
Astra's Auction

Turning to look at William, I see him with a grin that stretches from ear to ear.

"Did you do this?"

"Do what?"

"Don't play coy with me. You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"Oh. You mean did I sign you up for the auction. That would be a yes."

"And how exactly am I supposed to take someone on a yacht and give them dinner with a private chef?"

"It's all on me. Consider it a signing bonus."

"You son of a -"

"I didn't know you signed up for the auction. Good for you!" Dillon says as he walks up to the table.

"I didn't."


Hearing my name called again, I lean in and whisper something in Dillon's ear. He nods in agreement and we part ways.

As I walk past William, I give him a death glare. He laughs with glee when he sees my expression. Once my back is to him, I put on my most radiant smile. I'm so nervous I can feel my legs shaking. As I walk to the center of the stage it feels slippery. I say a quick prayer hoping I won't have any mishaps or make a fool of myself while I'm up here. The emcee meets me there.

"Can we get a round of applause for Ms. Astra Cyrene!"

He waits for the applause to die down and starts speaking.

"You certainly have a romantic date planned."

"Well to be honest I just really want to go fishing, but I'll leave that up to my date."

Seeing William looking like the cat that ate the canary is getting on my nerves. I just hope I'm lucky enough for my plan to work so I can get back at him. As I look across the crowd, my eyes meet with Dillons and I see determination on his face.

"There's something I forgot to tell you. Whoever wins my time tonight, also gets my first dance."

"Would you look at that! Not only will you get to spend the whole day with Astra, you're going to get her first dance! Whomever wins tonight will surely be one lucky man! With that being said let the auction begin! Can I get $1,000?"

Dillon quickly raises his paddle to make the first bid. A few people get into a bidding war with him and the number quickly jumps to $10,000. Just as I'm beginning to wonder if we're going to have to settle for plan B, I see William raise his paddle and make a bid for $20,000. Dillon gives me a wink and I know the game is on. They take turns bidding against a couple other people, but the bids jump so high they quickly concede. It doesn't take long before we passed $50,000 and Cassiopeia does not look pleased.

As the numbers keep climbing, I feel quite pleased with myself. It was foolish of William to think he could play games with me. He may think he has a prime opportunity to mess with me, but he's going to have to pay a hefty price to do so. The best part is it's all in the name of charity. Hearing William place the bid for $100,000, Dillon and I look at each other and smile. We hit the number we were aiming for. As the emcee makes the call for the next bid Dillon gestures that he gives up.

"105,000 going once. Going twice."


Surprised, everyone looks to see who made the bid. Standing over 6 feet tall. He has olive skin with raven black hair and emerald green eyes. The way he carries himself is as if he's on the prowl for something. Dressed in black on black, he reminds me of a panther. Looking to Dillon with questions written all over my face, he shakes his head. He had nothing to do with this.

"$140,000." William says as his face grows cold.

"$160,000." The panther replies.


As they go back and forth with their bidding, I take a moment to think about what's happening. I cannot believe the bidding has doubled what I had originally planned with Dillon. The original plan was to mess with him a bit. Though it may be for charity I never intended for him to spend this much. Drawing my attention back to the auction, I hear the panther place the bid for $380,000. William looks competitive. I give him a bashful smile. It's ok if the other guy wins the auction. We both took things too far anyways it's a fair lesson.


The audience gasps and it takes everything in me not to let my jaw hit the floor.

"Do I hear $520,000?"

The panther laughs and shakes his head.

"I concede. It appears we will have to meet another day."

As he walks away, I wonder what those words mean and why he looks so familiar.

"Going once. Going twice. Sold for $500,000! A new record! Everyone give Ms. Astra a hand!"

As I walk off stage, I meet Dillon at the bottom of the staircase.

"Well, that didn't go according to the plan." Dillon says with a bashful smile

"Definitely not but on the plus side, the Callista Scholarship Foundation is $500,000 dollars richer."

While we talk, the emcee announces Jezebel Mallory as the next person participating in the auction. I see the receptionist from earlier today walk towards the stairs. As I try to move out of her way, she bumps into me knocking me over. Expecting to hit the floor, I brace. I hit something hard but it's not the floor. Opening my eyes, I look to see who my savior is and see black. Looking up, my eyes meet with a pair of green ones. I've landed right into the claws of the panther.

"Sorry about that. These floors are just so slippery."

Knowing she did it on purpose, I think about confronting her about it. In the end I decide it's not worth it. Plastering on one of my most genteel smiles, I decide to play her game.

"Of course! These floors are a hazard. I'm just glad that you're okay. Best of luck with your date!"

While walking on stage she falls on the slick floor. Snickering, I'm glad I didn't waste any energy on her. Realizing that I'm still in the panthers arms, I try to move but he doesn't budge. He looks at me like the cat that ate the canary.

"Thanks for catching me. That could've ended badly."

"Have we met before?"

"I'm afraid not. You know, you can let go of me anytime now."

"No, you seem really familiar. I just don't know where."

"I'm sorry, I don't think we've met before. Now please take your hands off of me."

"Were you in Laguna Beach in November 2016?"

"Listen, I've heard all sorts of pick up lines before and that one isn't very original. If you're interested in a girl you should be more genuine about it. I've already asked politely, and now I'm telling you get your damn hands off me right now."

Yanked from his arms, I feel my back hit a powerful chest. I hear a familiar voice resonating from behind me.

"She said let go."

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