot why are fucking lying?" He pissed me off.

Everyone stared at both of us they know I am damn serious about what I am saying.

"I came to him without telling him, I released him from the dungeon, I provoked him and I choose the place, you don't, believe me, you can watch our video I always record all call conversation"

"No, that's not true Tris I am the one who took you" Leo barked from nowhere.

"And now suddenly you remembered everything Leo" I looked at him. Caught him.

"Means...I do remember some part.." He looked at the ceiling.

"Shut up..one word and I m going to give you the best torture treatment trust me I know your weak point" suddenly my head hurt " aah".

"Okk we got it, we will hear your story later okk you need to rest," my mom said.

"No I am okk I rested for three days and it's enough," I said.

"How did you even know ?" K asked.

Everyone looked at me confused.

"His injury is more than forty-eight hours old and can't be healed because it's from K," I said.

"He is a Doctor and a smart mate" Leo smiled with pride.

Everyone sighed at his unwanted hands on my Doctor's degree.

I closed my eyes and Spelled a healing spell on him and the rashes vanished.

"Holy shit.." Siya said looking at me with shock. Not only her everyone was looking at me with a shocked face.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that I am the last person who knows that this supernatural thing exists and I have some too" I was confused about their reaction.

"Did I see correct? Shell give me a pinch I can't believe it" aunt Al asked.

"Why don't you try yourself then," mom said and hold aunt Al's wrist.

Aunt Al threw her hand in second as a burn mark appeared on her wrist.

"Heal it, Tris," mom said.

"What's going why are you doing stupidity?" I said.

"Just do it," aunt Al said.

I did the same and 'abra ka dabra'....it healed. Why are they so happy about it.

"Waawww it worked wooooo" aunt Alina shouted with happiness.

"I can't believe it" mom kissed all over my face.

"I love you bb you are awesome," Leo said.

"Shut the hell up who wants your love " I burn the rope he was hanging on. He jumped heroically on the floor and gave me a wink.

God, he is so full of himself that I really ignored him... totally.

" I am hungry mom, I want lots of chicken" I looked around me...wait..what.. there was only a cardiac monitor and no emergency drugs, no cannula in my hands or anywhere on my body. I was hanging between life and death on just a monitor??

God, how did I survive? " Mom why I don't see anything related to medicine?" My anxious face was telling me to die again.

Everyone laughed at my question.

"Please don't I know the magic can do anything but still if I wasn't improving at least you should have arranged everything as backup" they laughed even more. Seriously?

" I want to leave this place ASAP... I don't want to be here...I really.."

"It's okk bb..tris.. look at me" Leo cupped my face with both hands.

Everyone left the room saying different-different tasks they want to do.

Now we were alone...whoosh.

"Why didn't you tell them it was my idea" I punched him on the shoulder.

"They already knew and besides I could stop that but I didn't so it's all my fault" he was smiling like an idiot.

"What are you smiling for?" I spanked him on the face but he hold my hand and snuffed like he can eat my hand anytime.

"Your smell is really nice I want to smell it until my breath stop" Why he is being so poetic he is making my breath uneasy. Its broad daylight and sunrise kissing half of his face through the window behind me.

"Your heartbeat is getting faster am I affecting you?" He smirked.

"You always affect me as being so arrogent and noisy" I kicked him out of bed. He was on the floor still smiling looking at my face without blinking.

" I am hungry bring me some food" I ordered him.

"As you wish your highness," he said and one female entered with books in her hand.

"Give him," he said and all the books were on the bed.

"Dija are you not comfortable on the chair do you want me to bring the sofa?" She asked him and Leo ignored her presence.

" It's okk he is comfortable on the floor," I said.

"It will take thirty more minutes to make dishes is it okk for you, sir?" She asked.

"It's okk I can wait beside I have my fav things to timepass," I told her. She left the room as Leo glanced at her.

"Thank you for the books now you can leave so that I can spend valuable time" I give him a look.

"I don't have to do anything you can do whatever you want I won't disturb you," he said. Well, his presence is enough to disturb a dead.

"As you wish your highness" I gave back his word to him.