
vol 1, chapter 13, Settlement matters.

My name is Joben I'm Chief advisor to my young Majesty, Jo. I take care of the minor affairs of the settlement. A few days ago his Majesty went to subjugate a goblin village and I was interested with looking after the settlement. Although thanks to his Majesty life is peaceful and happy.

The people enjoy themselves and work hard and all I do is handle any civil unrest from the occasional delinquent but many left to aid in the conquest of the goblin village. So my job is much easier and I have been dealing with setting up the administration Hall to further aid his young Majesty.

I also deal with the new residents in his Majesty's absence. Unfortunately there has been no one of great value to come. But fortunately the have brought many skills to us and we have made progress on agriculture and soon will be able to a point proper farmers.

I also have been cultivating as much as possible as I won't let that arrogant takabe ride her high horse much longer. But today is the last day of my supervision as his Majesty was victorious in his conquest. I know of this thanks to my chief advisor profession, as it looks me acquire any major news for our civilization.

But before he arrives let's look at too days new arrivals.


Joben walked out into a clearing in front of the administration Hall the building that houses there civilization core. and saw three new people one woman and two men.

The woman was tall and slim. One man was old and looked well built the other was short and didn't look to kind and they wore simple clothes.

Joben used his profession to look at the stats of the residence. unfortunately he could only see there stats and nothing more as that belongs to the owner of a civilian core or a person from the old world. But no matter as he looked over he was over come with shock as the old man was a SS rank or a legendary resident. He quickly compose himself and greeted them.

" Welcome to the land of the sun goddess. My name is Joben I'm the chef advisor. I hope you show respected for the young Majesty who watches over the land." Joben bowed and the three did the same. Joben discussed about matters of the settlement and any useful skills they could use.

The old man was a Craftsman and had made all sorts of crafts. he never specialized as he loved making things with his hands. The other two didn't have much when compared to the old man but we're tasked with jobs and went to work while the old man stayed behind and was made to wait until Jo returned.

Then Joben then walked around and looked throughout the settlement and it's development.


Jo was matching pacing himself and his men for gobgob and his envoy. But because they were the sizes of children it was slow and gobgob was old. So Jo decided that gobgob be carried for most of the journey.

From start to finish it took Jo almost two weeks to march on the goblin village, siege it down and return.

Although the goblins outnumbered Jo's forces they managed to win with no casualties on his side.

It was the first time Jo ever lead any form of group and he felt thrilled. Although Ohba did most of the work thanks to his experience.

But not only did they get a new settlement, being Conconcon village which unfortunately was down graded to a Hamlet, because it seems when conquering a settlement it gets down graded if it's below a city. but they also received (hopefully) a powerful artifact, the tablet of life and death.

This alone made the hole thing worth it, and greatly boosted morale.

Jo was hoping to learn more about the magic system of this world when he returns. As Joben should be informed thanks to the goddess Amaterasu.

After a days travel they arrived back to there settlement, which still didn't have a name. But Jo was trying to find one suitable. He could just use one that already exists, as Kyoto sounded nice.

As they arrived inside the settlement they were greeted with some new faces mixed in. 'I've been gone for days now, I wonder if any one interesting appeared.' he hoped Joben would tell him when he met up with him.

As he thought about it he could see Joben walking up to him with an old beefy guy. He decided to use his appraisal like ability on him.


Name: Kota suka

Age: 53









cultivation: 0-0

titles: Master Craftsman.

equipment: ...


'Holy crap a nother S rank that's crazy, And he has a title, no way.' Jo was genuinely surprised by the old man.

If he could have him cultivate and reach first stage he would be the highest rank possible.

"greetings Suka I'm the young Majesty of this Settlement" Jo bowed, and Suka return to the bow.

Jo then began discussing with Joben about the status of the settlement. And it seems production slowed down as majority of the residents went in the subjugation campaign.

Jo expected this but didn't worry because nobody on his side died, and instead brought new residents, that being gobgob and his associates.

Speaking of which, Jo included him in there discussion and they went inside the main hall. The old man was told he could do what ever he wanted as long as it didn't violate any of the rules.

Now that they were inside they began talking about the new goblin settlement and what to do with it. "I think we should leave them be for the most part as the settlement doesn't give us much value right now." Joben had experience in this and tended to know best about these things.

"True but I think we should established some kind of trade to help boost both the goblin settlement after the devastation we caused to them. And gain resources we don't have here." Jo understood Joben but he wanted to start trade.

Joben looked at Jo seriously. "And what do they have that we don't." This made Jo smile as he said " Manpower the goblins reproduce quickly but live very short life spans no more than 30 years and gobgob is 35 thanks to the fact he is at stage one cultivation." Jobens eyes bulged as he couldn't believe it.

"Next is the fact that goblins can track animals better than humans as they have a Superior sense of smell. I've wanted to catch some animals to domestic and rear for meat. And unfortunately goblins are pure carnivores and can't live off of grains like we can, so having them raise their own food and give us the surplus in exchange for our surplus of goods and animal feed might be what they need." Joben looked serious and began to think more about the plan.

But Jo continued "I also talked with gobgob about any other known tribes or villages, and it seems that a group of gnomes are constantly terrorizing them, but thanks to the goblins numbers they were never a threat to them. but now."

"Now they are weakened." Joben looked concerned after hearing the news.

"Yes, but Ohba is there and I've sent word to supply him with weapons and supplies, and soon we will subjugate the gnomes, As gobgob also informed me that they two own a civilization core and they possess a fortress much stronger then there own." Jo said

Joben was in deep thought. "How strong is this fortress."

"It has walls, but they are slightly taller than our men as gnomes are smaller than a goblin." Jo was pretty surprised when he heard about the fact that a nother civilization core was so close. "It's about less than a days travel from the goblin village."

Jo and Joben continued discussing and gobgob entered after a while. they cooked up a plan that made all of them smile wickedly.

sorry about not uploading the story for a while please forgive me. Although I've been thinking about setting up discord but don't know how. So if anyone is interested please comment down below.

Wysabe_Wysabecreators' thoughts