
vol 1, chapter 12,the goblin village part 2

Jo and his men had armed them selves and marched towards the goblin village. As they arrived they were greeted with a poor sight, the camps that dotted the out side of the village were mostly gone and looked worst then most slums and any goblins that did remain huddled together in small groups. Most likely for safety but no matter this little skirmish was to test the goblins to see if there were any trump cards left that they would use.

The goblins saw Jo and his group of men but instead of running at them or way from them they just looked and seemed to expect there fate. Jo wasn't heartless and seeing there life less faces made his gut hurt. Not being cooled or use to seeing these kinds of things made it tough, especially for some one that was born and raised in a relatively peaceful world.

Jo didn't want to slaughter the goblins but have them surrender under him. But that required determination, so he breathed slowly and deeply and resolved himself to the task.

He marched into what remained of the camps and had his men ready there Bell hooks and Spears. but before he ordered them for the attack he spoke to the goblins even though they most likely didn't know his language.

"I give you a choice, raise up your hand and bow before me and recognize me as your ruler or die." Jo had given the order to kill before he was able to that but seeing the depressed state of the goblins tugged at his heartstrings a little. So he gave the remaining goblins in the camps a chance to live.

As if completely understanding his words the goblins raised there hand and bowed down and began giving grunts and clicks. but Jo somehow understood them. It was like he was hearing some kind of voice not from their mouths but from something deeper inside them. It reminded him of telepathy.

Hearing telepathy for the first time made Jo greatly uncomfortable it was just so different from hearing peoples voices normally, that it gave him Goosebumps.

But sense they kept their end of the bargain. he kept his. He ordered his men to prepare to have the goblins moved to the camp. And although they surrendered they couldn't be trusted so he sent a messenger ahead to make rope bindings to tie up there captives. Although he would treat them fairly, the trust was not there yet.

So Jo and his men escourted there prisoners to a location away from the camp. The mystic world was to unknown these captives could be used to find there Base and the goblins could attack them in there sleep. Joe needed to be cautious.

Once they were away he sent another messenger to move camp and he would meet them there. After awhile the messenger came back and had him guide jo to the new location.

Once they were at the new camp sight Jo discussed with Ohba about the new captives. "We don't have much need for captives they will just end up costing us more food, we could make them slaves but they aren't good for carrying equipment, or food. They could be useful in other professions such as a servant or some kind of labor but we don't need them necessarily we should just kill them." Ohba gave an honest answer and looking at it from his perspective they were just costing them.

"There not completely useless as we could use them to communicate with the goblins and have a formal surrender." After they manage to capture the goblin village they would have two civilization cores and they might get bonuses for doing it. Either way he was fine having them or not.

"True but you're the only one that can understand then but I shall follow your orders no matter what." Ohba bowed deeply.

They discussed the best way to take the village. Ohba being a general with battle experience gave Jo insight and knowledge on sieging simple Settlements. The village didn't even have a wall around it or any visible defenses, but that throne gave Jo the goosebumps. He felt it probably had some kind of AOE ability, but jo didn't have any evidence for his claim.

At the end of the meeting Jo and Ohba agreed on attacking from the side in the early morning when the send out there hunting parties.

They prepared their equipment and gear and weighted until sunrise and Jo's full army began to march. they made it to the village and they stopped just out side the camps.

Jo had one of the goblin captives shout out Jo's declaration and demands. Which were along the lines of surrender and survive or fight and die. Jo was hoping for a smooth surrender.

They then began hearing a commotion and saw goblins scrambling to gather at the largest structure in the village. Jo weighted until he would receive a response of some kind. Soon a group of goblins gathered and headed twords them Ohba had his men prepare.

The group was made up of six goblins and in the center was a elder looking goblin holding on to a walking stick. They stopped at the edge of the village and began shouting at Jo and his men. And thanks to the goblin translator Jo was able to understand them.

Jo was using the goblin translator to communicate with there elder and managed to agree on the goblins surrender. Jo had Ohba and his men march into the village but to be on the safe side Jo ordered Ohba to be on his guard. They walked up to the throne and Jo touched the core and received a notification.

{Ding}{you have made contact with the civilization core of Conconconcon village a goblin civilization would you like to conquer this village.


The interface looked a little different than last time but Jo said yes.

{Ding}{Would you like to vassalize The Conconcon village into your civilization or make them your tributary,}

We'll this is new but Jo didn't know enough to understand, so he went with the first option.


{Ding}{Conconcon village is added to the civilization manager. Congratulations you have unlocked the civilization manager.}

Jo looked dumbly that's the notification and decided to look through the civilization manager and saw the name of his settlement and this one. he went into Conconcon village and saw all the residents, ' Holly crap they only have 20 residence there not really a village any more.' he continued to look through the menu and saw something interesting, (Throne for a goblin king) Description • A throne made for a goblin king prepared for the goblin gept gob the elder as he was entering the first stage of Ascension.

Jo was confused 'stage of a Ascension is that cultivation' Jo ordered to find gept and the elder that greeted them was gept. "how my I be of service to you your Majesty"

"what is this throne for getp and was is Ascension." Jo still felt an ominous presence from the thing and hoped it wasn't a potential threat.

"Your Majesty the throne was made for me for when I become a goblin ruler of our civilization. and Ascension was taught to me by my ancestors from construction of a tablet when I was possessed by a fey mood."

Jo was even more confused, maybe the gods did some stuff to help the natural residence of the mystic world to cultivate. It's not to far-fetched since he will receive a cultivation technique once he reaches the first stage.

"What is this tablet bring it to me" when Jo said that gatp face distorted

"your Majesty this tablet is a secret even amongst our people. As it contains the secret to life and death so I warn you if you read it your my be changed by it." gatp gave a very serious goblin face.

Jo ordered the tablet be retrieved and handed to him. And after a short while gatp and some other goblins came with a rapt item. Jo retrieved it and saw the tablet. he then tried to inspect it like he would do on a person.

{Ding}{You have found a price less treasure a table that contains the secret to life and death. reading this will allow you and others to acquire a second profession called Necromancer or any of the sub professions and their skills.

would you like to acquire necromancer or any of it's sup professions as your second class ( warning you can only have one second class at a time this will override any current second class profession you have.)


Jo was flabbergasted at such a discovery not only is this a powerful item but the magic system just keeps expanding. Jo would spend as much time as possible to look over everything when he gets back to the settlement.

"gept I see why you were reluctant to give this to me, I assume that you have already acquired everything on it."

"Yes your Majesty I I'm a necromancer how ever my power is weak as I've spent everything on this throne and now it's a piece of Rock. I will never sit on it."

So it seemed the reason they didn't attack was because they were to preoccupied with the consideration of there throne and we're ill prepared for our attacks and tried to use there numbers as an advantage.

"Just what is this thing made of." no matter how he looked at it the throne felt to ominous for any one to approach.

"We were trying to create a guardian spirit by using soul fragments gathered from sacrifices."

Jo's brain stopped slightly. 'What soul fragments is this a new resource or something and sacrifices they are primitive.'

Jo facepalm himself. he pondered and decided to take the tablet back to the settlement along with gept to help keep the new village in check and sense it was a day and a half by foot south from his settlement he decided to not use the new relocate settlement feature he found, as a road would shorten the time.

He than began the march home but kept Ohba and some men there to help and keep the peace there as they basically lost 80% or more of their population, But there were so many things on his mind.