
Find A Way To My Heart

Noah's POV I stared at her across the room ...she was wearing a silver dress with a slit up to her thigh... She is my angel sent from Heaven .....She's MINE I wanted to take her in front of everyone ... Marking her every where...showing everyone that she is MINE.... Mine to Cherish and Mine to Hold.. Let's see how Sara's life gets tangled in ways she could ever imagine

CamilasmiTH6115 · realistisch
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8 Chs

Your Mine

The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience

Sara's POV

Past week has been good except for a few embarrassing encounters with Noah..

He seems to be in a foul mood these days..looks like he's in his man periods...

He even snapped at me several times

for silly reasons..We all have our bad days right

After all the work I've done for the past week.. I need to let out some steam so, i decided to hit the club..After a long time I'm going out to have some fun.

The club was loaded with people..Reaching the bar I asked for shots of vodkha..

Shots after shots...i was feeling dizzy .I could feel someone's penetrating gaze on my back.

Must be the alcohol,I continued swaying my hips to the song. I lost myself in the song.

It has been long since I've had this much fun..dancing sweaty bodies press and rub up against me

I was clubbing like this is my last night on earth, but I think that's just the way my mind avoids thinking about the worst hangover to come...Tomorrow they'll be hell to pay but tonight the alcohol keeps on flowing in like it's on IV drip...

Suddenly someone grabs me from behind ..and pulls me closer...His breaths, short and trembling, brushed against my hair..I was too tired to even move away from him.I couldn't see him clearly with my blurred vision.

The way his hands and mouth wandered over my body almost made me black out.

The tension in the air could be cut by a knife..Fuck this!! .."Let's go somewhere quite ..shall we??" I whispered in his ear..

"Your wish is my command babygirl"..that was enough for me to drag him to the bathroom.

I'm sure gonna regret this in the morning but who cares..I couldn't get enough of him.I grabbed his hair and yanked him closer. I was tired and drunk but I didn't care all I wanted was him ..my eyes were drifting off to sleep.. I didn't want to sleep...

Suddenly I felt sick to my stomach..I could feel bile filling my mouth..emptying my stomach all onto his shirt..

Before I could comprehend what happened I blacked out..

So much for wanting one wild care free night..


Waking up ..only to have the worst headache..alone, topless, in my underwear in an unknown bed.I started panicking..

The last thing I remember was dancing with some hot hunk..

I have no idea where the hell I am!!

My phone read 27 missed calls all from Noah..Shit shit I'm in great trouble..I'm never drinking again..

Gathering all my clothes I decided to sneak out.

"Leaving after taking advantage of me ..Quite a bad move you should take responsibility for the damage you've caused ...." i turned to see the man from earlier leaning on the door.He's good looking,but Noah's way hotter.

Stupid mind stop comparing everyone with Noah!!

"Uhh see I'm sorry this was never meant to happen I was too drunk to realise what was happening.. Let's just get forget this ever happened."I said grabbing some money from my wallet and placing it on the desk..

"Ouch you hurt me...but you didnt seem to care when you were screaming my name again and again"he said pretending to be hurt catching his heart with a smirk playing at his lips

"I'm late for my work..forget whatever happened this was a mistake "I was almost ready to bawl his eyes out..

"Chill I was just messing around ..nothing happened yesterday..you passed out I brought you here as I didn't know your address"

"By the way I'm Arthur Knight"he said offering his hand

"I'm Sara nice to meet you.I'd love to talk with you but I have to get going... I'm already very late to work."

After arguing about him dropping me off at my workplace he won..

"Will meet soon beautiful"... Was the last thing I heard before I rushed out inside


It was already 12am..I'm dead for sure..

He was on the couch drinking!!  not even looking at me he said..

"Decided to show up huh.??"surprisingly he was calm..

"I'm very sorry .. I hit the club yesterday,and I drank a little too much..it'll not happen again.."

"You're full of crap.. You decided to be the whore you are.. Spreading your legs for anything that walks.."he said void of any emotions..

"Your just a stupid double faced bitch..your parents must be ashamed of your existence...I don't even know why I was worried ...sending a search party for you while you were sucking a d***"

Every word was a pang of strike to my heart.. It hurt so bad.. Tears ready to fall out anytime..

"Yeah you must be right..no one cares..I'm just a bitch abandoned by my OWN father,hated by my mother. Cheated on by my fiance..I should have never existed,I should have died"I cried

All the feelings I've suppressed rose up constricting my chest

"S..Sara.. I'm sorry I didn't know..I was just worried you were missing ..seeing you get out from some bastard's car snapped me out .. "

He reached towards me I flinched back..

Growing frustrated he broke the glass in his hands..Blood oozed out..

"Are you out of your freaking mind!!"grabbing the first aid kid..I bandaged him..

"I'm sorry bambino"he kept saying over and over

As much as I wanted to stay mad at him..I couldn't his eyes were pleading to be forgiven.He didn't know about my past,I can't really blame him

"I'm sorry Sara its just that I cannot bare to see you with any other man,the thought of other man touching you is driving me nuts .

Your MINE, Mine alone"he said smashing his lips to mine.


Yeyy Finally !!!

Noah made his move.