
Chapter 22 - Investigative much

"Okay, so we have absolutely about who would do this" I complained letting go of a big sigh and covered my face with my hands as I leaned back against the couch which we had ended up leaning our backs against.

"Well, we got a list" Castle tried to cheer me up from beside me.

"Urgh, yes, we got a list filled with suspects. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack" I complained and I heard him take a quick breath.

"But at least it's a haystack" he said and I moved my hands to be able to peek at him.

"How can you be so optimistic? We've been sitting here for hours trying to figure this out" I continued to complain and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"I can't help it, I have this... feeling" he tried to explain, "... and I get it every time I'm near you, makes me feel like everything is going to be okay" he wouldn't really look at me which made me observe him even more.

He looked shy, as if what he was saying was something coming from deep inside his mind, something private. It made my insides flip in a way only he had succeeded with, making me feel both uncomfortable and... loved. Suddenly my phone started ringing and when I looked at it I saw it was the 12th precinct, which meant it was either Ryan or Esposito, or both.

"Don't you dare talk, ok?" I told Castle before I answered, "Beckett."

"Yo, we just wanted to hear how the babysitting's going?" Esposito mocked and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Espo, don't you have a murder to solve? And it's going great, Lanie came over to help me, she took the kids out for ice cream so that I could get some free time, clean the house" I lied to him, I knew Lanie hadn't told him about Castle and I didn't need more people being able to rat me out.

I felt Castle move closer to me but I tried to ignore it, even though I could feel my heart beat faster.

"Yeah, but Lanie told me something about a guy, who's he?" Esposito said and I stiffened.

"I'm not dating anyone if that's what you're asking" I said, a little more defensive than I should've.

"Aaaand that's how we know you're lying" Ryan added out of the blue.

"No, I'm not" I said and Castle's body shook a bit, trying to retain a chuckle so that they wouldn't hear him.

He removed my hair and I started to feel my heart going nuts, I had no idea why he was doing this to me but he was going to pay for it. Without any more warning his lips attached to my neck and he started kissing my skin.

"Come on Beckett, we're family, you can tell us" Ryan said in a sincere tone.

"Is it that guy me and Lanie saw you with?" Esposito asked right the second Castle started sucking on my pulse and I gasped, thankful he would probably think it was because of his question and not because of something someone was doing to me.

"Espo, Ryan, I can't believe you two called me just for this, you have justice to serve" I scolded them.

"We're actually waiting for an analysis so we really have nothing better to do" Ryan defended and I had to suppress a moan when I felt Castle's hand start moving inside my shirt and down into my pants.

"What are you even doing? It doesn't sound as if you're cleaning" Esposito asked and I could picture me him smirking right now.

He was probably onto me, he knew more than he should. I just prayed he wouldn't find out I was together with.

"I'm taking a break" I replied short, couldn't risk saying something I shouldn't.

Castle was in so much trouble, I wanted to push his hand away, push away, but I couldn't. His touch was irresistible, plus he was touching me in just the right places.

"Really, and is the mystery guy there?" Esposito questioned and I bit my lip to bite down the sounds I wanted to create.

"No, he's not... guys, I gotta go... need to clean the... bathroom" I couldn't help the pauses,  and I knew they knew why.

"Just make sure to use protection, you know, so you won't get bacteria" Esposito said quickly before he hung up.

"Bro, ew!" I heard Ryan before he, too, hung up his phone.

I quickly hung up mine and put it down before I grabbed Castle's hand to be able to take it out of my pants. I turned my head, pushing his head up, away from my neck to crash my lips on his before I pushed him down on the floor, following him down and started grinding my hips onto him.

"You shouldn't... be doing... that... when... I'm on... the phone" I said against his lips between our kisses.

I felt his hands move down on my back and grab my ass to help me guide my movements. It felt as if my body was on fire, as if his touch was sending fireworks into my skin making me go . How could his touch have such a great power over my body?! His tongue slid across my bottom lip and I immediately let his tongue pass to dance with mine. I had never been this teased and this satisfied ever before. He really knew what buttons to push because, holy shit, this was amazing. I pushed out his tongue from my mouth with mine and sucked in his bottom lip into my mouth to be able to bite him. He then flipped us over to be on top and continued the grinding I had started. He left my lips and moved down to my neck to leave love bites and sucked my skin in a way that would definitely leave hickeys for days, but I didn't care. Right in that moment I didn't care who would see the love marks he left on my body, as long as he continued making them because, god, it felt good.


He kissed my forehead, letting his lips linger a little longer than needed but exactly for so long that I felt it tingle. We laid beside each other, trying to catch our breaths.

"That was so much better than what was my intension" he confessed and I looked at him with a rised eyebrow.

"What even your intension?" I questioned with a serious tone before I couldn't stop a wide smile spread on my lips.

"To tease you, distract you from your co-workers, mess with you" he replied and I hit his chest lightly. "Ouch!" he exclaimed and I chuckled, leaned closer to him and kissed his lips.

"We need to get dressed before the girls and Lanie comes home, if sees us like this she will let me forget it" I told him before I pushed myself up from the floor to put on the clothes that were spread out around us.

He chuckled but followed my lead, rising up to get dressed. As soon as we were dressed I put my arms around his neck to get his full attention.

"You know, we really need to figure out how to find that bastard because my partners will find out about us sooner thanks to your little show" I accused him but kept a smile on my face.

I didn't know why I was smiling, I should be irritated by his action and I probably shouldn't have slept with him after his little show since it was highly inappropriate and unacceptable moves of him, but I couldn't. I couldn't help but absolutely what he had done, what he had made me feel. I couldn't deny the feelings he had made me felt with his actions. I wished I could but it wasn't possible. I didn't know what was special about him, if it had been anybody else I would've been pissed, but not with him. I'd had one boyfriend who had tried to make the same move and I had immediately shut him down, yelled at him the second I had hung up with my partners. But I wasn't mad at Castle, and I wondered why.

"How about that tape? If we find the tape we can narrow the list down by what the voice sounds like and then we can compare it for real and have that as evidence?" Castle said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I thought about his suggestion and nodded with an approving 'mhmm'.

"That could definitely work! Do you know where to find it?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I need to go to my loft and take a look at my murder board" he said and I widened my eyes.

"You have a murder board?" I questioned in shock.

He was a writer, not a cop, what the hell did he need a murder board for?

"Yeah, it's digital" he said proud.

"But... why?" I asked and he chuckled.

"For my stories, I write out everything on there, what characters there are, what their personalities are like, what places they have been at in the story, the red line, everything" he explained and I 'oh'ed. "And when I found your mom's murder and found something out of place I wrote down everything on it to keep track on my own small investigation" he said and I nodded.

"How big is it?" I asked and he smiled small.

"Too big to move around as if it's nothing" he replied with a sigh.

"Yeah, well..." I looked into his eyes, with my arms still around his neck, "then I guess I should come with you to take a look at the board."

"That sounds like an excellent idea" he said with a smile growing on his lips.

I stepped on my toes and gave him a light kiss before I pulled away from him to sit down by the couch where the list and my laptop still were at. Castle sat down beside me and took the list out of my hands to check it once again.

"You know, maybe we should think about who it would gain the most if your mother was out of the way" he said and I gave him a look.

"I've already tried that, before. I couldn't find anyone" I told him and he nodded.

"Okay, then perhaps we should think about who have the power to cover it up like they have" he suggested and I chuckled, "what?" he questioned with an adorable confused look on his face.

"Perhaps we should have sex each time we are going to investigate, makes you think more about the actual case" I chuckled and a slight blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Not true" he mumbled and I couldn't help but shake my head as I tried to stop chuckling.

I took the list back and eyed through the names and sighed.

"We should write down their positions as well then, so we can find out who has the most power" I said starting to type on my laptop again to search for all the people working at the building.

We started with the work and after finding and writing down what everyone was working as Castle pointed to one of the names.

"Castle, you can't be serious, there's no way he would have anything to do with this" I immediately said with an exhausted tone.

"But... he the most powerful man in that building" he said in a careful but serious tone.

"Do you really think the senator would care about a lawyer in this big city? Besides why would he make it look like gang violence?" I tried to reason with him.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't know, but it's the greater story" he said and I raised my eyebrow.

"Better story?" I questioned before I couldn't stop myself but start chuckling. "This is not one of your books Castle, you can't write this story" I mocked but deep down I could feel a lump grow in my stomach.

"No, it's not. But I heard you were a pretty good fan, especially after getting that autograph" his voice died out and when I looked at him he smirked with an uncomfortably knowing smile.

I narrowed my eyes while I looked at him. Right when I was about to say something there was a familiar knock on the door before it opened and in came two running girls along with my best friend.