
Figure Of Space

You’re a naturally heroic and quick-thinking space captain flying a starship from world to world while keeping your hair groomed to perfection. It’s your duty to keep the engine running, the scotch flowing, the crew happy, and your outfit looking fabulous. There’s carnivorous flora, deceptive aliens, space anomalies, horrifying creatures, and too many arch enemies to keep track of them all! Can you survive?

Senhor_do_gamer · Geschichte
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11 Chs


You push buttons in a maniacal frenzy, letting instinct take over as you trust your fingers to save everyone on board: Joe, Samantha, your father's old war buddy Jim Bargle, and even good old Hint, the robot.

To your surprise, the ship's headlong flight stabilizes and you glide almost peacefully towards the surface of Xenphuth IV. The planet itself is far from peaceful, featuring enormous chasms, volcanoes, and what looks like fully-grown tree armies attacking one another. A place like that could do awful things to a person's hair. Not to mention the rest of them.

The ship shakes furiously and you immediately