
Finding a killer

Everyday is a battle in life filled with so much more than pain but when the people who makes you feel loved is killed, the determination to find the killer is almost chocking but how will I handle the turn of event

DAOIBISH234 · Urban
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2 Chs


*Brrrz brrrz brrrz brrrz* Sound of the alarm

I groaned at the sound of the alarm indicating the start of a new school day, another day another pain in the ass. Naturally I hate mondays, I don't know why but I just do. Knowing that I was supposed to get up from bed I decided to be stubborn this morning and lay a little longer catching up on all the zzzs I missed chatting with Taylor last night. Taylor; the school's cheerleader, is my best friend, she isn't part of any cheerleading group or some lame shit, she's just nice and cheerful to everyone. I was starting to get a little bit comfy on my bed almost forgetting about today untill

"Get up from bed Sarah you are gonna be late for school" my hated step mother shouted from downstairs. I practically screamed at this point, her voice is like that of a thousand needle piercing your ears."ok" I shouted, "Bitch" I mumbled. That's one way to get to get all the annoyance out, mumbling shit that's not meant to be heard. I dressed like I usually do with a normal shirt and a pair of shorts, my curly hair was a little bit messy but I didn't care, after all I look gorgeous with my melanin skin and my dark brown eyes, am not trying to look over the top or anything, I just want to be comfortable. Leaving my room I bumped into my older brother, he was supposed to be in college but because of a certain bitch downstairs he now has to spend another year at home; painfully.

"Good morning Jason" I said, he hummed in response while ruffling my hair. He doesn't look like he was going todo anything today, if his boxers and singlet didn't tell me anything. I sighed "Brother you aren't going out today" I asked "I may, I might" he answered.

"Sarah get moving now" my stepmother Jane called.

I waved a final goodbye to Jason and went downstairs straight to the fridge to get a bottle of milk and some bread. "I made breakfast" Jane said, no way am eating that "sorry but am allergic to homewreckers" I said. I could hear my brother chuckle while coming down the stairs. "Be nice" my dad said, "sure thing dad". I finished my homemade breakfast, took some lunch money and went straight to school to meet up with Taylor but that wasn't the case.

"Oh my gosh, what happened was horrible", " I guess she forgot to put it in park" the whispers went on and on.

Apparently an accident had happened in our school; woodsen high, and the victim has been taken to the hospital. Looking around for Taylor to ask for more take on the gossip, I couldn't find her but luckily I found Sophie; the school's gossip.

"What happened" I asked, she looked at me for sec thinking whether I should know or not. Her blonde straight her was quietly resting on her shoulder, her brown eyes that we're looking at me in a skeptical way not wavering and her light skin that seems to give out a little shine was exposed out of her crop tops and bum shorts. "Well" I pushed more, "fine, I will tell you " she said. She grabbed me to an empty class and said "well an accident has occurred" I nodded in response, she continued" the only funny thing is that it didn't look like an accident to me", "what happened" I asked, she looked at me with a look that says don't interrupt me, "sorry" I said. "anyway, after the car was parked the owner came out and she was headed towards the school, she looked like a student, as she was about to enter into the hallway of the school the security guard called her back because she had parked the car in a wrong position" Sophie stopped, she looked around again before coming close to me. "She went back to park the car correctly but the breaks of the car seemed to have been messed with and she ended up hitting the nearest pole". "What" I asked "weird right, one moment she was driving peaceful and the next she rammed into a pole", "seemed almost like witch craft, unbelievable" I said, she scoffed, "believe it or not, that's how it happened" she responded. "You know it's hard to comprehend right" I told her, she looked back at the classroom's door before turning her head around and she said "well actually someone was there besides her car before she was called", "what" i shouted out of surprise.

"Umm, excuse me, isn't this geomentry class" a deep voice called out. We both turned our heads towards the voice to see a boy standing at the entrance of the door, I was shocked by his sudden appearance but Sophie was completely frightened."yeah" I answered "we where just..." I couldn't finish my words before Sophie grabbed my hands and ran towards the door. This was one of the most strange reaction Sophie had to a boy, normally she would have tried to seduce him by now but she running away was just weird, "what's wrong" I asked, "stay away from him, he is the one" she said, "he's the one that what" I asked, "the one that was standing right next to her car before it crashed" she answered, "what" I whispered. "Anyway why don't you go to class we will meet up later" Sophie said after going a significant distance away from the class, "ok, but after I find Taylor"I said, " that's it" she said out of the blues, "that's what" I asked, "the name of the student that was involved in the accident" she answered, I felt my face go pale from that statement alone, why would anyone hurt Taylor.

"Am not sure but that's what I heard" Sophie said. I immediately ran out of the hallway, out of the school building and into the school's parking lot where the accident that occurred, "miss Lee you should be in class" my history teacher called out to me, "I know but please let me check if it's her or not" I begged, "if it's who" he asked, "a friend of mine, please" I begged , he sighed and said "ok but don't get to close" , "thank you Mr logwood" I said before proceeding my examination of the car, it was red; Taylor's favorite color, but anyone else could have been driving a red car, I continued my examination with a positive mindset untill I saw the little drawing on her dashboard, my little drawing to be precise, it was indeed Taylor. "Find anything" Mr logwood asked, "no sir, it wasn't who I thought it was" I said with a fake smile, "ok then get back to class" he said, I nodded but before going I noticed an envelope under the car, without Mr logwood looking I bent down and picked it up as quickly as I could. "Miss Lee" Mr logwood called out, "sir" I answered, "let's go" he said and I followed him behind, I kept the envelope in my bag for safety, I tried to make my way besides Mr logwood but not before locking eyes with him, the boy that Sophie suspect, I am going to expose you if it's the last thing I do.