
Finding the one [true love]

Kosi_Ashinaga · Teenager
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4 Chs


Then Clara noticed something flashed behind but she was too devastated to care. Boom
There it was the light at the end of the tunnel I could feel it coming close internal peace. Then it move away until it was nothing but a spec of dust. I woke up to find two people staring at me I tried to speak but didn't know what to say.
But the male introduced himself as doctor Jason " Hello I'm doctor Jason and she" referring to the female beside him is nurse rose. You were in an accident and the driver brought you here. Luckily you weren't hurt badly just a minor dislocation I'll prescribe some pain killers to help. " who did you say brought me here" He'll be here shortly, just then the door opens revealing a handsome man we'll leave you two.
After the doctor and nurse left. The man came to sit beside her "Hi" he said "hey" Clara replied "I'm really sorry about the accident I was wasted last night and I guess I lost control are u alright?" "I'll live" The comes in with Clara's suitcase and leaves along with the man. Clara gets changed and exits the hospital with the man amazed by the luxiuous car she gets in without a care. There's an awkward silence in the car only then did it come to her notice that she entered a strangers car and not just any stranger but the same one responsible for her accident. All sort of imagery keeps floating in her head until she is called out by a voice "so I'm Karl what's your name" "Clara" "so Clara where do you leave" "I don't have a house" "family or friends" "Last time I checked I'm am orphan with no reatives" oh okay" "I'm sorry actually I was 19 when I got married my parents died in a plane crash my reatives didn't care so I ended up with my grandmother she took care of me until her unfaithful end. Luckily for me I won I scholarship that got me through school that's where I met my husband James nicer he was before we got married after that he started going in business trip almost every day on one occasion I followed him secretly and ended up finding him in bed with his lover I confronted him. He promised hot to met her again, two months later his intended cam e to the house claiming to be pregnant. I should have thrown her out but boy was I stupid to allow her stay until she gave birth. She taught her a great lesson one I will soon never forget. So as u would have guess she manipulate James using the baby as an excuse and James he he. "at this point clara broke down and Karl could guess what happened after that.
When Clara was clam Karl turns on the gas and drives out of the hospital. After a few minutes karl drives through a golden gate. Clara admires it when a white villa come into view. He parks the car by the side. Clara gets down to be greeted the the fresh fragrance of the sweet smelling flowers. Karl helps Clara walk to the entrance the double doors open to reveal two rows of judging from their attire they seem to be maids and care takers. "Welcome home Young Master" they chorus. "prepare the break fast and bring it up" They all bow and depart while Karl helps Clara the only thing she keeps hearing is "Young Master so his a Young Master"