
Finding forever online

This book revolves around a lady named Sabrina who embarks on a journey to find love online. Along the way, she encounters various disappointments and heartbreaks with the guys she meets. Just when she thinks she has found the perfect match, she discovers that he practices BDSM, which comes as a surprise to her. This revelation poses a challenge for her, as she must navigate her own feelings, desires, and boundaries within the context of this newfound dynamic. Upon discovering her partner's BDSM practices,Sabrina decides to explore this new world with an open mind. As she delves deeper into the realm of BDSM, she not only discovers a newfound passion but also unravels a hidden side of herself that she never knew existed.

Salmani_Ibro · Fantasie
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Chapter 1:

It was a fresh morning, I went online

 and I had a lot of add up, I met new people. there was this particular person

that caught my eye. I noticed the person sent a message saying "Hello My name is Ethan,I would like to know if you want to be friends. 

I noticed I was following you on this site.

maybe we can talk"I didn't know what

to do so I checked his profile and WOWW he is so fucking attractive, his profile picture was also a selfie. His jawline could

give me an intense cut and his eyes

were the perfect hazel brown,and of

course me wanting to get to know him,

I messaged him privately.

Saying "oh hello yeah

sure sure, we can talk and get to

know each other more,after a few weeks we started to get close with each other just as friends , things were getting more serious. He asked me if we could video chat which I was scared of because he might be a creepy old man that is a pedo. I tried to make up excuses but I just went for it thinking it was the right thing to do,after a few minutes, he called me and I had to answer.

I was so surprised when I saw that he was actually his real age just has a deeper voice because of being sick and all but it was nice to hear his voice, it was sweet, deep and sexy. To be honest I kinda fell in love with his voice. Which was strange and weird to like, but we started to talk about sexual things, asking questions some simple some weird or stupid, it was fun and nice.

which I found out who he had a crush

it took me in shock but made me

blush. I was getting nervous even though 

I didn't sound like I was.

After that day I started to get a crush on

Ethan as well, it was weird and strange

but it was so quick. I felt like I have

something close to my heart. I went ahead to ask him out and he said yes

I was so happy and excited. I never

thought he would really say yes.It was

the new beginning of an amazing


In a couple of months, we became very close to each other, we started to know 

Secret things that happens in our 

lives it was weird and very sexual. i

didn't mind it but it was getting clingy

and perv like. I pay no attention to it

because I didn't care how I went with it. it

was cute and funny for me in a weird

crazy way. I let it go to the point he got

very sexual which changed me a bit to

become sexual a little bit like him but

not too much thankful.

He starts to get close to me and I loved

I loved to hear his voice whenever

I can. I want to hold him and cuddle

him. even though I hate touching people,

every time I'm sad or alone I want him

by my side. I feel needy which I hate.

I asked him "will you ever see me in

real life?" He said in the summer which

I can't wait for any longer. we start to

talk to each other every little time we got. 

The next day he finally got his cell phone

then he asked if we could face time.I was happy to hear his voice. it has been a long time since we called each other. so I accepted, I think he felt bad, then he said,I'm really sorry that we cant see in person but we can always facetime"

I didnt want to facetime him, I wanted

him to actually be physically in front of

me so I can tell him how I felt

rather than just holding my phone

while seeing his face on a screen,but either ways I sat on my bed in my pjs as I scrolled through my youtube feed. As I watched some videos I heard my phone buzz, I checked the notification...It was

Ethan, I was guessing he was ready for the call, but I guess not.

He snapped me and said that if I wanted

to see him, I was going to have to wait.

Because he's going to some places for a

really long ass time.

looks like its all over now, we lost each


As the new person I am now, we met a

month ago and now its thrown awa, that's

how I felt at that moment.I've talked to Ethan on the phone before and he's

the most adorable human being ever.

My phone buzzed again after a good

ten minutes, I sat up properly and

looked at the screen, Ethan snapped

me.I opened the snap to a picture of his

"you know what," the message said

"lets have some fun."

I decided why not because I wanted

to seem confident towards Ethan, he said he was horny. 

I double tapped his name to open my


Inappropiate-ness rolling in now

I sat up and slid my over sized sweater

over my shoulders and tossed it to who

knows where.

At this point I was left in my black

bralette and sweatpants, I stood up and

walked towards my full length mirror,

I put one hand in a pocket and let my

loose curls flow over my shoulders,

I took a mirror selfie and sent it to


After a few seconds he sent "Awh

cmon, let me see more of you ;) "

I gave in and decided to throw my

pants somewhere else, I exposed my

bare naked body to the mirror and

took another mirror selfie, I even let

my face show in it, smiling showing off

 my plump lips and dimples.

I sent it again and decided to ignore

him for the rest of the night, he can jerk

off to it if he wants. I put back on my

pjs and went under my covers to sleep.

Ethan's POV:

"Damn babygirl"

I was so surprised, your body doesn't

show nicely in your somewhat baggy

clothes you wore earlier. You look so

attractive in that black bra, I saved

the picture so I can look at it later, I

sent her another snap of my dick in full erection, I was so horny at that point I wished she were here to sit on my dick, I imagined how nice that would've felt.

I also told him how much I wished he was here so we could cuddle, we kept sending snaps and listing alongside but it didn't

last long so much. which I wished it

did. but I was happy to talk to him. I

was being an asshole but hey it's funny to

hear him triggered by what I said. I just

laugh and died from it. I disliked his

stupid jokes because they never made

sense to me. I don't know because it

was supposed to be a dirty joke or

something. never can tell but I try to

laugh instead of being rude which

backfires a lot.

every time I was on the phone with

him he would always talk dirty to me

joking around or serious so I just went

joking around and we talked about having sex and other shits. it was funny to me and nothing to take seriously about. hopefully, he thought the same way. I like when he

talks dirty to me, it turns me on I guess. or

it's just very satisfying to listen either

way, I liked it and felt wrong but good

at the same time.