
Finn mikelson: The white wolf

Richard Blake he was the young owner of a small company in the modern world, he had no enemies because his company was small, already his brother.... One day out of revenge against his brother, a gangster group killed Richard, and he reincarnated the cover is not mine if the owner wants, I'll take it off

Alexmorgan · TV
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4 Chs

the movement of the gears

I sat in front of a prison cell where there was an unconscious redhead woman tied down her arms and neck with a chain that was wet with vervain causing her skin to start turning red, she was very attractive and in two of my memories I recognized her

in Richard Castle's first memory, I could see that she was Sage the wife of the original Finn who appeared in two episodes of the series.

Already in Finn Original's memory, it was much more confusing as Finn Original was confusing and depressing. He just wanted to die and yet the few moments of happiness he had been with her.

I sighed and shrugged my shoulders before standing up and pulling out the chair with me. I walked to the cell door and put my hand on the lock

"my Lord..."

I looked back to see Lorya looking at me apprehensively and her eyes showed a lot of concern.

"Don't worry, I'm safe" I stated with a smile soothing my subordinate, and she nodded her head.

I then opened the lock and entered the cell closing the door behind me and placing the chair on the floor a few meters from Sage and walked towards her approaching me slowly

When I got in front of her I brought my hand to her chin and lifted her face. I took a good look at her sleeping face, and she was fucking beautiful

Original Finn was indeed a lucky man, but he didn't enjoy what he had and in the end, his high hatred led him to destroy himself.

"Wake up," I said out loud


She opened her eyes slowly and when her eyes looked up and met me widening

I analysed her shock which looked surprised. her green eyes glowed in a way that made my chest ache. as if something inside me was asking me not to hurt her

"Finn..." She opened her mouth stuttering and tears fell from her eyes, her eyes filled with emotion


She tried to move to get close to me and the sound of the chains made the noise of being it.

"Sage... Is that her right name?" I asked sitting in the chair while crossing my legs

"Finn…you don't remember?" She asked in a panic looking me straight in the eyes

I smiled inwardly. then Lina spoke to her. That woman is a great actress when it comes to information. It was great to have hired her as an informant.

"Yes... I had a recent trauma when I woke up, something to do with an annoying old witch who cursed me" I told half the truth, as I was cursed by a witch, however, the witch was called my mom

"I'm Sage" She spoke plaintively as she looked down with low high regard "your wife"

"I'm Finn," I said with a smile and lifting my head forming a smile "you are indeed very attractive but..."

"Unfortunately I don't have complex feelings for you as I don't have all my memories, I could have a sexual relationship with you. The way you are hot I'm sure I could. But I don't think I can completely love you or make you my only love in this life" I said shaking my head as I looked her up and down showing obvious interest in her body while continuing with a very lecherous smile "so if you want you can stay with me and try a relationship I guarantee you won't sera of flowers or leaving for your own life for getting me"

I didn't like it to be honest. but, I had to make sure she had a choice now to abandon me before she joins mm thinking I'm the same Finn she's known 900 years ago.

I can't afford to let her join me after I start trusting her. She abandons me because I'm not the man she loved, so she has to make that decision now

I could hear her breathing getting stronger and her living dead heart beating a little faster, not as fast as a human though, fast.

She was shocked and emotional, which, I don't know if it's anger or any other emotion.

"I understand. I assure you I'll make you fall in love with me..." Sage spoke trying to get closer to me, but the chains wouldn't let me.

"Just don't leave me again, I don't mind being your only lover as I wasn't faithful myself when you were trapped in the coffin, so I'm not hypocritical enough to ask you to have eyes for me when I don't I had eyes only for you" She spoke passionately as she looked directly at me with intensity and stepped back to straighten the chains that were hurting her arms and neck

"umu... very well," I said approaching her and putting my hand on her chin making her look at me "I'll accept it, but, know that if you plan against me, it will have consequences... you understand ?"

"yes... I understand... I won't plan against you...just in case you try to kill or punish me for no reason or without consent to the latter" She replied breathing heavily and her face began to blush

"Hmm, this is good for me," I said closing my eyes as I ran my finger over her red lip lovingly, she didn't react until she opened her mouth and ran her tongue over my finger

I removed my hand from her lip at the time looking at her with a bit of surprise this was to test her tolerance limit and not to be something perverted and took my hand to the chain. The skin on my hand smoked a little and then healed. but I managed to get the chain off her arms

"thank you" She spoke affectionately and wrapped her arms just freed from the chains around my neck pulling me to her.

She tried to come to me. to kiss me, but the chain around her neck stopped her from that forcing her to pull me to her.

I let myself be pulled and pushed her against the wall letting her good, generous breasts brush against my chest. Our faces got close, and I could feel her warm, sweet breath, and she could feel mine.

I was in awe of the beautiful face that looked full of innocence, but with a roguish and mischievous look, my undead heart gave a stronger than normal beat.

"We're going to finish this another day," I said after I poked her in the face for a second and took the chain off her neck and walked out of there making me a blur


"What happened?" Finn Mikaelson appeared in front of his room, breathing heavily and his hand on his chest

"I believe this is what they call love?" an elegant voice spoke from behind Finn, and he grimaced angrily before turning away

"Ram, what are you doing here?" Finn asked with a frown as he looked at the man in the suit sitting lazily in Finn's chair with his feet on the table.

"I came to see my little brother," Ram said smiling as he took his foot off the table and got up to start walking towards Finn

He got close to Finn and circled past him walking to the window that showed the city.

"Serious?" Finn asked with disgust and put his hand on his chin "I don't think you have Mikaelson in your name"

"small things like that should be left out" Ram waved his hand forward and then his eyes turned serious "looks like someone is making a stupid move in our territory"

"who?" Finn asked with interest

"I don't know" Ram replied

Finn lost his balance with the shock of the answer and then let out an ironic laugh

"so why warn me?" Finn asked walking over to his table and grabbing a bottle of booze and holding it up to Ram "Want a sip?"

"No, thanks, Alcohol does not affect my species" Ram replied smiling and then leaned against the glass "Getting back to the subject, I believe they're human"

"Humans? The Council of the Watchers?" Finn asked as he poured the drink into the cup "don't these old men get tired of being embarrassed?"

Ram shook his head, "I don't think it's them, it's more of a smaller organization that's trying to grow in the vacuum of the big three"

"So the Vatican trying to regain its power?" Finn asked after taking the first sip" or the men of letters? I heard they were extinct"

"no they don't get involved in the supernatural world other than the Christian and the men of letters were extinct when they started interfering in things outside the Christian world," Ram said pulling a photo out of his pocket and tossing it to Finn, "I think it's more a group that has no idea what they're doing and for some reason stumbled across the supernatural"

"Umu... seems to be too well-equipped to be supernatural using magic is most effective for contacting other friends" Finn replied seeing a photo of a man in a suit putting one of the brains Sage left behind when he was captured in a bag plastic "Maybe the government? no, they wouldn't dare mess with the big Organizations directly... so only those harmed by the end of the Cold War"

Finn's eyes narrowed in anger as he remembered the many individuals with great metaphorical powers who profited and gained a lot of influence in the Cold War.

I have an idea who it is. But attacking them now is not a good thing as they can be quite useful in the future. let me take care of it

"ok, just know that if you screw it up I won't help you clean up the mess," Ram said coldly as he took one last look out the window "it is a beautiful view"

He turned his back on Finn and disappeared into white light.

"Hump, arrogant bastard" Finn muttered to himself and looked out of the room "Lorya you heard the man, we're going to have a chat with Raymond Reddington and Katarina Rostova"

"yes sir" Lorya appeared at the door showing an irritating smile "but who are they, sir?"

"they are...a person who is going to die and another who is going to spy on someone for us"

"I understand sir" Lorya answered and disappeared from the door in a blur