
Fighting with Honkai : Helping Beauty from Fate's Injustice

Summary of the story A man is trapped in the void. As he thought about what had happened, he saw a ray of light (maybe a way out? I don't know). As he was thinking, a hologram appeared in front of him, informing him that he was going to another world. Although he lost his memory, but he vaguely knew that he had to save a girl, no, he would save many beautiful girls, especially those who got injustice from the world. In essence, this is the story of a bastard, ahem I mean a handsome man who changed the fate of most of the beautiful women in that world. Support the continuation of this Fanfic story at : www.patreon.com/kiriussirius _________________________________________________________________ Background This is a honkai impact 3 fanfic, but a slightly different HI3. Remember it's different, so don't complain when something is different in the original. For example, It's more like a parallel world. Where the characters are the same, but some things are different. Why do that? because I don't know the original and complete HI3 story, I only know a little from the fanfics and wikis I read. I made this for myself, this is purely because I'm traumatized by the HI3 fanfic I've read. _________________________________________________________________ If there is a language error, let me know in the comments. English is not my mother tongue. So maybe the grammar is a bit complicated or there is an error, I realize. And thanks for reminding me. _________________________________________________________________ Oh yes, the background story and pictures are not mine. This is made for entertainment only. Updates depending on ideas and busyness.

Kirius_Sirius · Videospiele
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24 Chs

Chapter 12 - Meeting Himeko-senpai?

I apologize if my English is not enough. As I said, if there is an error, please write it in the comments so I can fix it and be better at writing. Happy reading. And thanks for reminding me.


"it's an amazing academy."

I'm currently walking at Senba Academy, where my Mei is studying.

This academy is indeed extraordinary considering the various facilities that are very supportive. Hmmm… It's more accurate to say it's too supportive.

Why? I will explain briefly so listen carefully.

Senba Academy covers all levels, from pre-school education to high-tech institutions.

The pre-school academy is divided into 3 departments : elementary school, junior high school, and high school. There are also 10 universities and various research institutes.

Like a city? It's like that.

This Academy has the nickname "Academy Town" and is the center of education in Japan. It was only natural considering the vast territory of this academy.

Of course not only that. As a center of knowledge, the Academy has the best and latest equipment in the world. Although I'm still not sure when compared to the equipment in "that place".

Mei studied at Senba High School, one of the schools in this Academy.

By the way, there is a research institute of the Akahasa Family in this Academy called Massive Void (MV). I don't mean to be arrogant, but once in a while I'll come over there and take care of things. That will be my training as the new head of the family.

Well, that was actually my grandfather's instructions. (disappointed)

Hah… (sighs) The time to tease the girls is getting less and less.


Em, let's focus on something for now.

You know, I still have unanswered questions… Where is this place? where should i go?

A genius who got lost in his own Academy? Damn bullshit. I was so happy that I forgot a lot of things, including my means of communication. I also don't know the map because I want to get here quickly.

Maya might be upset right now. Ugh.

Okay okay stop thinking bad things. what should I do now?

While I was thinking, I saw a beautiful woman who was quite far from me. (my eyes are sharp to see beautiful women)

"Who's she?"

The woman I saw right now had long red hair, a tall and slim body, and dazzling sharp eyes. She wears a white suit that accentuates her body. It seduces any man.

Luckily it was covered by a black suit. The color is the same as the skirt she is wearing. Oh don't forget the glasses.

(picture here)

It makes her look like… an assistant, a principal, or a teacher?

Hmmm (thinking)..... I'll brush it all off.

Why? because she might, might just be a university student, who knows?

And seeing her different clothes I became convinced. Right, I'm sure she's a student. That's for sure, a student from the university (confident).

I guess I should get acquainted- ehem I mean ask her.

"Okay let's ask her."

Oh yeah, some might ask, am I only going to see beautiful women? Of course not.

Honestly, it's still too early. That's why I didn't see many people. Especially men.

Indeed, men are lazy creatures! (didn't realize she was one of them).

As long as I was bragging, I had already arrived in front of her.

She noticed my arrival and stopped, looked at me or maybe my eyes?

"Sorry to bother senpai, can I ask you something."

Silence for a moment.

"Ah, sorry. What did you call me?"

"Senpai?" I tilted my head, "Aren't you a student here? Sorry, is that wrong? Or should I call you miss? But you look young and beautiful. Besides that I don't know your name either."

What? Am I teasing her? Nonsense. I'm just asking. Honest.

My intentions are pure, don't tarnish it. I'm still innocent though.

IIndeed, in the end I asked her name, as if I wanted to get to know her better, but that was so that it would be easier for me to call her.

I might be wrong anyway.

It's just a possibility okay. I still believe she is a student.

If she's a student here wouldn't I have plenty of opportunities to keep flirting- ehem I mean get to know her closer? (Confess)

Uh? I mean. Em. Well we'll talk about that later. In a moment she will answer.


"Ah, no. Just call me Himeko. Right, can I help you?"

"So it's like this Himeko-senpai." (Keep calling her senpai) "I'm Riyu, a transfer student from out of town. I left my communication device behind so I don't know where it is. Now I want to go to Senba High School, do you know where it is?"

Hearing my words, Himeko-senpai only gave a small smile.

Oh... am I right, she's a student right? Hmm it seems so. nice beginning.

What? she just realized that i was teasing her? N-no way, that must be a lie.

"Ah, if you want to go to Senba High School, just walk straight there, later you will find Senba High School writing."

"So like that."

"Do you want me to walk you? After all, we are on the same path."

"Eh, may I? Isn't that annoying?"

"Our paths are in the same direction, so it's fine."

"I see... then please help senpai."

"Through this way."

She then took me to my destination. Weird, she's a bit different from what my feelings say.


A few minutes later

"It's here."

I arrived at my destination. It was only a few minutes walk and during that time we had a pretty good chat. She provided some information, and I'm very grateful to her

"Then I'll go. My place is there."

"Alright, thanks for your help Senpai."

"You're welcome."

I saw her leave.

Wait a minute, did she walk into the staff building? I-I may have seen it wrong. Ha ha. Or... maybe she's had some business with the staff there. Certainly.

Well don't think too much, come on in, maybe Mei is there. I hope so.


What do you think about the MC? Does it confuse you when he speaks?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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