
Final Thoughts

I hope this reach number 2 or 1 thank you

JaMarion_Turney · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Love Thoughts

The camera panned over the bustling city streets, capturing the hustle and bustle of daily life. It then focused on a young man, walking with purpose towards a large and imposing building. His name was Jason Scott, a 20 year old with a bright future ahead of him. But little did he know that his life was about to be cut short due to his final thoughts.

Jason entered the building, the sound of his dress shoes echoing in the marble lobby. He rode the elevator up to the top floor - the hospital. He had been in a serious car accident and was now on life support. Jason knew he didn't have much time left, and he wanted to share his thoughts with the girl he had always admired since his college days.

As he approached her room, the camera zoomed in to capture the name on the door - Emily Thompson. She was beautiful, with long dark hair and piercing blue eyes. Jason had always been too shy to approach her in college, but now he had nothing to lose.

He knocked on the door, and Emily's head turned towards him. Her eyes widened in surprise and she quickly composed herself. Jason noticed that she was holding a photo album, filled with pictures of them together in college. He smiled, knowing that she had always felt something for him too.

'Hey, Jason,' Emily said softly, her voice laced with emotion. 'I can't believe you're here.'

Jason walked closer to her bed, sliding a chair beside her. 'I had to come see you one last time,' he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

They sat in silence for a moment, just taking in each other's presence. Then, Jason began to speak. He poured out his heart to her, confessing his love and regret for not telling her sooner.

The camera captured every moment, from their tearful eyes to the gentle touch of their hands. It was a bittersweet scene, knowing that Jason's time was running out.

As he finished speaking, Emily leaned in and kissed him, filled with the same regret and love as he had. They held onto each other, knowing that this would be the last time they would ever be together. The camera zoomed in to capture the intensity of their emotions, the sadness and love consuming them.

But their moment was cut short as the door burst open, revealing Emily's boyfriend, David. His expression turned from confusion to anger as he saw the two embracing.

'What is going on here?' he demanded, taking a step towards them.

Emily quickly explained the situation, tears streaming down her face. But David didn't want to hear any of it. He lashed out at Jason, blaming him for trying to come between him and Emily.

The camera captured their physical altercation, as David shoved Jason against the wall. Jason's weak state couldn't hold up against David's fury, and he fell to the ground, hitting his head on the bedside table.

The sound of machines flatlining filled the room, as Jason took his final breath. Emily and David stood in shock, unable to process what just happened. The camera zoomed in to capture the expression on Emily's face - a mixture of sorrow, regret, and anger.

The police were called in, and it was soon discovered that David had a history of violent tendencies. He was charged with Jason's death, but the damage had already been done. Lives were destroyed, all because of Jason's final thoughts.

The city mourned the loss of Jason Scott, a bright young man with a promising future. The camera captured the funeral, as Emily stood beside Jason's casket, her tears falling onto his pale face. She placed a single red rose on his chest, a symbol of her love for him.

But the story doesn't end there. The camera showed a flashback to a few days before Jason's accident. He had been working on a special project - an app called 'Final Thoughts' where people could anonymously share their thoughts and emotions before they died. Jason had hoped to spread love and compassion through his creation.

The app was launched posthumously, and it became an instant hit. People from all over the world shared their final thoughts, spreading love and kindness even in their last moments. Jason's legacy lived on, and his final thoughts sparked a movement of compassion and understanding.

The camera panned out to capture the city skyline, zooming in on a billboard that read 'Final Thoughts - A Tribute to Jason Scott'. The city would never forget the tragedy that led to the birth of such a powerful movement, and Jason's memory would forever be honored through the app he created out of love.

In the end, Jason's final thoughts did not lead to his death, but to the rebirth of hope and love in the hearts of people everywhere. And that was a legacy worth cherishing.