
Final Fantasy X Danmachi.

Just a small story I threw together one day when I was bored, pretty good if you ask me.

Ryan_Colman · Videospiele
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67 Chs

31. Upgrades.

The saddle was incredible well made and easy to put on and take off. This made riding the large bird so much easier now that I could properly direct him where to go and hold on properly so it didn't feel like I was sliding off it was also easier to get on with stirrups.

The saddle could comfortably hold 2 people and if I wanted I could probably order one for 3 people. The saddle bags were also nice they were made of a soft but strong leather that kept the bags deflated when empty so it didnt bother the wings of Boko. Even when full it wouldn't bother him much but could still hold a decent amount. There was also spots for things like water canteens and a carving knife.

"Alright buddy let's head down and try to see if we can find some lizards to kill." I tell Boko who is excited about his new equipment.

"Wark!" He bolts off towards the dungeon quickly.

We kill what we pass so we don't drag them along towards other adventurers and accidentally get them killed or get us reported.

Once we hit the 5th floor it doesnt take us long to find the lizardmen in a group of 5. I hop off Boko and caste Hastaga on us both to increase speed. Pulling out my sword we rush the group, however disaster happens almost instantly.

I swing the blade towards the neck of the lizardman I'm attacking and its head turns a bit and I hit hard scales, the broad sword in my hand snaps as the tip of the blade flies off barely leaving a scratch on the tough scales.

I avoid a tail whipped towards my legs and toss the blade before an orange energy saber buzzes to life as I quickly summon the dragon buster.

The blade stabs Into the lizardmen not really leaving much of a wound but the eyes of the lizardman dull instantly as it dies.

Seems the dragon buster has a 1 hit kill effect on the poor lizards, well it also has a 1 hit kill on most dragons and dragoons so that might be a deciding factor. The blade still cuts but it has a special effect against dragon kind.

*Bzz! Bzz! Bzz!* The sword makes quick work of the rest of the lizardmen.

"Eh that could have been bad." I frown and pick up both parts of the sword. Well my increased strength and the toughness of the scales I hit it was bound to happen.

I toss the broken blade into a side pouch on Boko as I can't seem to store it now that its broke. I also grab my carving dagger, it's a bit tough cutting through the lizardmen to get to the magic cores in the chest.

Boko provides assistant by using his claws to easily rip out the stone and deposit the meaty chunks on the floor.

"Seems I'm going to have to get a sharper blade. Guess I'll leave the core gathering to you for now." I tell Boko cleaning off the Magic cores he dropped me.

"Warkk!" He warbles happily.

I don't feel like using the dragon buster as it requires zero skill to use. "Seems it's back to the buster sword for now." I smile pulling out the large blade taking off my cloak and putting on my magnet holder, it's a tad bit annoying to take out the blade with the cloak on and I can't just be seen walking with no weapon.

It was only a short walk to find another 3 lizardmen, this time the buster sword made quick work of my opponent. Whatever the hell it was made from was strong, didn't even get a ding in the blade.

Boko used his talons to take out the cores making my life a bit easier.

Once we were done I put the cores into the pouch before I heard something.

"Help! Please help me!" A female cry.

"Ha, nobody is coming to save you brat so stop struggling." A gruff Male voice says.

"No! Please! I'll pay the money I swear!" The girl cried out and i heard ripping noises.

Making my way over quickly what I saw made my blood turn gold. 3 adventurers surrounding a small girl with dog like ears on her head, one of them was trying to rip the clothes off the small girl.

In a flash my revolver was in my hand along with bullet quickly being loaded, the adventurers heard the noise but it was far too late.

"Help me please!" The little girl cried in my direction with a begging look.

The group of three looked at the blood colored Boko with some wariness.

"Piss off kid this isn't your problem, this girl owes us money. If you value your life you'll turn around and leave." The one on the ground says with a sneer.

"I'm making it my problem." The cylinder with 9 newly racked bullets slams closed on my revolver. The adventurer quickly pulls out a dagger aiming it at the girl but its blasted to shrapnel along with his head and the head of the two others beside him before they even know what happened.

The girl shrieks as the body of the man trying to rape her collapses ontop of her headless before pushing it off and covering her slightly bare body.

"Are there any more nearby?" I ask the girl.


I keep my gun out just in case.

"Are you alright?" I ask the child.

"Y-yes thank you..if you hadn't been there then i....i..." At this point it seems that shock has finally set in as she starts shaking and sobbing.

"Shhh, shhhh it's okay." I pick up the lightweight girl and grab my cloak from my pouch swinging it over her body and it covers her neatly. I kick over the bodies of the trio.


My companion walks over. "This is my summon Boko I want you to hold onto him for a minute while I handle these bodies okay?" I ask the girl.

"No, please don't leave me!" she shouts in panic gripping tightly.

"Alright, alright I'm not going to leave you just relax. Boko stand guard." I store my revolver and snatch the bullets out of the air and tuck them in my pouch before going towards the bodies and kicking them over.

"Which familia were they from?" I ask the girl trying to make conversation and distract her.

"Soma family, we are from the Soma familia." She says as I quickly loot the valuables from the corpses.