
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime und Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 47 – Magnus (Extra Chapter)

Inside a minimalistic living room only consisting of a wooden table in the middle, a brown couch behind it, a holographic TV on the opposite side of the table strapped onto the white wall, bookshelves were right beside the walls containing archaic books of olden times from decades long past, and right on top of the brown couch was Braun who was staring intensely at the silver laptop laying on top of the wooden table in front of him.

On the screen of the laptop, numbers inside rows and tables flash in rapid succession, graphs move up and down at chaotic intervals while green and red arrows appear from one place to another, and the constant dollar sign all around the screen indicates that the thing Braun was looking at seems to be something akin to a stock market trading app.

The keys on his keyboard rapidly click on their own as if they were controlled by an invisible force, the arrow on the screen moving from one place to another to rapidly click on multiple stocks while Braun squints both of his eyes with a small smirk creeping on his face.

Widening his grin, his hair went to flutter from the invisible pressure that erupted out of nowhere around him while multiple clicking sounds were heard from the laptop in front of him, constant flashes of multiple stocks constantly being bought at seemingly random times but with each one bought, it was as if he was dictating the value of the stock itself if it will either rise or fall, everything that he bought would only go up and never down, and if it did, it would rise like a phoenix from the ashes and rises through the graph line at rapid succession.

And in mere moments, the green series of numbers on the upper right corner change from 7 digits to 8 digits, and the number 10,000,000 flashes on his screen.

Slumping his shoulders down, his fluttering hair flows back down to normal while he leans his back to the couch behind him, his stressed-out body calming down while his strained mental muscles reinvigorate to normal levels.

"10 million dollars!" Braun shouts with glee, his eyes turning into an upward smile while he looks up to the ceiling with disbelieving eyes.

"Holy crap, I'm already a multi-millionaire," Braun mutters, rubbing his hair as if he can't believe the current situation.

Letting out a relieved breath from his mouth, his body slowly seeps into the couch as if he was fusing with it, his eyes closing on their own while exhaustion overcomes his whole body, but that's nothing but a theatrical play he was presenting to his dear system.

"System, buy 15 stat points and transfer it all to Mind," Braun said, his head still swallowed by the comfortable cloudy couch of his.

Soon, a screen flashes within his mind to show his current status.

[Name: Freidrich Braun] [Title: Secret Esper Agent]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Esper]

[Body: 50]

[Mind: 150 (75)]

[Spirit: 50}

[Abilities: OFA(100%), Psychic Force Manipulation, Trading(Level 10)]

[Points: 0]

[Side Objective: Secret Esper Agent(Complete)]

- Join the Secret Esper Division

[Reward: 1000 Points, New Title]

[Side Objective: Millionaire(Complete)]

- Earn a total of 1,000,000 dollars

[Reward: 1500 points, New Ability]

[Side Objective: Multi-Millionaire(Complete)]

- Earn a total of 10,000,000 dollars

[Reward: 1500 points]

'150 Mind, how wondrous.' Braun smirks in his mind, but in reality, his Mind Stat is in the hundreds of millions already as he was just toying with the system to unravel its secrets.

'I already know most of your possible goals since the start. The system wants its host, me, to grow stronger. It also wants to make the world stronger and higher in quality. To be a potential spot for other members like me to grow from, and considering its shop holds a multitude of items all around the multiverse, and how I can sell stuff to it, it must mean it gains those objects from its other hosts throughout the multiverse so it wants to grow stronger by gaining stronger hosts and worlds under its domain, how predictable.' Braun thought in his mind while different, opposite thoughts played in his mind at the same time to conceal his true intentions.

But his peace was soon disrupted upon the buzzing feeling he felt from his pockets, shooting his head out of the couch, his eyes went wide open while his right hand enters his right pocket to grab the buzzing, metallic case of his newly acquired phone from SED.

Taking out his phone, he sees the familiar notice belonging to the SED, inputting the desired identifications needed to know that it was him such as certain passwords and codes, the screen opens to show his new mission that he needs to accomplish.

"Sigh, it's the third time already this week. So, what wild esper do I need to take care of today?" Braun annoyingly said.

[Monarch, a rampaging Level 5 Esper is currently inside City K. They have the ability of magnetokinesis and were last seen on a construction site at these coordinates and are currently rampaging at Ferrum Street.] A cold female voice said from his phone.

"What?! A Level 5?! But you know I'm only Level 4 in combat potency! How would you expect me to deal with a mindless Level 5 esper? Unless…" Braun said, his eyes widening in shock at the realization he finally understood.

[Yes, you must use lethal force to take care of him. You know we can't currently contain Level 5 Espers, and considering he can control metal and our containment procedures use mostly metallic materials… You know what is needed to do.] the cold female voice added, biting his lips, Braun's eyes became conflicted.

[Monarch, you know thousands of lives are in danger when this is happening! Do you want thousands to die because you were merciful to one life, or are you going to sacrifice that one life to save thousands?] the voice said, dealing the final blow, Braun clicks his tongue and a suit suddenly manifests around him.

From his legs to his head, a black suit made out of carbon-based materials having durability higher than diamond covers his whole body, a black helmet covers his whole head while the eyes glow crimson red, and crimson lines soon glow all around his body indicating the activation of his esper abilities, his augmented muscles showing through the tight black suit full of strength and vigor.

Closing his phone, he leaves it on top of his wooden table. Calculating the coordinates within his mind in a split second, the field of space-time around him warps and Braun's armored figure appears on top of a 5-story building located inside Ferrum Street.

Glancing down, Braun watches multiple civilians running away from the storm of fire and floating cars in the distance rampaging on the open street, multiple metallic beams were ripped out of buildings while trucks holding dangerous materials float to the sky, making the flammable materials within them to further fuel the flames around the floating being in the distance.

'Magnus, an orphan boy who is currently 18 years old, working at a construction company to earn a decent amount of cash through physical labor, but due to unknown factors, Magnus suddenly became an Esper and started to destroy everything around him, causing unneeded chaos and destruction.' Braun read the memo appearing in his vision, gritting his teeth, the crimson lines around his body turn crimson orange and crimson green.

Flying into the air, he shoots off at rapid speeds towards Magnus in the distance who has brown hair, and brown eyes, wearing a white shirt covered in dirt stains and brown pants with burnt ends, his body covered in a silver glow while his eyes shine a metallic silver.

Pointing both of his hands forward, the crimson air riddled with flames around Magnus rapidly gathers at the tip of his hands to form two vortex balls of air and fire catching Magnus' attention.

With a maniacal grin on Magnus' face which was common for naturally occurring espers, Braun raises both of his arms to the air and watches the two balls of crimson flames around him shoot towards Magnus into a stream of crimson fire.

Raising his hand, a metallic barrier made from debris and metallic scraps forms in front of Magnus and watches the metal in front of him heat up into liquid metal, and due to physics and science, the metallic barrier in front of him lost its magnetic property and the barrier in front of him slowly wilted away.

Widening his eyes, Magnus waves both of his arms to fortify the barrier by putting more metallic constructs in front of it, from metallic beams to cars, even trucks were used as a barrier while the air around him rises due to the heat from the constant stream of crimson flames shooting towards him.

But out of nowhere, a flicker suddenly appears behind him and acting purely on instinct, a metallic shield made from the door of a car appears behind him at ridiculous speeds to hear a loud boom appear behind him, the residual shockwave causing his eyes to widen in shock.

Hastily flying away, he sees a black figure having crimson eyes and crimson golden lines running along their body looking at him, a douse of dread and fear enraptures his mind but both emotions soon turned into anger due to the influence controlling his mind.

Screaming, metallic beams shoot out of the buildings beside them that rush straight toward Braun without mercy.

Calmly responding, two black portals appear beside the man which the 2 metallic beams shoot through, appearing directly in front of Mangus through the two black portals appearing in front of him out of nowhere.

Hastily raising his right arm to stop the movement of the two metallic beams, a flicker suddenly appears behind him at a pace his cloudy mind can't follow and with one swift ruthless blow, a fist coated in crimson golden lines pierces through his chest as blood pukes out of his mouth, his beating heart appearing in his fading vision while he felt his control over his body disappearing away into nothingness.

And in the end, the strange force that took control over his mind slowly disappears and in his final moments, he regained back his clarity while tears drip from his eyes.

"T-thank you," Magnus said, blood continues to flow from his mouth while letting out his final cough. Closing both of his tearful eyes, Magnus died in one ruthless blow while a peaceful smile was on his face.

Saying his final words, Magnus' body slumps down and leans on Braun's chest, in return, Braun looks at Magnus' dead face with conflicted eyes.

"… Mission done," Braun said after a long pause, his eyes regretful at his actions while he looks at the ravaged city around him.

The destroyed streets, filled with dead bodies and rubble, cars and trucks crumpled into metallic balls while the flesh of dead humans still resides within them, is killing Magnus the right thing to do, or is this just him tricking himself into thinking he did the right thing.

Taking his hand out of Magnus' pierced chest, he watches Magnus' body fall down to the ground, his face splattering into fleshy bits and mangled flesh.

"I'm… going to take a break for a while, don't bother tracking me, I need some… privacy," Braun said, a voice full of negative emotions escaping his mouth that if some were to even listen to his mutters, they would become unnaturally sad as if a supernatural force is causing them to be empathetic to Braun's (fake) emotions.

[… Sure, just remember to… take care of yourself.] the voice said, and with that said, Braun's body disappeared from the air to somewhere unknown.

Just as he disappeared, multiple SED workers appeared all around the city to take care of the aftermath brought by Magnus and Braun.

But, would Braun really be so stupid as to let a Level 5 escape from his grasp?

Opening his eyes, Magnus finds himself on an open field of grass, the open ocean was in the far distance while a cold fresh breeze coming from the sea hits his face.

Hastily glancing down, he lets out a sigh of relief from his mouth when he saw his body was all fine and dandy, with no bruises, no burns, and no pierced chest.

But reality soon sets in when he finally realized the situation he was in.

"A-am I in the afterlife? Is this heaven?" Magnus asked nobody in particular, standing up from the grassy ground to look around the place.

But out of nowhere, he heard a response without even expecting it in the first place, "No, but we can make it one."

Turning his head around, Magnus sees a man appear behind him with a flicker, his black hair, jet-black eyes, muscles that shows through his white shirt, a pair of black pants, and black shoes covering both of his feet. A kind, amicable smile appeared on his face that calmed Magnus' thumping heart into a calm, tranquil state.

"Who are you?" Magnus asked, confused and curious at the man who appeared in front of him.

"You can just call me Freidrich, Freidrich Braun. Now Magnus, do you want the world to stay as it is? For it to continue to be mediocre while certain forces hold the power of gods for themselves? Or do you want to transform it, to transform it into the world where everyone is gods, wielding supernatural powers and bring humanity into a new era, the era of psychic powers?" Braun said, his voice seemingly magnetic, sucking Magnus' mind into trusting him, into believing him, into following him without question.

No thoughts of rebuttal, no thoughts of questioning Braun's grand goal, Magnus didn't even bother of thinking about the potential consequences of granting every single human, whether the ones given were good or evil, the only thought in his mind was to follow the man in front of him, no, he was no mere man, in his mind, Braun has transcended into a God, the Messiah of this mediocre world.

"Yes! YES! I would follow your goal!" Magnus shouts, a crazed grin appearing on his face as if he was worshipping his god.

"Good, good, I only expected the best from you Magnus and you indeed gave me your best. But now, let us make you reborn anew, not as Magnus, but now named as Magneto," Braun said, grabbing Magnus from his forehead, and watching Magnus' eyes rolls to the back of his head.

Watching his body jerk around wildly, Braun transforms Magnus' brain into a new one, his internal body transforming from what could be defined as a human into something alien, something that could be considered belonging to a perfect God.

From a perfect body with no imperfections, a mind that transcends past human limits, charisma that would allow anyone to follow his views, to add any sentient man into his grand goal of transforming humanity, no, the world into HEAVEN!

As the thoughts of grand glory and worship invade the very depths of his mind, a grin of pure joy appears on his face as Braun lets go of his forehead.

"Arise, Magneto, for your help shall help me reshape this world into our personal heaven," Braun said, looking at Magneto with a malevolent smile.

"Yes, Braun- no, my lord, I shall be your sharpest of sword and most durable of shields, for I am your knight, Magneto," Magneto said, kneeling down on his knee while glancing at Braun straight into the eye, his eyes seemingly glancing into the very soul of Braun that was so… pure.

With a powerful esper by his side, Braun nods his head and he was one step closer to achieving his grand goal, to bring heaven over earth.

AN: This is 2669 words, you're welcome.

If you were wondering how the system didn't even reacted to this strange instance, well Braun is basically just too big brain for the system, he's basically toying with it as of now.

And just FYI, Braun is 111+ years old already, so he's an old monster in his own right.

Writing is hard, so send me some powerstones.

(June 10, 2022 – 198th day of writing)