
Call of Duty (5)

The way of infiltrating the Slate Block Town wasn't as simple as in other villages. First of all, they needed to suppress their chakra. Second, they simply couldn't use transformation jutsu for there would be actual experienced sensory shinobi and not puppets running perimeter checks of the two. Third, Kai couldn't use the more bodily shift of Body Transformation Jutsu, too, since it used quite a bit of chakra. Sure, the transformation in this state was a shift in his physical body... but the amount of chakra it demanded would be damning enough.

So... it was a plain old disguise then and Kai got a quick 'buck' out of it.

[Basic Makeup (1/1): A skill every Kunoichi needs to look the way she isn't.]

Even compared to the knowledge needed to massage the body... the way of putting the powder and other masking items wasn't as deep as one might expect.

But they needed to be subtle and there aren't many kinds of makeup that can be used in the rain. But Sakumo came prepared with a variety of disguises including human masks. Of course, it was only needed for Sakumo and not Kai given that the White Fang had more obvious recognizable features.

"Let's go, I think we look starved enough... although, we might get beaten up before getting to enter the city by some of the guards for them to relieve their stress," Sakumo muttered while the boy looked at the man. Both wore ragged clothes and while it was easy to look disheveled, what Kai had to do was actually wear slightly baggier clothes and use the water-resistant stuff on his body than his face to cover up for the more obvious muscular body for his... As for Cinnamon, it would have to slither into the city herself and then locate Kai using her biological map.

No starved boy could ever look as good as him in any condition due to the intake condition of food.

Once done, a dark-haired man with a weary look and a slightly tanned youth both wore the hoods of their rags and stumbled towards the entrance of the town. Their bare feet stepped onto the various tiny pools of water, of which, Kai and Sakumo noticed that two of them hid two shinobi. But aside from a cursory look, the duo attracted no attention until the guards around the wide rocky walls of the town stopped the duo.

"Hey! Whoever the hell you are, fuck off! We don't need beggars littering our streets!"

"Please sir, the Sage will bless you—" Sakumo had barely begun, his hands reaching out to purposely grab the civilian guard's jacket when he was punched in the face, making Sakumo move only after the impact appropriately enough to make it look like a good blow... but really, it wasn't, or the man's mask would have been torn away.

As Sakumo fell into a puddle, Kai gasped, "Dad! Oh, no—"

[Specific Action created a skill.]

[Acting (1/1): The expert use of facial and body language to convey subtle messages.]

"Please! I don't want to go to a big city! I was joking, let's go!" And Kai's tears felt apparent despite the drizzle, his body laying on Sakumo as he cried his heart out, enough to even make the previous guard click his tongue with a groan, "Another starved kid... just my luck. Oye, fuck off inside the city, and don't let me see your faces again!"

Sakumo twitched as he let out a pained grunt while bowing his head and dragged the bawling Kai into the city until they found one alley to slump into.

"Amazing skills, Kai-kun," Sakumo grinned while rubbing his cheeks as Kai grinned, a bit amazed himself how much easier it became for him to lie with just the intention of acting... should have done this long ago!

"Yeah, thanks!" He beamed as Sakumo looked around and began to whisper the code they must use once they meet each other if they are separated for more than 20 seconds and then began to roam the streets. While their suppressed chakra could not be used to sense others... Kai had no problem sensing the intent in chakra if close enough. But of course, he knew better than to reveal this to Sakumo, and the few shinobi he did rat out as spies were done only by saying he had a knack for sensory.

What could Sakumo even say about this? He was here to also observe Kai's skills, so, his job wasn't to question the boy but to appraise him thoroughly.


'Thank every god of chaos and trolls I'm free for the day!' Kai groaned internally, his ears almost to the point of bleeding by the constant dad jokes by Sakumo that threatened to lower and corrupt his own sense of angry gamer humor in any PVP game lobby as he kept his head low and drifted within the town.

Boy, there was a lot of strong shinobi and kunoichi in the town, and probably not only in chakra reserves but the ability to use amazing skills and higher technical abilities, too.

If he had to give Sakumo's chakra reserve a number, it would be close to 180,000 points with most chunin only between 30000-90000 so it was clear that if Kai had to be considered a Jonin in chakra reserve, as Tsunade demanded before teaching a skill she considered as dangerous as Shadow Clone Jutsu then he must have a chakra, at the very least, close to 80000.

Still, he had yet to chance upon someone with as much chakra as Sakumo—

'Hold up on that thought...' Kai stopped for a second, instantly feeling a chakra so dense and so... blankly ignorant that he wasn't even sure if the redheaded boy of a beggar begging for an apple from the vendor knew what he was doing with his chakra...

'But still... that's like Kushina... somewhat... constantly being used to do something and thus actually looking like a chakra reserve far shallower than the actual one.'

This is something Kai noted. Sure, Kushina had an amazing chakra reserve but... it was constantly being used to keep the Kyubi inside of her sealed. This constant expenditure did increase her chakra and delicate sensors like Kai could feel it but unless Kushina specifically utilizes it, her chakra barely felt devilish at the time.

The boy in front of Kai covered by a hooded raincoat was the same... but instead of a sheer personification of an angst teen that had been constantly bullied by 'I slept with your mom' jokes, the boy seemed to house something different. Still, Kai didn't know enough Jinchurikis to know the difference and didn't put it past the boy being one.

'Still, if he is a jinchuriki... can I get a beast inside of me? Despite the problems, they are called war deterrents for a reason...' Kai wondered and drifted towards the pale, red-haired boy as he noted a starved dog biting on the apple and running away.

"Hey! Damn! Wait!" The aunty scowled and shouted, chasing after the dog as she attracted the attention of other bypassers onto the dog. It was then, that the boy filled the hems of his raincoat and bolted in the opposite direction!

Kai blinked, not the least bit surprised. He had seen kids stealing. Even he stole just to fit better into the surroundings but the redhead this far from a particular island village was... quite suspicious.

'Should I follow them?'

"Hey, you're with that brat, right?" The furious pumpkin of a woman glared in Kai's direction which was far enough to suggest that he wasn't with the redheaded thief.

Kai blinked before he grinned, "Got ya good, bitch!"

And then he took off, too.

"Wait!" The woman screamed as Kai scoffed internally. Many women want his divine self to wait for them. Fuck that. Kunoichi all the way!

Kai ran harder and it was easier to find the boy since he was busy relishing the fruits of his labor quite literally with his friends, and a dog.

"Yo!" Kai shouted loud enough to make the trio almost jump out of their skin as their gazes snapped in his direction with the dog yowling in startle and then crouching threateningly to face him.

As if he didn't know how to beat bitches... he had one following him in Konoha, after all!

"W-who are you?!"

Unlike what Kai expected, the clear-cut leader with continuously suppressed but dense Uzumaki chakra wasn't the one who stepped up but an orange-haired kid. Looking a little blank, Kai blurted, "Hi, who are you, I'm dad—"

And then Kai's expression froze with a look of unbridled horror.

'Fuck... Sakumo corrupted me!'

"What?" The boy frowned.

"I said," Kai took a deep breath as he looked at the stock of apples on the ground and smirked, "My dad taught me how to steal things better than you amateurs. Let me impart that wealth of knowledge unto you!"

"No!" The boy rejected in an instant.

"Then I will tell everyone how the three of you look," Kai beamed.

"Uh..." the boy fell stumped as the nervous bluenette finally whimpered, "Yahiko..."

"Listen to the cutie, Yahiko. By the way, a good name. Others can remember it easily."

The girl flinched at the compliment but paled at his words later as Kai's smirk broadened while Yahiko, the orange-haired punk bit his lip and growled, "What the hell do you want?"

"First of all..." Kai stepped forward towards them as he felt a tiny, instinctive chakra reaction from the boy, noting that other Shinobi only let him be because the apparent Uzumaki orphan was not a threat and even only someone like Kai who had registered many chakra signatures from Uzushiogakure knew that the boy was an Uzumaki.

The trio flinched with the dog faltering somewhat as a tiny white snake slipped out of Kai's sleeves to pin down the dog with her gaze.

"I'd like to eat some apples," Kai chuckled, slumping into the heap of wet trash and picking an apple from the ground before biting on it.

"Pheh... loose one. Man, I like an apple with a crunch..." Kai grumbled as Yahiko snorted, "Isn't that the truth."

"You know, you guys owe me," Kai was quick to guilt-trip the kids in front of him, possibly younger than him, "That friend of yours made things complicated for me after stealing these worthless apples," Kai huffed while still eating the apple fully. There was no need to waste it, after all.

"I... I'm sorry..." the redhead lowered his already drooping head further and mumbled softly.

"Don't mind it. Under my apprenticeship, you'd get better," Kai looked at the boy while making sure to cover his slightly dubious expression with a pleasant grin.

Although the Uzumaki was of no problem and the other shinobi must have bigger fish to fry... that wouldn't mean the boy itself is free of any doubt. Maybe the Uzumaki was a spy? Else, what was he doing this far into Ame?

"Say, the three of you are orphans?" Kai questioned.

"Uh... hmm," the girl nodded as Kai looked thoughtful and stood up, "Come on, follow me. I'll bring you guys to my pops. He's an alright guy... maybe the three of you will like his jokes cause he sucks!... Don't tell him I said that." Kai added, wondering if Sakumo may just fail him in this evaluation.

"Oh, I'll tell him," Yahiko snorted while picking up the apples from the ground, and threatened, "If this is a trap, I swear I'll—"

"Relax, the first rule of stealing— thieves never target one another," Kai lied through his teeth, "We have principle."

"Besides, I'll let you three in on a secret."

Kai stopped and looked back, his gaze drifting towards the redhead for a moment, "You guys have nothing worth stealing."

"That's not true," The blue-haired girl, the length of which did not exceed the name of her neck spoke meekly, "We have a—"

"Ahh! We have nothing, Konan, remember? We have nothing!" Yahiko exclaimed as Kai rolled his eyes openly. Now THEY were the perfect target for Sakumo's dad jokes... they looked dumb enough...

"Oh, well, come on. My dad keeps on saying I have a little brother far away so maybe you guys can help him through that delusion, too."


Shoutout to Lifirion~!!

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